

Use of Information Technology to Enhancebeijing Television Call Center’s Core Values

【作者】 郑昕晔

【导师】 纪晓东;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 2000年以来,为了更好地服务电视观众,使节目更贴近生活、贴近大众,充分关注来自社会的声音和需求,加强与观众互动,提高节目收视率,北京电视台的各个栏目纷纷建立了自己的栏目热线。截止2006年底,栏目热线数量已超过110多条,热线号码有100多个。为了解决栏目热线存在的热线接听效率低、服务质量差、资源信息使用困难等问题。2007年3月北京台成立了呼叫中心,经过两年多的运营,北京电视台呼叫中心一期建设项目已实现了统一号码、统一服务、统一规范、统一管理的建设目标。从技术层面讲,呼叫中心以CTI(计算机和电话集成)技术为标志开始发展并逐步兴起,传统的呼叫中心主要是通过电话这种通讯方式来提供服务,但是随着多媒体技术、通讯技术和网络技术的发展,目前,呼叫中心逐步与CRM(客户关系管理)相融合,形成CRM型呼叫中心,上升为企业的战略资源。呼叫中心的服务和功能也朝着多元化、多媒体化、综合化的方向发展。对比国内外呼叫中心的发展历史,北京台呼叫中心还处于起步和发展阶段,同时一期建设中的容量过小、灵活性不足等问题,已成为阻碍北京台呼叫中心价值提升和业务发展的瓶颈。在众多问题中最突出的是信息处理、管理的技术水平较低,不能适应电视节目的生产制作、电视台经营战略决策的发展需要。由于呼叫中心作为企业直接与客户联系、沟通、提供服务的重要部门,在日常运营和系统功能实现上就必须符合企业所处行业的特点和竞争需求。因此呼叫中心的建设也具有明显的行业特点,目前国内呼叫中心系统主要分为电信呼叫中心、金融保险呼叫中心、电子商务呼叫中心、电话营销呼叫中心等。北京电视台呼叫中心是传统电视媒体行业的首例应用。由于行业的特殊性,使得其呼叫中心系统平台在知识库、客户信息管理、权限管理、业务处理流程、客户关系管理系统(CRM)等方面的功能需求与其他行业差距较大,国内没有成型的基础产品,因此应用系统的实现要根据需求定制开发。本文在对北京台呼叫中心需求分析研究的基础上,对各类相关技术应用现状进行比较,以通信统一接入多媒体呼叫中心为目标,完成了通讯CT工选型,重点以分布式呼叫中心系统为核心,借鉴国内外已有研究基础,提出了适合北京电视台系统平台网络、硬件架构方案。通过对计算机软件技术多种应用架构的分析,完成了软件支撑、开发平台的选型和系统软件总体架构的设计方案。论文本着在易用、代价和安全三者平衡的角度出发进行设计,借鉴前人已有经验,给出了北京台呼叫中心的整体解决方案,对今后媒体行业呼叫中心的建设具有借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Since 2000, in order to better serve the viewers, to show more life, and the public, give full attention to the voices from the community and needs to strengthen interaction with the audience, to raise program ratings, Beijing TV Station, a lot of columns have established their own sections hotline. The end of 2006, hotline has been more than 110 hotlines; telephone number has been more than 100. In order to solve the existing hotline to answer efficiency is low, poor quality of service, information resource difficult to use and so on. Beijing TV Station in March 2007 set up a call center, after two years of operation, Beijing television station call center project has achieved the development goals of a uniform number, unified service, unified standard, and unified management.Technically speaking, CTI (computer and telephony integration) technology marks call center’s beginning of development and the gradual rise. The traditional call center provided services by telephone that the main means of communication. However, with multimedia technology, communications technology and network technology, at present, call center gradually integrates with the CRM (customer relationship management), and forms CRM-based call center, and becomes resources of the business strategy. Call center services and functions are becoming increasingly diverse, multi-media, integrated direction.Comparison of the development of domestic and international call center history, Beijing TV call center is still in the initial and development stage. At the same time, the problems of lower capability and lack of flexibility has become an obstacle that hampers Beijing TV Call Center to enhance the values and develop the business. The most prominent problem is that lower technology level of information processing and managing, can not adapt to the development needs of television production and television business strategic decision.As the call center is the key sectors which directly contact with, communication to and service to customers, it’s daily operations and system functions must comply with the characteristics of the industries in which demand and competition. Therefore, the construction of the call center industry characteristics also have significant. Currently the system consists of telecommunications call center, finance and insurance call centers, e-commerce call center, telemarketing call center.Beijing TV station call center is the first case of traditional TV media industry applications. As the industry’s peculiarities, makes its call center platform in the information system, customer information management, authorization management, business processes and customer relationship management (CRM) functional requirements have the big gap with other industries, and not forming the basis of domestic products, so the application system customized according to requirements to achieve development.In this paper, on the basis of Beijing TV call center needs analysis, To make a target of communications unified access multimedia Call Center, by comparing the current situation of various related technology, discussing the process of CTI select. Mostly, distributed call center system as the core, on the basis of existing research from domestic and abroad, proposing system platform networks, hardware architecture solution. Through analyzing a variety of computer software application architecture, finishing the selection of software support and development platform, and forming solution of system software architecture.In this paper, In point of view of the balance of safety, easy-to-use and cost, learning from previous experiences, getting Total solution of Beijing TV station call center. This solution plays a reference system for Call center building in the media industry.

  • 【分类号】TP3;TN99
  • 【下载频次】53

