

LiuZhou Railway Vocational Technology College Communication Integrated Training Base Construction

【作者】 嵇静婵

【导师】 张惠民;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的迅速发展和企业对高职技能型人才的需求,我国高等职业教育正处在一个前所未有的发展时期。高职院校坚持以培养高素质高技能应用型人才为目标,不断加快高等职业教育的发展步伐,实训基地建设也因此显得特别重要。本文通过介绍柳州铁道职业技术学院通信综合实训基地建设方案,将通信技术实训基地建设成为集教学、培训和职业技能鉴定、技术服务于一体的多功能实训基地,提出高职院校的专业实训基地建设的新思路。论文首先介绍了实训基地建设的背景,基于高职专业课程支撑、教学改革课题和学院参加高职高专教学评估的需要,分析了学院实训室存在的问题,提出了实训基地建设的思路和规划:走校企合作道路,以最少的投入打造一流的、与企业真实生产环境相一致的实训基地,实现企业、学校、学生三赢。为构建全业务综合实训平台,模拟行业运行中通信网环境展开教学、技能训练和职业培训,面对巨大的资金投入,提出在兼容原有设备基础上,按照“高水平、高效益、有特色、现代化”的要求,充分发挥学院的行业优势,充分发挥校企合作职能,采取由学院牵头并提供场地、企业提供部分设备、校企共建的新型合作模式,更好地实现人才培养与行业标准结合的实践教学模式。论文接着介绍了通信实训基地分3步走的建设思路:第一步建设通信本地网实训基地。采用以C&C08程控交换机为核心,建立本地通信网;以华为155S SDH传输设备为核心,建立数字传输网;以交换机、路由器、局端设备为核心建立数据通信网。主要支持本地通信网的组网硬件和软件实验、长途通信网的组网硬件和软件实验、数据通信网的网络模拟配置和宽带接入等实验。第二步构架通信综合实训平台。将包含通信本地网实训基地、光传输网络和TD-SCDMA移动通信网实训基地。主要是光传输网络和TD-SCDMA移动通信网建设。自此,通信类专业的核心课程教学实训支撑环境基本完成。第三步利用开放性模块接口的设置,对通信综合实训平台进行完善和扩展。根据我国2008年以来开展的3届职业技能大赛得到的关注和产生的影响,提出了在综合实训平台基础上扩展竞赛训练模块,通过加大实践训练的投入,提高学生技能竞技水平,通过职业技能大赛扩大学院影响和提高办学能力。最后,为确保实训基地成为教学实践的强力支撑,针对实训基地的管理提出了保障机制意见。

【Abstract】 As China’s rapid economic development and business demand for higher skilled personnel, Higher vocational education is in an unprecedented period of development。Vocational training high quality adhere to the application of high-skilled talents as our goal to accelerate the pace of development of higher vocational education, training bases and thus is of particular importance.By introducing the c Communication General training base construction program that will build ICT training base into a set of teaching, training and vocational evaluation, technical services in one multi-functional training base, the proposed vocational colleges.Paper first introduces the background of building a training base, Vocational courses based on support, education reform issues and colleges to participate in the needs assessment of vocational education, training room of the Institute of problems of the construction put forward the idea of training base:Take the path of school-enterprise cooperation, with minimum capital investment to build first-class, real production environment and business training base consistent, enterprise, schools, students win.Comprehensive Training for building full-service platform to simulate the operation of communication network environment, the industry started teaching, skills training and vocational training, The face of huge capital investment, made on the basis of the original equipment compatible, according to "high-level, high efficiency, unique, modern" requirements, give full play to college trade advantage, give full play to the functions of school-enterprise cooperation, Take the lead and provide a venue by the institute, part of the equipment businesses, schools and enterprises to build a new cooperation model, personnel training to achieve better integration with industry standard practice of teaching. Paper then introduces the communication training base in 3-step building ideas:The first step Building local networks of communication training base. C & C08 program-controlled switches to the core, establishing a local communication network; Huawei 155S SDH transmission equipment to the core, the establishment of digital transmission network; The switches, routers, central office equipment as the core to establish data communication networks. The main training base to support local communication network of networking hardware and software experiments, long-distance communication network hardware and software networking experiments, data communication network configuration and broadband access network simulation such experiments.The second step comprehensive training of communication platform architecture:includes communication local network training base optical transmission network and TD-SCDMA mobile communications network training base。Since then, communications specialty training core curriculum teaching support environment basically completed.The third step is the use of open interfaces of the module settings, comprehensive training platform for communication improvement and expansion. According to China since 2008 carried out by the 3rd job skills competition and the impact of the concerns put forward in the expansion of comprehensive training platform competition on the basis of the training module. Practice through increased investment in training to improve their skills in competitive level, through the Institute of Vocational Skills Competition to expand and improve educational capacity.Finally, to ensure that the training base to become the strong support of teaching practice, training base for the management of the views put forward protection mechanism.

【关键词】 实训基地建设模拟技能
【Key words】 Training BaseConstructSimulationSkill
  • 【分类号】TN91-4
  • 【下载频次】268

