

An Analysis of Escapism in Bone

【作者】 杨丹

【导师】 孙乔;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 伍慧明是当代著名的美国作家之一,也是当代文坛上继汤婷婷,谭恩美,李建孙及雷祖威后近几年出现的又一杰出华裔作家。她因简洁凝练的语言和散文式的行文风格而受到了国内外读者和批评家的关注和好评,其小说也被收录到小推车文学奖中,并获得过福克纳小说奖的提名。伍慧明因其代表作《骨》获得诸多荣誉和奖项:其中包括莱拉·华莱式读者文摘文学奖、文学国家奖、麦克道尔奖以及美国文学艺术学会奖。同时《骨》这部作品的发表也成为了作者吸引美国人关注华裔世界的又一力作。和很多美国华裔小说一样,《骨》取材于作者伍慧明自身的生活经历,讲述的是旧金山唐人街上一个三个女儿的家庭故事。母亲受到大姐莱拉亲生父亲的遗弃后,为了生活嫁给了契纸儿子(paper son)——里昂,而婚后的里昂为养家糊口常年在海上漂泊;母亲也不得不在制衣厂超负荷地工作;大女儿莱拉是一所学校的教育咨询员;二女儿安娜和里昂的生意伙伴之子奥斯瓦尔多相爱,但后因合作关系破裂,两家反目,导致二人的恋情遭到父母的强烈反对,最后,安娜绝望地选择了跳楼自杀;小女儿尼娜也远走东部的纽约,试图逃脱被悲剧笼罩着的唐人街。本论文试图从美国华裔移民文化冲突中的逃避角度来解读《骨》这部作品。作品中的里昂一家人对待当前生活有着截然不同的态度——里昂或出海打工或自己住在“三藩公寓”里而不愿意面对自己的真实生活;母亲在极度辛苦,即操持家务又繁忙于枯燥工作的情况下投入了老板的怀抱;二女儿采取了极端的逃避生活的方式——自杀;三女儿选择远离家人逃出笼罩着的悲伤氛围;只有大女儿对自己的身份及生活重新定位。通过对作品中不同角色对于生活的不同态度的剖析,本论文试图揭示出盲目恪守本国文化的弊端,提倡吸取两国文化之精华,取其精髓,弃其糟粕,有选择地接受和改变。本论文由导论、正文和结论三部分构成:导论部分首先介绍国内外学术界对小说《骨》的各方面研究现状,随之提出本论文研究的主题,即解读《骨》中的逃避主义,并对各角色的逃避表现进行逐一阐述,为论文的展开做好铺垫,最后阐述了本论文在学术上的应用价值和理论涵义。正文部分分为三章。第一章首先对华裔美国文学和逃避主义加以分析,其中包括华裔文学的特点,(不仅描绘华裔人跨过太平洋之后生活的苦难以及工作的艰辛,也充分展示了美国少数族裔人群在两种文化相互冲突下的思想情感);华裔文学从最初在19世纪末时不为人知,被人否认其民族贡献到今天被承认、被吸收、被鉴赏所经历的艰辛历史过程,及其发展现状中的逃避主义、相关的写作手法。第二章阐述了面对中美文化的冲击,里昂一家人的具体逃避表现:父亲里昂为支撑整个家庭到处寻找工作无果后又因最疼爱的二女儿安娜跳楼自杀而感到极度悲痛,因厌恶这个“撒谎的国家”而经常出海、打工;母亲也因不愿回家面对丧女之痛长时间呆在工厂得不到关怀而与工厂老板有染;大女儿莱拉最后选择与心爱的男人离开唐人街,开始新的生活;二女儿安娜为了逃避在听顺父母与追求自由中纠结而跳楼自杀;三女儿尼娜宁愿成为空中小姐或带队导游也不愿意守在家人的旁边。第三章论述了这种逃避现象的内因和外因,其中内因包括父母心中美国梦的产生以及最后的破灭;契纸儿子身份的暴露和其刚开始带给里昂希望而后又带给他心酸的发展变化过程;唐人街人们的生活现状和三个女儿与一位母亲之间母女关系的变化;此外华裔移民遇到的外界文化冲突和种族矛盾也逐渐加深了里昂一家人彼此之间的内心苦痛,并且通过这些内因的阐述以及外因的分析,总结出作品中人物们内心深处的孤独和挣扎。结论部分是对全文部分的总结,在阐释华裔移民应该正确看待文化碰撞和种族移民问题的基础上得出全文的结论,最后得出本论文的主旨:华裔移民要过上幸福快乐的生活就要接受,吸收美国文化的精华,有选择地摈弃不适合的文化元素,要做到“取其精华,弃其糟粕”。

【Abstract】 Fae Myenne Ng is one of the most famous modern American writers and also an outstanding Chinese-American literary star after Maxine Hong Kingston, Amy Tan, Gus Lee and David Wong Louie. Because of her terse and condensed language and prose-styled text, she gets attention and good reputation from the readers and critics at home and abroad. Her novels are collected into Pushcart Prize Anthology as well as the nomination of Faulkner Novel Prize. Her masterwork Bone also brings her quite a lot of honors and prizes such as: Lila Wallace Readers’Digest Literary Prize , National Literary Prize, Mc Dowell Prize and America Literary Art Prize, etc, and at the same time, Bone becomes another novel which draws American people’s attention to the Chinese- American world.Like many Chinese-American novels, Bone is based on Fae Myenne Ng’s personal life experience, which narrates a story of a family with three daughters living in Chinatown. After mother Mah is deserted by her first husband—the oldest daughter Leila’s blood father, she remarries Leon—a paper son. However, Leon leads a wandering life on the sea in order to earn a living throughout the year; Mah also has to work overloadedly in a clothes factory; Leila is an educational consultant; the second daughter Ona falls in love with Osvaldo, the partner’s son of Loen, but the bankruptcy of their laundray not only cuts off two families’relationship but also their love. So parents are against Ona’s love violently. Finally, Ona chooses to commit suicide by jumping off a building desperately; the third daughter Nina travels a long way to New York, trying to escape the shade of the family tragedy as well.This thesis makes an effort to explore the theme of escapism in Bone from the point of Chinese immigrants’cultural conflicts between China and the U.S.A. Based on the different attitudes toward present life of the Leons, this thesis intends to discuss Ng’s effort in exploring the escape behaviors: Leon would not like to face his real life but to work as a seasonal worker, go to sail or live in“San Fran”apartment by himself; Mah has illicit relationship with her boss Tommie Hong under extremely big stress from busy family and work; the second daughter Ona chooses a kind of extreme escape method--committing suicide; the third daughter Nina determines to be far away from the family covered by the sad atmosphere; only Leila redefines her own identity and life, then decides to leave Chinatown to strive for her own happiness. It is proposed that escape should be a behavior form as well as a consequence of ideological struggle. When assimilating into the new American culture, Chinese-Americans should follow their native cultural heritages and try to step over the two cultures through dialogues and communication.The thesis falls into three parts: an introduction, the main body and a conclusion. The introduction discusses the research situation of Bone at home and abroad after which the theme of this thesis is put forward: an analysis of escapism in Bone, and the characters’different escape behaviors are expounded one by one, which lay the foundation for the development of the thesis, then its value and theoretical meaning of academic achievement are explained in the end.The main body consists of three chapters.Chapter One introduces Chinese-American literature and escapism including its features, the historical development process from the unknown situation, being denied its national devotion to being absorbed, admitted, and appreciated, not only their painful life and difficult work after travelling across the Pacific Ocean, but as one of the American ethnic minorities, their contradictory feeling under the influence of the two cultures’conflict.Chapter Two mainly analyses different escape behaviors of the family members when they confront the culture conflict between China and America:Father Leon fails to look for work here and there to support the whole family and especially after his lovely Ona commits suicide, Leon plunges himself into extreme agony and he hates this lying country, usually sails out on the sea for several days; Mother would not like to face the tragedy, either, she stays at the factory for such a long time that under the stress from the reality, she has affairs with her boss; the oldest daughter Leila chooses to leave Chinatown finally; the second daughter Ona would rather commit suicide than torture between filialness to parents and her lover Osvaldo; the third one Nina prefers to be a flight assistant rather than stay around her family members.Chapter Three mainly focuses on the internal reasons and the external ones for their escape behaviors. The former one consists of the American Dream in parents’mind from its birth to its disillusion, the reveal of his paper son identification and his opposite attitudes towards it, people’s living status quo in Chinatown and the mother-daughter relationship between three daughters and one mother; what’s more, the external culture conflict and ethnic relationships Chinese immigrants meet deepen the inner misery of every family’s mind, and their lonely and struggle from their hearts are demonstrated profoundly.The concluding part summarizes the whole thesis. It can be naturally arrived at that Chinese-Americans’culture conflict and ethnic relationship could be coped with correctly, then the theme is pointed out at the end of the thesis: if Chinese immigrant people long for living a happy life in USA, they should blend the best part of Chinese and American cultures harmoniously, desert those unsuitable elements; that is:“absorb the essence and discard the dross”.

【关键词】 逃避文化冲突逃避表现
【Key words】 escapecultural conflictescape behavior
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

