

Devout Belief, Doubt and Reconstruction: On "The Strong" Consciousness of Dreiser’s Novels

【作者】 杨奇

【导师】 武跃速;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 西奥多·德莱塞是19世纪末20世纪初美国著名的批判现实主义作家,其小说一向以粗犷、率真的现实批判与富有人道主义温情而著称。德莱塞深受社会进化论思想的影响,认为“生活只奖励强者”,因此在其创作中,以宏阔的审美视野关注着一个资本垄断时代许多非凡人物的非凡生活。本论文试图立足作家的创作整体和思想变化,通过《“天才”》和“欲望三部曲”(《金融家》、《巨人》、《斯多噶》)中的“强者”式人物的分析,来形象地展现作家渗透在作品中的“强者”意识。并且,希望能凭借对作家思想中价值取向上的变动轨迹的梳理,进而挖掘出德莱塞对于“人之为人”的追问。本论文共分为四章:第一章结合德莱塞的人生经历,分析其“强者”意识出现的内在动因,并通过系统地整理德莱塞年轻时所接受的斯宾塞、尼采、穆勒等人的“强力”学说,来探究其早期“强者”思想“以进化论为基点”、“以权力意志为基准”、“以实证主义为基调”的理论内核,并指出其思想上所蕴藏着“以享受生活为奋斗目标”的价值取向的局限性。第二章从德莱塞的作品入手,通过对《“天才”》中画家尤金和“欲望三部曲”之一的《金融家》中青年金融家考珀伍德这两类人物的天赋秉性、成长心理、奋斗目的等的比较对照,说明德莱塞所钟情的“强者”是一些具备“坚韧不屈、永不言败”品质的人物,同时试图指出这些人物身上个人主义和物质主义价值观念的混合性,而这也恰恰表现出作家早期思想的特征。第三章通过对“欲望三部曲”之二的《巨人》的考察,来表达中年的德莱塞对于早期“强者”所秉持的价值取向的质疑和批判,并结合作家其后近二十年的创作历程,指出作家对新“强者”的不懈追寻和对旧“强者”的不断反思。第四章通过“欲望三部曲”之三的《斯多噶》中的女主人公白丽莱茜被赋予的理想化程度的分析,论述老年德莱塞在多年的思想追寻中已然重构了新的“强者”思想,即“克己求存、大爱无疆”,并试图指出这种价值取向之于人类存在的重大启示。

【Abstract】 Theodore Dreiser lives at the turn of the 20th century, renowned as a critical realism writer. His novels are characterized by sweet humanitarianism in description and condemnation with rough, realistic style. However, Dreiser is also deep influenced by thought of social evolution. He believes God helps those who help themselves. With hopes of displaying vividly the transition of“The Strong”consciousness, this thesis at hand centers around the analysis of the leading characters in four of Theodore Dreiser’s novels: The Genius and Trilogy of Desire (The Financier, The Titan, The "Genius", The Stoic). Moreover, through the reflection and reconsideration on this transition, hopefully this research will clarify the change of positive values so as to unveil his detailed inquiry on“Everybody for Himself.”This thesis consists of four chapters: This first chapter will touch upon the early life, era and experience of Theodore Dreiser, and explore the sources of his“The Strong”consciousness from within. As well, the education and experience he got as a young man will be analyzed in a systematic way to explain the subjective, objective reasons as well as the limitations of his“The Strong”consciousness. The second chapter will conduct a comparative study on talents, characters, growing up and experience of Eugene, a painter in The Genius, and Cowperwood, a young financier in The Financier. Through this in-depth analysis, the second chapter intends to elaborate on what was Dreiser’s perception of“The Strong”at a young age. The third chapter focuses on the plots of The Titan, the second novel of Dreiser’s Trilogy of Desire. Directed by the plots, this chapter will discuss in detail Cowperwood’s changes of mind, the following actions and their consequences after he is released from jail. For sure, this analysis will help us get a sense of Dreiser’s doubt over the values of“The Strong”and be likely to give us a clear idea that how he wandered but consistently searched for his new idea of“The Strong”in the flowing 20 years. The fourth chapter will involve the last novel, The Stoic, which is also the third part of Trilogy of Desire. Importance will be attached to the analysis of the idealization level of the leading female character, Berenice in order to prove that Dreiser has already reconstructed his idea of“The Strong”. Also, this chapter will go through his changes of ideas in the following 20 years to display to the full how his idea of“The Strong”finally formed. At the end of this chapter, the significances of his new values of“The Strong”to human beings will be discussed.

【关键词】 德莱塞强者意识笃信质疑重构人性
【Key words】 Dreiser“The Strong”consciousnessdevout beliefdoubtreconstructionhumanity
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

