

Research on the Situation of Training, Problems and Countermeasures of Competitive Beach Volleyball Athletes in China

【作者】 王振霞

【导师】 陈少坚;

【作者基本信息】 集美大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 以2008至2010年我国竞技沙滩排球的重大赛事、2010年全国沙滩排球锦标赛(厦门站)的教练员、裁判员、运动员及相关的领导与组织者若干代表队、我国各竞技沙滩排球代表队及现行培养状况为研究对象,采用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法等对我国竞技沙滩排球运动员培养的现状、存在的问题进行全面的了解,并提出了相应的对策。根据对竞技沙滩排球教练员、裁判员、运动员、专家调查的结果发现:近年来,我国竞技沙滩排球取得了优异成绩,得到国际沙滩排球界的瞩目,但并不能掩盖我国竞技沙滩排球运动员培养中的起步晚、基础还不坚实等问题。被调查的竞技沙滩排球教练员工作时间较长、工作环境恶劣、有丰富的执教经历和执教经验,但“近亲繁殖现象”较为严重。我国竞技沙滩排球裁判员年龄结构合理,多为高校体育教师,执法水平较高。我国竞技沙滩排球运动员很大程度上是通过室内排球接触竞技沙滩排球的,在训练时与教练员的合作关系较为民主,比赛的次数能满足培养的需要,但是出现比赛档组别划分比较粗,较长的训练时间使得运动员文化知识的学习不足.同时,竞技沙滩排球运动员的培养受政治、经济和训练条件等各方面的影响。针对竞技沙滩排球运动员培养中存在的问题,提出了竞技沙滩排球运动员的选材要早期专项化、细化竞技沙滩排球运动档组别,把赛点迁到闹区、文化知识的学习采取“分层教育”、创设良好氛围、加强与教育系统的合作、加强科医人员的配备,增添科医人员的工作内容、完善竞技沙滩排球队领队岗位的确立、提高我国竞技沙滩排球教练员待遇,建立健全奖励机制、为竞技沙滩排球运动员配备心理教师、争取社会各界的支持、增加竞技沙滩排球运动员经费来源等建议。总之,我国竞技沙滩排球运动员的培养是一项系统的工程,要根据我国文化传统与体育价值取向,选择合理的培养方式进行培养

【Abstract】 On the study of major competitive beach volleyball competitions from 2008 to 2010, and the coaches and referees, athletes and related leaders and organizers of National Beach Volleyball Championships(Xiamen station, 2010), and training situation of several china’s competitive beach volleyball teams. With literature document, questionnaire and mathematical statistics this paper studies on Situation of athletes training of competitive beach volleyball and existent problems so as to propose corresponding countermeasuresAccording to surveys on the athletic beach volleyball coaches, athletes and experts the result exhibits: China’s competitive beach volleyball made outstanding achievements which attracted attention of international beach volleyball field,however, we cannot overlook the enduring problems as“late start”and foundation unsound of china’s competitive beach volleyball.The coaches in the interview whose working time is long , working conditions is hard, and who have coaching experience, however, there is serious problem as“close breeding”in China’s competitive beach volleyball. The referees’age structure is reasonable and most of them are universities physical teachers have law enforcement of high level. Most of China’s competitive beach volleyball players stem from indoor volleyball whose cooperation with the coaches in training is democratic and match experience is enough for athletes training. Otherwise, age group division is obscure and the long training makes athletes’culture knowledge learning inadequate. Meanwhile, factors as politic, economy, and training facilities influence the cultivation of competitive beach volleyball players.Aimed at the existent problems for the training of competitive beach volleyball players, this paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures. For examples: talent selection, detailing age divisions, moving match spot to downtown, cultural knowledge“Stratification education”, atmosphere creating, cooperation with educational system, strengthening medical personnel allocation and job quality, improving Manager position of competitive beach volleyball, raising coaches’treatment, building up reward systems, Psychologist allocation for players, rallying support from all walks of society, increasing financial support and so on.In short,China’s competitive beach volleyball players cultivation is a system programme,we have to choose reasonable cultivation method according to our cultural tradition and sports value orientation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 集美大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】G842
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】139

