

Studies on the Circulating Water Treatment Technique and Cultural Effect for Eel Cultivation

【作者】 张哲

【导师】 关瑞章;

【作者基本信息】 集美大学 , 水产养殖, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来随着水环境的污染加剧,传统的依靠好水源养殖鳗鲡的方式受到了极大的挑战,这就使得发展循环水养殖模式意义特别重大。本课题组自行设计建立简易的鳗鲡循环水养殖系统,本系统包括A、B两套不同污水处理工艺流程:两套污水处理面积分别为302.86 m2和196.17 m2,A套处理工艺流程为养殖污水依次流经下行生物膜池、上行生物膜池、下行牡蛎壳池和上行牡蛎壳池进行生物和物理净化处理;B套为养殖污水仅流经下行牡蛎壳池和上行牡蛎壳池净化处理,然后通过曝气流入养殖池循环利用。本论文主要围绕两套处理工艺开展试验,研究A套不同日处理污水量及其处理效果、比较A、B两套处理效果的差异、比较A套的聚酰胺丝和B套的牡蛎壳两种填料的处理性能,同时研究了循环水养殖中采用不同增氧设备的增氧效果以及池塘精养模式与循环水养殖模式的鳗鲡养殖效果,结果如下。1.A套的污水处理效果。在三种不同污水日处理量下,生物膜池和牡蛎壳池的串联模式对养殖污水的处理具有显著的效果。日处理量为672 m3时,A套处理池对TAN(氨氮)、NO2--N、浊度的平均去除率分别为86.53±2.03 %、95.32±1.54 %、90.5±2.4 %,进水pH为7.39,出水pH为8.56。日处理量为846 m3时,对TAN、NO2--N、浊度平均去除率分别为82.3±3.83 %、94.2±1.34 %、91.5±2.6 %,进水pH为7.39,出水pH为8.26;日处理量为1560 m3时,对TAN、NO2--N、浊度平均去除率为58.25±8.88 %、86.92±1.51 %、88.9±3.5 %,进水pH为7.53,出水pH为8.05。随着日处理量的增大,系统的去除率降低,但出水水质均符合《渔业水质标准》。2.比较研究A、B两套处理工艺对污水处理的效果。结果显示,日处理量为432m3/d条件下,A套和B套处理池出水pH均升高,进水pH为7.36,出水pH分别升高到8.65和8.87。进水DO(溶解氧)为8.89±0.93 mg/L,出水DO分别为9.34±0.69 mg/L和8.28±0.75 mg/L。A套和B套处理池对浊度的去除率分别达到94.54±2.43 %和91.73±3.94 %。对氨氮的单位面积去除量分别为1325.13±171.49 mg/(m2·d)和1838.81±269.16 mg/(m2·d),单位面积去除量两者具有显著性差异(P < 0.05)。对亚硝酸盐氮的单位面积去除量分别为687.53±91.66 mg/(m2·d)和678.27±122.74 mg/(m2·d),单位面积去除量两者没有显著性差异(P > 0.05)。3.比较A套处理池中聚酰胺弹性填料和B套处理池中牡蛎壳填料在不同污水日处理量下的处理效果。在对比试验中,日处理量为432 m3/d时,聚酰胺弹性填料和牡蛎壳填料对氨氮的单位面积去除量分别2238.63±168.83 mg/(m2·d)和1625.94±181.28 mg/(m2·d);对亚硝酸盐氮的去除量分别1142.64±317.29 mg/(m2·d)和862.52±236.12 mg/(m2·d);对活性磷的去除量分别为1347.84±535.17 mg/(m2·d)和1548.86±491.76 mg/(m2·d);对CODcr的去除量分别为91597.36±8262.62 mg/(m2·d)和68157.21±7415.47 mg/(m2·d)。日处理量提升至672 m3/d时,聚酰胺弹性填料和牡蛎壳填料对氨氮的单位面积去除量分别2217.64±878.19 mg/(m2·d)和1486.47±664.19 mg/(m2·d);对亚硝酸盐氮的去除量分别为937.43±147.19 mg/(m2·d)和611.10±95.78 mg/(m2·d);对活性磷的去除量分别为923.44±233.00 mg/(m2·d)和1607.59±300.34 mg/(m2·d);对CODcr的去除量分别为73734.93±3934.23 mg/(m2·d)和55935.16±2050.11 mg/(m2·d)。4.应用A套循环水养殖模式与传统池塘精养模式的比较。结果显示采用室内循环水养殖模式的美洲鳗鲡生长率达56.9 %,饲料转化率达60.6 %,存活率为99.9 %,采用传统池塘精养模式的美洲鳗鲡生长率为25.0 %,饲料转化率为56.5 %,存活率为97.6 %,而且循环水养殖模式下,TAN质量浓度为0.61±0.31 mg/L,NO2--N质量浓度为0.15±0.10 mg/L,DO浓度为5.46±0.56 mg/L,pH为7.36±0.26,池塘精养模式下,TAN质量浓度为0.84±0.15 mg/L,NO2--N质量浓度为0.11±0.06 mg/L,DO浓度为6.08±0.60 mg/L,pH为7.53±0.06,均符合鳗鲡生长的水质要求。在节能减排方面,循环水养殖模式单位养殖面积可节约电能约10.2 %以上,养殖污水重复利用率为83.7 %,具有较好的经济效益和生态效益。5.应用微孔曝气增氧与水车式增氧机两种方式的增氧效果的比较。在鳗鲡循环水养殖中,未载鱼情况下,两种增氧方式的增氧能力具有极显著性差异(P < 0.01),微孔曝气增氧方式比水车式增氧机的单位水体增氧能力提高了15.85 %,增氧动力效率是水车式增氧机的2.36倍。在载鱼养殖情况下,使用微孔曝气增氧的试验池表层水的平均溶氧值为5.81±0.14 mg/L,而使用水车式增氧机的表层平均溶解氧值为6.39±0.25 mg/L,前者显著低于后者(P < 0.05),但底层水的溶解氧两者分别为5.74±0.14 mg/L和5.75±0.26 mg/L,两者没有显著差异(P > 0.05)。微孔曝气增氧方式单位养殖水体的用电量比水车式增氧机节省57.6 %,且无安全隐患。由于微孔曝气增氧池水的流动性小,鳗鲡活动消耗的能量减少,且水温较高,摄食量增大。因此,使用微孔曝气增氧方式的鳗鲡养殖效果较好。A套处理池在三种污水日处理量下,出水水质稳定,且符合鳗鲡生长的水质要求,能够在日常生产中应用。A、B两套处理池对各项水质指标的质量浓度处理效果明显,出水pH均有升高现象,其中B套对浊度和亚硝酸盐氮的单位面积去除量与A套相当,且B套结构简易,处理成本低。A、B套中两种填料的处理性能差异显著,聚酰胺填料因其比表面积大,对氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮和CODcr的去除效果较好,但对活性磷和浊度的去除不及牡蛎壳填料,另外,B套为新建处理池,整体生物附着量较少,处理效果还需进一步研究,因此,在生产中牡蛎壳填料具有更高的性价比。应用A套系统的循环水养殖模式的养殖效果显著好于池塘精养模式。在鳗鲡循环水养殖池中采用微孔曝气增氧方式的增氧效果明显优于水车式增氧机,具有运行安全、节约电能等优点。

【Abstract】 In recent years, due to water pollution, the traditional way of eel culture by replacing large quantity of clean fresh water faces great challenges. This makes the development of adopting circulating water system for eel culture to be of great significance. Two sets of different aquaculture sewage treatments (A set and B set) in a circulating water system have been designed and practiced in eel culture. The areas of A set and B set were 302.86 m2 and 196.17 m2 respectively. The sewage from eel farming pond in A set was treated in order of descending polyamide yarn pool, uplink polyamide yarn pool, descending and uplink oyster shell pools. The sewage in B set was treated only by descending and uplink oyster shell pools. After treatment, water was reused for eel culture. The present research was mainly involved in the efficency of the two sets of sewage treatment. A study was carried out in A set on different daily treating sewage quantities to evaluate its efficiency. The treatment effect was also compared between A set and B set, and between polyamide yarn in A set and oyster shells in B set. Aerobic effect was evaluated by using different equipment in eel ponds. The culture effect was compared between the traditional way and circulating water aquiculture model. The results are as follows.1.Sewage treatment effect of A set. When daily treating sewage of 672m3 in A set, the removal efficiencies of TAN(tatol ammonia nitrogen),NO2--N and turbidity were 86.53±2.03%,95.32±1.54% and 90.5±2.4% respectively; the pH value was 7.39 in influent, and increased to 8.56 in effluent. When daily treating sewage of 846 m3, the removal efficiencies of TAN,NO2--N and turbidity were 82.3±3.83 %,94.2±1.34 % and 91.5±2.6%; the pH value increased from 7.39 in influent to 8.26 in effluent. When treating sewage of 1560 m3, the removal efficiencies of TAN,NO2--N and turbidity were 58.25±8.88 %,86.92±1.51 % and 88.9±3.5%; the pH value increased from 7.53 in influent to 8.05 in effluent. The results indicated that the removal efficency decreased with the increasing of the treating quantity,but the effluent water complied with the water quality standard of fishery.2.Comparative study on the sewage treatment effect between A set and B set. When daily treating sewage of 432 m3, the pH values in A set and B set rised from 7.36±0.07 in influent to 8.65 and 8.87 in effluent respectively. The DO(dissolved oxygen) in both sets was 8.89±0.93mg/L in influent, then were 9.34±0.69mg/L and 8.28±0.75 mg/L in effluent respectively. The average turbidity removal efficiencies in A set and B set were 94.54±2.43% and 91.73±3.94% respectively. The TAN removal quantities per unit area in A set and B set were 1325.13±171.49 mg/(m2·d) and 1838.81±269.16 mg/(m2·d), the former significantly lower than the latter (P < 0.05). The NO2--N removal quantity per unit area was 687.53±91.66 mg/(m2·d) and 678.27±122.74 mg/(m2·d) respectively, both had no significant difference (P > 0.05).3.Comparison of the treatment effects between the polyamide elastic packing in A set and the oyster shells packing in B set. When daily treating sewage of 432 m3, the removal quantities per unit area of TAN by polyamide elastic and oyster shells were 2238.63±168.83 mg/m2·d and 1625.94±181.28 mg/m2·d respectively; the nitrite nitrogen were 1142.64±317.29 mg/m2·d and 862.52±236.12 mg/m2·d; the activity phosphorus were 1347.84±535.17 mg/m2·d and 1548.86±491.76 mg/m2·d. The CODcr were 91597.36±8262.62 mg/m2·d and 68157.21±7415.47 mg/m2·d. When daily treating swage of 672 m3, the removal quantity per unit area of ammonia nitrogen by polyamide elastic and oyster shells were 2217.64±878.19 mg/m2·d or 1486.47±664.19 mg/m2·d; the nitrite nitrogen were 937.43±147.19 mg/m2·d and 611.10±95.78 mg/m2·d; the removal quantity of activity phosphorus were 923.44±233.00 mg/m2·d and 1607.59±300.34 mg/m2·d; the CODcr were 73734.93±3934.23 mg/m2·d and 55935.16±2050.11 mg/m2·d.4.The comparison of culture effects between circulating water aquaculture mode in A set and traditional way. The results showed that the growth rate of Auguilla rostrata in the circulating water model was 56.9%, feed conversion rate was 60.6%, and the survival rate was 99.9%, while the growth rate of Anguilla rostrata in the traditional way was 25.0%, the feed conversion rate was 56.5%, and the survival rate was 97.6%, In the circulating water model, the TAN concentration was 0.61±0.31 mg/L, NO2--N was 0.15±0.10 mg/L, the DO was 5.46±0.56 mg/L, pH was 7.36±0.26. while in traditional way, the TAN concentration was 0.84±0.15 mg/L, NO2--N was 0.11±0.06 mg/L, DO was 6.08±0.60mg/L, pH was 7.53±0.06. In energy conservation and emission reduction, the circulating water model could save more than 10.2% energy than traditional way and reuse 83.7% of discharged water.5.The comparison on the increasing oxygen by application of micropore aerators and waterwheel aerators in eel ponds. The results showed that there was significant difference in the aeration efficiency between the ways of aeration under unloading fish(P < 0.01). The aeration capacity of the micropore aerator was 15.85% higher than that of the waterwheel aerator, and the aeration efficiency of the former was 2.36 time as that of the latter. But under the case of loading fish, the average dissolved oxygen of surface water by the former was 5.81±0.14 mg/L, and that of the latter was 6.39±0.25mg/L; the dissolved oxygen of bottom water were 5.74±0.14 mg/L by the former and 5.75±0.26 mg/L by the latter. Using micropore aerator can save 57.6% electricity and was much safer than using waterwheel aerator. The eel grew much faster by the former than the latter.The effluent water from circulating water system was stability, and conform to the requirements for quality of the eel growth. The pH of effluent water rised obviously in both A set and B set. The removal effects of turbidity and nitrite nitrogen in B set were close to those of A set, and because of simple structure and low cost, B set had better application prospect. The treatment effect of polyamide elastic packing in A set and oyster shells packing in B had significant difference. The polyamide had better effect in the removal of ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen and CODcr because of its large surface area than the packing of oyster shells, but the removal effects of active phosphorus and turbidity of the polyamide were lower than those of oyster shells. It must be point out that the B set was new constructed, and there was less little biomass on the packing which might effect the treatment effect and need further study. In circulating water model in A set, the growth rate, feed conversion rate, survival rate and the cultivation effect were higher than those in traditional way. In comparison with waterwheel aerator, the way of microporous aeration achieved better cultural effect, and was more safety and energy saving.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 集美大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

