

On Government-leding Communicty Correction System

【作者】 李鑫

【导师】 任越; 杨诚;

【作者基本信息】 汕头大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 由于社区矫正是一种人道的、文明的、有效的、经济的刑罚执行方式,代表着刑事执行方式变革的世界潮流,受到了许多国家的欢迎。我国亦从2009年开始在全国范围内试行社区矫正,但是与社区矫正相关的一些问题和制度尚有待深入的研究和创建。本文将采用比较分析法、文献研究法、历史分析法等,对我国社区矫正中存在的主要问题展开研究。本文约七万字,分为七章,每章的核心内容如下:第一章,“绪论”。对本文的研究背景,意义,研究方法等做出简要的介绍,围绕社区矫正中存在的主要问题综述相关文献。第二章,“社区矫正制度的基本理论”。本章对社区矫正产生的理论基础进行了简要的回顾,发掘社区矫正制度得以存续的合理性根据,着重阐述和辨析了社区矫正及其相关概念,尽量明细社区矫正的性质,进一步说明建设社区矫正的意义。第三章,“中外政府主导下社区矫正制度的发展”。本章选择了有代表性的加拿大和美国,对其社区矫正发展历程做了大致的梳理,特别是发掘了其在机构设置和制度完善方面可资借鉴的经验以相关的历史教训。对我国具有现代意义的社区矫正发展历程做了回顾,理清了我国社区矫正制度发展中的不足和经验。第四章,“政府对社区矫正的主导及其机制的改进”。本章详述了我国社区矫正管理体制的现状,揭示其中存在的问题,最后提出改进的建议。第五章,“社会力量对社区矫正的参与”。社会力量的参与是社区矫正事业成败的根本。本章着重探讨了社会力量参与的模式,社会力量参与社区矫正的具体方式,利用社会力量参与社区矫正应坚持的原则。第六章,“我国政府主导的社区矫正立法”。社区矫正的推进需要法制的保障,这也正是我国社区矫正中亟待解决的问题。本章从社区矫正立法的必要与可能出发,着重探讨了我国社区矫正模式的选择、采取怎样的立法步骤以及社区矫正立法应当涉及的的主要内容。“结束语”,是对本文的简要归纳。

【Abstract】 The community correction program is a humane, civilized, effective and economic way ofcriminal punishment, representing the world trend of criminal punishment reform. It iswelcomed by many countries. China started its own community correction programs in 2009. Asa relatively new program, it calls for a thorough research to address its problems. This thesis willuse comparative analysis, archive research, historical analysis, etc, to examine the main issuesreflected in the Chinese community correction program.This thesis is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter introduces the researchbackground, significance, research methods of the essay, and gives a critical summary of thedocuments related to the main problems existed in community correction.Chapter Two discusses the basic theory of community correction. This chapter includes a briefreview of the fundamental theory of community correction, exploring the rational factors ofcommunity correction, focusing on the analysis of related concepts about community correctionand detailing of the nature of community correction, further showing the significance ofcommunity correction program.Chapter Three recalls the development of government-led community correction programs inChina and some other countries. It has selected Canada and the United States to represent theforeign countries, combing its development of community correction, in particular, to explore itsexperience and historical lessons in terms of institutional arrangements and systems, from whichwe can learn the experience. We will review Chinese modern interpretation of communitycorrection and learn from the experiences and deficiencies.Chapter Four is on“government-leading community correction program and itsimprovement.”This chapter details the management system of community correction, reveals theproblems and recommendations for improvement.Chapter Five discusses how social forces will support the community correction program. Theparticipation of social forces is the basic factor of the success of community correction program.This chapter focuses on the patterns and specific ways of social participation, and analyzes theprinciples of using social participation in community correction programs.Chapter Six focuses on the legislative process of building and maintaining community program in China. To promote community correction one needs the guarantee of legalinstitutions, which is exactly where the problems of China’s community correction located. Theproblems are in urgent need to address. The beginning of this chapter outlines the necessity andpossibility of community correction programs. It then moves on to explore the modes ofcommunity correction legislation, how to take the legislative steps, and the main content ofcommunity correction legislation.The last chapter offers a brief summary of the main arguments of this thesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 汕头大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】D926.8
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】251

