

Research on the Medical Aid Benefit Level of Urban Poor in Liaoning Province

【作者】 李清波

【导师】 罗元文;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 社会保障, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 医疗救助最初主要是用来农村的开发扶贫工作,城市贫困人口的医疗救助是在20世纪90年代以后才受到政府和社会的重视,因为这一时期经济体制转轨,社会结构转型,经济飞速发展的同时也带来了很大的负面效应。例如国有企业改革的过程中,出现了大量的下岗失业人员,他们中的绝大多数人收入水平很低,生活一直很窘迫,加上当时的社会保障制度很不健全,这一群体就逐渐的沦为社会的弱者。辽宁省作为老工业基地,下岗失业人员更多,据2000年人口普查资料显示,辽宁省阜新失业率为44.9%,抚顺36.3%。这种高失业率导致高贫困率,而长期的贫困状态导致了贫困人口患病率比普通人群高出很多,但由于自身经济条件的限制,承担不起昂贵的医疗费用,“看病难,看病贵”问题始终困扰着这一群体。直到2005年温家宝总理在政府工作报告中提出“建立医疗救助体系”,此后贫困人口看病难问题才得以缓解,但是医疗救助制度在实施的过程中也出现了很多问题,本文以辽宁省贫困人口为研究对象,通过文献研究法、定量分析与定性分析相结合法,依据相关理论,对辽宁省医疗救助现状和存在的问题进行分析。本文共分为五部分:第一,介绍了本文写作的理论基础,对与贫困人口医疗保障相关的医疗救助的公共产品理论、卫生服务公平性理论,健康与贫困关系理论进行了详细的阐述和分析;第二,对辽宁省贫困人口及其给付现状作了调查和分析,并指出辽宁省医疗救助在给付过程中存在的问题。第三;对中外医疗救助制度的经验进行介绍并借鉴;第四,利用最小平方法对辽宁省贫困人口的医疗救助需求额进行测算及其财政负担能力可行性做了分析,最后测算出医疗救助给付的适度水平;第五,主要是根据前面提供的数据和理论依据,为提高辽宁省城镇贫困人口的医疗救助给付水平提供可行性建议。

【Abstract】 Medical assistant maily worked on poverty alleviation at first,after the 1990’s,urban poor medical assistant is covered by government and social,because of the economic system transition and social structure transformation in the time.Following the economic’s increasing, some negative affect emerged.For instance,in the course of the reform of nationalized business,large quantity workers were compelled to lose their job,and social security system shortaged,the people became the poor.The province of Liaoning as old industry,lose job’s people increase expeedly.Base on people’s invested in 2000,the rate of lose job is 44.9 prevent in the city of fuxin,and is 36.3 prevent in the city of Fushun,the more rate of lose job,the more rate of poor. To establish our country’s medical financial salvation system which is put forward in the government report in 2005 by Premier Wen-Jiabao. The Chinese medical assistant system relaxes the difficulty of the poor to see a doctor in some extent ,but the system also general many problem.Through general literature and spot chyeck and combines qualitative analysis together,and based on the correlative theorids,this paper performed an impersonal analysis on the actuality of urban poor people of Liaoning Province by taking the poor people of Liaoning Province as the research object.This paper is divided into five parts: The first part is the theoretical foundation for medical assistance,including the theorety of Public thing、the theorety of the equity of the services of medicion and the relation between health and poor;The second component is the prevent situation and benefit level of medical aid of the urban poor;The third part is the the policy of foreign medical aid and can draw upon the experience;The forth compent uses the least turge analysis the need of medical aid and the fund of government for Liaoning province;The fifth part based on the front of numbers and the theorety ,providing policy recommendations for the medical assistance benefit level in Liaoning province.

【关键词】 城镇贫困人口医疗救助给付水平
【Key words】 Citythe PoorMedical assistanceBenefit level
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

