

The Clinical Study on Treatment of Wind-Heat Urticaria with Jie Fang Granules

【作者】 芦然

【导师】 马林;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江省中医研究院 , 中西医结合临床, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:本课题以风热型荨麻疹患者为研究对象,采用芥防颗粒剂,对风热型荨麻疹患者的皮损单项症状瘙痒程度、风团大小、风团数量及风团持续时间的变化进行临床研究,评价芥防颗粒剂治疗风热型荨麻疹的临床疗效及安全性,为进一步开发中药新药提供科学的临床数据。方法:按病人就诊序号随机分为试验组和对照组,共观察60例,其中芥防颗粒剂组30例,荨麻疹丸组30例。治疗方法:芥防颗粒剂,水冲服,日二次;荨麻疹丸,每次10g,日二次,口服。以上两组均以7天为一个疗程,4个疗程后评定疗效。在治疗期间均忌辛辣、酒及鱼虾海物等。各项统计均用SPSS13.0统计学软件包进行处理,实验数据用均值±标准差( x±s ),计数资料用X2检验,计量资料用t检验,多组间资料分析用方差分析,以P<0.05为有统计学意义。结果:经比较,两组病例性别、年龄分布均衡,具可比性。两组近期临床疗效无显著性差异(P>0.05);对痊愈病例进行复发率比较,经统计学分析,芥防颗粒剂组的复发率明显低于荨麻疹丸组(P<0.05);痊愈至复发相隔时间比较,芥防颗粒剂组显著长于荨麻疹丸组(P<0.01)。这表明,芥防颗粒剂治疗慢性荨麻疹具有与荨麻疹丸相似的近期疗效,同时可显著地降低复发率和延长再次复发的相隔时间。结论:芥防颗粒剂对风热型荨麻疹有显著疗效,能明显减轻患者的瘙痒、风团数量及风团大小皮损指标,并能显著降低风热型荨麻疹的复发率;芥防颗粒剂治疗风热型荨麻疹安全有效,无明显不良反应。

【Abstract】 Objective:This subject is in the patients of wind-heat urticaria . Cure the patients of wind-heat urticaria with jie fang granules according to urticaria skin lesions ,single symptoms of intense level, size of the ball, the number , the changes of the duration to assess clinical research.Evaluate jie fang granules the clinical effect and security in wind-heat urticaria, for the further development of herbal medicine for the clinical dataMethods:Patients randomly divided into test group and control group in 60 cases, of which is 30 patients of jie fang granules and 30 patients of urticaria pill . treatment means jie fang granules , the water twice every day; urticaria pill, two times 10g oral every day. the two groups to seven days constitute a course of treatment, the four of the assessment. in effect during the treatment are jealous, spicy or wine and sea animals, etc. the statistics are counted with spss13.0 package. The experimental data use mean±standard deviation ( x±s), counting in x2 testing measurement data and information t examine several groups with the variance analysiss to p < 0.05 for statistics.Result:By comparison, comparability is in the two groups of cases of a balanced gender, age. the two groups of the last phase of the clinical effect is significant gender difference (p> 0.05); to recover the case for a relapse rate,.the statistical analysis refer to jie fang granules group of a lower rate than urticaria pills group (p < 0.05); recovery from time to recur, group of jie fang granules significantly longer than urticaria pills group (p < 0.01). this shows that jie fang granules treat chronic statue with urticaria pills similar in effect. It can significantly reduce the relapse rate and the recurring time again.Conclusion:jie fang granules cure wind-heat urticaria in sigificant effect.It could relieve the patient’s intense, the number and size of the regiment in index point of skin lesions , reduceing relapse rate of wind-heat urticaria remarkable . Treatment of jie fang granules in wind-heat urticaria is security effective,without reaction.

【关键词】 芥防颗粒剂风热型荨麻疹
【Key words】 jie fang granuleswind-heaturticaria

