

The Study on Relationship Between College Students’social Well-being and Self-esteem

【作者】 丁成文

【导师】 赖小林;

【作者基本信息】 汕头大学 , 高等教育学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 幸福是每个人都关心和追求的目标,幸福感是心理学中用来衡量自我幸福程度的概念。社会幸福感作为一种崭新的幸福感研究视角,将个体还原为根植于社会环境里的人,从个人的社会特征入手关注个人在社会领域的社会关系和社会任务以及个体对社会的贡献和融合,表明个体在社会关系中适应的好坏及其程度。大学生作为从学校向社会过度和转折的特殊群体,处在生理和思想自我形成和成熟的关键期,面临学业、人际关系和就业等一系列重大问题,因此对大学生的社会幸福感进行研究具有重要现实意义。目前,国内对社会幸福感的理论和实证研究都处于起始阶段,相关研究比较薄弱,与青少年自我价值感的关系研究更为鲜见。因此,在借鉴国内外相关研究的基础上,本研究探讨了我国大学生社会幸福感的特点及其与自我价值感的关系。本研究采用问卷调查法,选取汕头大学、曲阜师范大学和华南师范大学三所学校共725名大一至大四的学生作为被试,以社会幸福感问卷和青少年自我价值感量表为调查工具,对大学生的社会幸福感和自我价值感的基本状况和相互关系进行了调查研究,全部数据采用EXCEL2003和SPSS18.0进行录入和统计分析。通过对三所学校725名大学生的调查和相关研究得出以下结论:1.大学生社会幸福感的特点:总体上我国大学生的社会幸福感水平较高,我国大学生的社会幸福感及其某些维度在年级和专业上存在显著差异,而性别、是否班干部、是否独生子女等因素对社会幸福感水平有一定的影响,但在这些方面的差异并没有达到显著水平。2.大学生自我价值感的特点:总体上我国大学生的自我价值感处于中等水平。在年级、性别、是否班干部和是否独生子女等因素上我国大学生的自我价值感的总体得分未达到显著差异,但多个具体的维度上的差异达到了显著性水平。3.大学生社会幸福感与自我价值感的关系:大学生自我价值感与社会幸福感在0.01水平上呈显著正相关。自我价值感在全部维度上与社会幸福感除了社会实现和社会和谐维度外的其他三个维度都存在显著正相关。大学生自我价值感能够预测社会幸福感19.1%的变异量,并且对社会幸福感有显著的正向作用。

【Abstract】 Happiness is regardful and pursued by everybody. Well-being is a concept that can measure the extent of self well-being in psychology. Social well-being is a brand-new perspective for well-being study, which put the individual back to the social environment. From the viewpoint of individual’s social characteristic, it pays attention to the individual’s social relationship and responsibility, as well as his devotion to the society and merging with the society, which indicates the individual’s adapting extent in the social relationship.As a special group who are transiting from school to society, college students are in the key period in which their physiology and thought are forming and maturing. They have to face a series of vital problems such as school work, interpersonal relationship and employment and so on. So the study on the college students’social well-being is of important practical significance. So far, the national study on social well-being is just at the very beginning and the relevant research is also weak, let alone its relationship with teens’self-esteem. Therefore, by means of the relevant research at home and abroad, this study discussed the features of Chinese college students’social well-being and its relationship with self-esteem.The study adopted questionnaire method. There are totally 725 subjects who are from freshman to senior in Shantou University, Qufu Normal University and South China Normal University. The tools are Social Well-Being Scale and Teens’Self-Esteem Scale. The main target is to research the basic condition of college students’social well-being and the self-esteem, as well as their relationship. All the data are analyzed by EXCEL2003 and SPSS18.0.In terms of the study to the 725 subjects from the three schools, we find that:1. The characteristic of college students’social well-being is as follows: Generally speaking, Chinese college students’social well-being is in a comparatively high level. There is significant difference on the grade and majors for the college students’social well-being and some dimensions of social well-being. In the meantime, some factors such as sex, being a class leader or not, and being the only child in the family or not, to some extent, influence the social well-being, but these aspects’difference is not significant.2. The characteristic of college students’self-esteem is as follows: Generally speaking, Chinese college students’self-esteem is in a medium level. There doesn’t exist significant difference on the grade, sex, being a class leader or not and being the only child or not, except the major for the college students’self-esteem. But these factors’difference is significant on many dimensions of self-esteem.3. The relationship between college students’social well-being and self-esteem is as follows: College students’self-esteem has the significantly positive correlation with the social well-being on 0.01 level. All dimensions of self-esteem have the significantly positive correlation with the social well-being on all the dimensions except for social actualization and social harmony. College students’self-esteem has significantly positive predicting influence on the social well-being. College students’self-esteem is able to predict 19.1% amount of variation of social well-being.

【关键词】 大学生社会幸福感自我价值感
【Key words】 College StudentsSocial Well-BeingSelf-Esteem
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 汕头大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

