

A Comparative Study of Collection between Comprehensive Archives and Public Library

【作者】 张赋

【导师】 潘稚巧;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 档案学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的发展,对信息资源需求量的不断加大,网络和通信技术的不断更新和进步,获取信息资源的方式和途径呈现出开放性和多元性的特点。在信息化的背景下,各国在国际环境中的竞争力从某种程度上就是通过对信息资源获取能力的方面体现出来。因此,温家宝总理在国家信息化领导小组第四次会议上指出,推进国民经济和社会信息化,是覆盖现代化建设全局的重大战略举措。要不断地加强信息资源开发利用。档案馆和图书馆作为国家的文化事业机构,同时又都蕴藏着丰富的文献信息资源和网络信息资源,在国家信息化进程中发挥重要的作用。档案信息资源因其自身的性质和特点,在利用中可以提供更有力的凭证、参考作用,但也正因为如此,在提供利用服务过程中更需要注意档案信息资源的安全和保密问题。近年来,综合档案馆的社会功能、文化功能越来越多的被提出,如何为公众提供一个便于利用的信息环境是档案馆急需改进的。而高效利用的基础是有一个完整、丰富的馆藏信息系统。因此,改进档案馆馆藏信息资源的质量,建立馆藏丰富、数字化程度高的新型综合档案馆是符合社会发展的需要的。本文主要是从信息资源的角度,将综合档案馆与功能相似的公共图书馆做比较,从传统馆藏、数字馆藏和利用率越来越高的虚拟馆藏着手进行比较研究,由综合档案馆和公共图书馆在馆藏过程中的微观工作细节上分析档案信息资源的来源、本质和特征等问题,总结出档案馆与图书馆在宏观上,如社会地位,运行模式上的不同。同时,对于公共图书馆较为成熟的数字图书馆馆藏信息资源方面问题的研究,分析总结有利于综合档案馆在当今信息化发展的社会要求下可供借鉴和利用的理论、成果,以便于综合档案馆可以朝着符合社会发展需要的方向,成为切实为公众提供利用服务的信息机构。

【Abstract】 With the development of society and the modern technology advancing in information,the need of information is more and more increasing. The methods to get information are wide and various. In the context of informatization, the competitive strength of different countries is mirrored by competence to get information to some extent. Therefore, in order to progress the national economy and informatization, the President Wen jia bao stressed that strengthen information’s open and use is an important decision oriented toward modernization on the forth conference of leading group for State informatization.As the national institution of Cultural undertakings, the Archives and Libraries are rich in kinds of documents and network information, they are play an essential role in the national informatization. Although the archive information resources can provide original document, it need more attention to protect security in utilize.Recently, the social and cultural function of comprehensive archives are put forward. How to make users use information convenient are essential to the comprehensive archives. And all of this based on an integrated and abundant information resources system. So, to improve information resources and build a new type comeprehensive archives which possessed more digital resources can keep up with the developing of social informatization.In terms of information resources point of view in this Paper, compare cpmprehensive archives to public library from material collection and the vitural collection aspects, analyzing file information resources origin, essence and characteristics by information resources construction process, the specific work details on microcosmic, and then summarize the reason why archives and library at the macroscopic, such as social status and operation mode, etc. At the same time, because the library collections of information resources technology are matured, it can analyzed and summed up to comprehensive archives informationization development under the social requirements for referencing and utilizing the theory, in order to make comprehensive archives can conforms to the social development needs, and become an information institutions that providing services for public.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】G258.2;G271
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】238

