

Empirical Researches on the Influence of Public Expenditure on the Economic Growth of Liaoning Province

【作者】 常馨

【导师】 佟健;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 西方经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 公共支出对经济增长影响是当前宏观经济研究领域的一个重要问题,也是今后一个时期财政政策发展和改革的重要课题。自1978年改革开放以来,我国的经济体制逐步从计划经济向市场经济过渡,社会主义市场经济经历了发展到不断完善的过程,但是由于市场经济自身存在着垄断、公共物品、外部性、信息不对称等缺陷,政府作为宏观调控政策的制定者其作用是极其重要的,目前我们的政府宏观调控的能力在不断成熟,这一点上是值得肯定的。但是,在某些发展领域影响社会和谐的矛盾仍然存在,城乡发展、区域发展的差距仍在加大;就业、医疗、教育、住房这些人民群众最关心的民生问题亟待解决;人口、资源环境压力加大……这些问题的存在,要求我们在向市场经济转型的过程中,不能过分依靠市场,必须充分发挥政府的宏观调控作用,合理调整公共支出,全面统筹经济社会发展,提高经济发展绩效。在政府的宏观调控过程中,财政政策是其最重要的调控手段之一,而公共支出作为财政政策的主要杠杆,其支出的规模和结构对于经济增长都有着重要的影响。在我国实行了财政分权的改革后,地方政府有了更高的支配权,因此对于地方的公共支出的研究就更加重要。因此,这篇文章从公共支出与经济增长的理论入手,从公共支出的规模和结构两个角度对辽宁省的公共支出进行了实证分析,探究了辽宁省公共支出的最佳规模,得出目前公共支出各部分在经济增长中所发挥的作用,并针对目前公共支出方面所暴露的问题提出调整对策,以促进经济稳步增长。

【Abstract】 It is an important issue that public expenditure affects economy growth in the field of macroeconomic research, the fiscal policy development and reform in the future as well. China’s economic system has changed from planned economy to market economy gradually since reform and opening up in 1978. The socialist market economy has experienced the process from development to constantly improve. But since there are defaults such as monopoly, public goods, external as well as asymmetric information in the market economy itself, government play an important role of the makers of macroeconomic policy. At present, the point is worth for sure that the ability of our government in macro-control has constantly matured, but there still exist inconsistencies impacting social harmony in some areas of developments, such as the gaps between urban and rural, and region are still increasing, employment, medical treatment, education and housing. There are so many problems that people most concerned urgently to be solved, the pressures of population, resource and environmental get more and more severe. These problems require us not to rely too much on market in the process of changing to a market economy, we must fully play the role of government’s macro-control, meanwhile adjust the public expenditure reasonably, manage the economic and social development, improve economic performance comprehensively.In the process of government’s macroeconomic control, fiscal policy is one of the most important measures, and public expenditure as the main lever of fiscal policy, its scale and structure have important effects on economic growth. After the reform of fiscal decentralization in our country, the local government has higher vies, so the research on local public expenditure is more important. In this article we introduce related theory of public expenditure and economic growth, then do empirical research on Liaoning Province from the scale and structure of public expenditure, and get the best public expenditure size of Liaoning Province, also achieve the role of every part of public expenditure on economic growth. Finally according to the exposed problems, we propose strategies to promote economic growth steadily.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

