

The Village Head Image in the Native Novels Since the New Period

【作者】 张越

【导师】 谢纳;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 “在当代中国,农民所面临的一个最大悲剧不是历史文化的悲剧,而是体制的悲剧”,①这一敏锐的发现指出了农民苦难的源头之一。新时期以来的乡土作家们纷纷以农民代言人或发言人的姿态来书写农民的苦难,书写农民在权力宰制下的忍让屈从以及权力压迫下的抗争。而在中国农村,和农民生活最接近、也最息息相关的权力人物,就是村长。本文正是以新时期以来乡土小说中的村长形象为切入点,通过具体考察村长这一人物形象的历史发展轨迹、村长手中的权力、村长手中权力对村民的辐射,来揭示由于村长这一人物形象的失职与权力下欲望的泛滥所造成的中国乡村伦理道德的堕落与危机,进而提出重建乡村伦理道德的必要性和急迫性,以及探寻中国乡村的出路即通过民选,真正地实现乡村自治,实现中国乡村民主。全文除绪论和结语外,主体部分共分四章。绪论部分简述了村长这一人物形象的价值和特殊性所在,并综合评述了对村长这一人物形象以及相关课题的研究现状,指出本文系统地考察新时期以来乡土小说中村长形象书写的意义和价值。第一章主要是对村长这一人物形象的历史发展轨迹的梳理。择取了中国历史进程中的几个重要的时期传统社会尤其是明清时代的“乡绅”阶层、新中国成立以后的“社会主义农村新人”以及新时期以来的“村长”形象。通过比较进而得出新时期以来乡土小说中村长这一人物形象的历史继承性和时代性。第二章主要针对村长这一人物形象与一般村民的区别在于村长拥有权力的特殊性,来围绕村长手中的权力展开论述。具体包括权力是什么?村长手中的权力是如何表征的?村长又是如何来运作权力?以及村长这一掌权者如何被权力异化的,进而看出权力的无处不在、无所不能。第三章主要论述的是村长手中权力对村民的影响。在由村长所主宰的“权力场”中,村民们有的屈从权力,依附权力,这实际上无形中助长了村长的嚣张气焰;还有的村民在权力的压迫下反抗权力,而实际上村民的这种反抗是一种消极的报复,即使真的成功了,也只是朝代变了,一切都没有改变。第四章则主要论述一下作家们倾心于“村长”这一形象塑造的原因,并针对由于村长权力的滥用以及在权力支撑下欲望的张扬所造成对乡村伦理道德秩序的破坏的恶果,提出重建乡村伦理道德秩序的必要性和急迫性,并进而探寻中国农村的出路即真正地实现村民自治,真正实现民主。结语部分则进一步论述中国新时期乡土小说中村长这一人物形象书写的意义。

【Abstract】 "In contemporary China, farmers are facing the biggest tragedy is not the tragedy of history and culture, but the system’s tragedy," this discovery of the acute suffering of the peasants that one of the sources. New period Native writers have been to advocate or spokesman for the attitude of farmers to write the suffering of the peasants, farmers in the power of writing under the patient succumb to domination and power struggles under pressure. In rural China, farmers living closest to and most closely related to the power of people, is the village head . This is the new era in the village since the local image of the novel entry point, through specific study of the history of the village head of this development path characters, the village head in the hands of power, the village head in the hands of villagers, the radiation power to reveal the image of the character village under the authority of dereliction of duty and desire in rural China caused by the proliferation of moral degeneration and crisis and puts forward the need for reconstruction of rural ethics and urgency, and explore the way out in rural China through elected, the real country to achieve self-government, to achieve democracy in rural China.In addition to full introduction and conclusion, the main part is divided into four chapters. Preface outlines the value of village heads’ characters and the special nature of the host, and the Comprehensive Review of the characters of the village head of the Research and related topics that will be systematically investigated this new era in the village since the image of Novels meaning and value of writing.The first chapter is the historical village of the characters comb the development track. Choose to take the historical process of China several important periods in the traditional community, especially the Ming and Qing Dynasty "gentry" class, since the founding of the "new socialist countryside people" and the new era since the "village head" image. Since then obtained by comparing the New Novels of the characters in the village heritage and the history of the times.The second chapter of the characters for the mayor and the village is the difference between ordinary villagers have special powers to their power around the village to start on. What specifically including the power? Village power in their hands is how they characterized? Village head is how to operate power? And the mayor how the power of alienation of those in power, and then see the power of the ubiquitous and omnipotent.The third chapter discusses the village the villagers of their power. Village dominated by the "power games", the villagers and some succumb to the power, attach the power, which is actually indirectly contributed to the arrogance of the village head; Some villagers in the power of oppression against the powers, but the actual This village is on a negative resist retaliation, even if successful, only dynasties changed, nothing has changed.The fourth chapter discusses what the writers focused primarily on the "head" of the reasons for the image building, and the abuse of power against the mayor and supported by Desire of power caused by the moral order of the country the consequences of the destruction, raised ethical and moral reconstruction of villages and urgency of the need for order, and thus explore the way that is true in rural China to achieve autonomy, truly democratic.Further discussed in the conclusion part, in the village of Chinese New Novels written in the meaning of the characters.

【关键词】 村长权力乡村伦理道德民主改革
【Key words】 Village headPowerRural ethicsDemocratic reform
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

