

The Problems and Solutions of Network Communication between Government and Citizen in S City

【作者】 崔娜

【导师】 顾爱华;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 “政民”网络沟通是以政府与公民为沟通主体,二者通过计算机网络来实现信息传递与交流的活动。S市政府把“政民”网络沟通建设作为政府与公民之间沟通的重要举措大力实施,扩大了公民网络参与的广度与深度。政府信息公开使公民有机会直观了解政府的政策制定过程和执行状况;同时,政府也更深入地了解到公民的需求和对公共事务的看法,从而促进政府科学民主决策。本文以新公共服务理论为框架,深入分析S市“政民”网络沟通的发展中存在的问题、原因及对策。对完善S市的“政民”网络沟通建设,探究我国社会主义民主化道路具有重大启示作用。论文分为五部分。第一部分,本文的研究目的、研究意义、研究方法、创新点、文献综述;第二部分,界定公民、政府、网络沟通的概念,并在此基础上概括出“政民”网络沟通的涵义。同时,重点阐述了本文所运用的新公共服务理论的内涵,并针对追求公共利益、服务于公民、政府责任等方面进行着重分析,建立论文的理论框架。第三部分,首先,阐述S市“政民”网络沟通的发展过程、功能及特点。其次,提出了S市“政民”网络沟通中存在的问题,诸如政府信息网上公开程度不够;政府缺乏对反馈信息的处理能力;公民网络参与的保障机制缺乏等。第四部分,运用新公共服务理论结合S市“政民”网络沟通的具体情况,从政府观念、沟通渠道、制度法规角度分析问题产生的原因。第五部分,主要针对S市“政民”网络沟通中存在的问题提出对策。增强政府为民服务意识、提高政府沟通能力、完善沟通渠道建设、加强法律制度建设,以使“政民”通过网络实现良好、有效的沟通。本文采用文献分析、问卷调查、实证分析相结合的研究方法,以政治民主发展为导向,以全新视角探析S市“政民”网络沟通的发展和完善,对加速我国民主化进程、推动科学民主决策、提升政府形象,以及公共利益的实现等方面具有积极作用。通过研究,为进一步丰富我国各地方政府的执政理念做出贡献,推动我国现代政治改革的进程。

【Abstract】 The network communication between government and citizen is the activities of information transmission and interaction via internet between individuals and governors, which are the communicative entities. The S city government implements the construction of network communication between government and citizen as an important measure to expand the depth and width of citizen participation. The government information publicity makes sure that the citizens have the opportunities to know the process of formulating and performing of policy. And the government grasps the political attitudes and the opinions of the citizens to the public matter. Thus the government can make the scientific and democratic policy. Under the framework of new public service theory, the problems, reasons and solutions of the network communication between government and citizen are explained. It has the important enlightenment function to perfect the construction of the network communication between government and citizen in S city, and to research the road to socialist democratization in China,The thesis consists of five parts. The first part is mainly discussed the researching aim, significance, methods, innovative points, and the literature review of this thesis. The second part begins with the definition of the government, citizen, and network communication. On the basis of them, the meaning of network communication between the government and citizen is summarized. Meanwhile, the theory, new public service theory, which is used in this thesis, is comprehensive explained. And the aspects of pursuing public interests, serving the citizen, and the responsibility of the government are mainly analyzed. The framework of the theory that is using in the thesis is setup. The third part on one hand, the development, functions and features of network communication between government and citizen are introduced in the thesis. On the other hand, the problems of network communication between government and citizen were proposed. The problems are the inadequate degree of government information publicity online;lack of the processing capability of feedback information;lack of guarantee mechanism of citizen participation online etc. In the fourth part the reasons of the problems in network communication between government and citizen are analyzed in different aspects concerning the concept of government, the channel of communication, and the law. In the fifth part the solutions of the problems in the network communication between government and citizen are mainly proposed. The government can strengthen the service consciousness for citizen, enhance the communication ability of the government, perfect the construction of communication channel, and enforce the constructing of the law in order to make the realization of well and effective interaction between government and citizen via internet.There are three analytic approaches using in the thesis, including literature analysis, investigation, and empirical analysis. With guidance of the development of policy democracy, by using the newer perspective, the positive influence will be analyzed and explained in detail that the emergence of China’s network communication to exert on the development of China’s democracy, on the scientific and democratic decision-making, on the promotion of the image of China’s government, and finally on the realization of the public interest of China’s citizens. Through researching on the network communication between government and citizen, the thesis is written in order to make contribution for enriching the ruling idea of local government in our country, and promoting the process of modern political reformation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

