

The Theoretical Research on Swimming Regimen

【作者】 陈永兵

【导师】 刘明辉;

【作者基本信息】 集美大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 游泳运动在当代迅速发展,将是21世纪人类的首选运动项目。养生是中国传统文化的特色,各个时代的养生家以阴阳学说等为基础对养生进行了深入的研究;在游泳运动高速发展的今天,本文对游泳养生理论进行了深入探讨。游泳是一种与生俱来的本能活动,由于婴儿出生之前是在水中度过的,游泳对其有着特殊的意义,甚至可以拯救生命。游泳锻炼不但有助于机体阴阳的动态平衡,有助于气血的运行,而且对保持良好心理状态具有重要作用;并且,本文将综合运用养生理论指导不同体质人群的游泳锻炼。第一、阴阳学说的更是被科学家认为是现代科学无法取代的唯一古代科学,阴阳的动态平衡对人体的具有重要作用。本文重点阐述阴阳平和质、阴弱质、阳弱质、湿热质等人群的养生。第二、气血运行的观点已经被现代科学所证实,并逐渐深入到微观领域。重点阐述气虚质、气郁质、血瘀质等体质人群的养生。第三、中国传统养生将心理养生放在重要的地位,而现代心理养生观将其作为养生的基础,重点阐述心理状态不佳人群的养生。最后,结合痰湿体质人群体形偏胖的特点,指出这类人群养生要注意体重的控制,在游泳锻炼时要把减肥放在重要位置。本研究运用养生理论对游泳养生进行创造性的阐述,为游泳养生理论进一步发展提供有意义的借鉴;有助于人们科学的理解游泳的养生意义,使其成为指导不同体质人群游泳锻炼的一个重要的理论依据。

【Abstract】 Swimming development rapidly at the present times will be the first choice of sports of mankind in the 21st century.Regimen is the Chinese traditional culture, the ages of Regimen home have done regimen theory to further research based on Yin and Yang; today Swimming in the high-speed development, and this article discussed deeply of swimming regimen theory.Swimming is a kind of innate instinct activity; because babies were born in the water .swimming for them has the special significance, even can save lives.Swimming training not only helps the body to the dynamic balance of Yin and Yang, in motion to qi and blood, but to keep the good mental state has a important role; And, this paper will give a guidance in comprehensive health theoretical to different physical crowd on swimming training.First, the yin-yang theory is regarded by scientists as the only ancient science cannot replaced by modern science, the dynamic balance of Yin and Yang had the important role to human body. State on weak of Yin, balance in Yin and Yang, hot and humid, weak of Yang qualitative’s regimen.Second, qi and blood operation point of view has been confirmed by modern science, and gradually into the micro field. with some emphasis about the regimen of qi deficiency qualitative, qi depression qualitative, blood stasis qualitative and so on.Third, China traditional regimen takes psychology health as important role. And modern regimen see psychology health as the base, this paper focuses on the people of poor psychological state.Finally, combined with phlegm wet physical people being the characteristics of overweight , and points out that this kind of crowd regimen should pay attention to the control of body weight, taking lose weight as an important position when swimming.This research use health theory on swimming for creative elaboration, for further development of swimming regimen theory provide a meaningful reference; give people help to understanding swimming regimen scientifically , move it as a important theoretical basis which guide different constitutional type crowd.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 集美大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

