

【作者】 刘亚萍

【导师】 王宁;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 关系营销脱胎于服务市场,在20世纪90年代“社会学时代”的大背景下获得发展。随着市场经营理念的不断进步,关系营销也逐渐成为学者和企业界的热点课题。关系营销的核心是建立与发展与其利益相关者长期稳定的良好合作关系,从而促进交换的各方共赢,为企业和社会带来长期效益。在中国,关系营销早已是不争的事实,是指导中国企业进行营销活动的重要思想之一。随着全球经济加速一体化和市场竞争的日益激烈,竞争的重点从以往的产品,价格,服务竞争逐渐转向行业供应链各个环节的竞争,营销渠道的作用日益凸显。作为营销渠道功能重要承担者的中间商群体也日渐壮大。而现有文献对中间商的关系营销研究较少,中间商企业在社会经济活动中进行关系营销时,也只是凭着对关系和关系营销的粗浅认识和理解,自发无序地进行。鉴于此,本文基于我国中间商的视角,研究了我国中间商的关系营销理论。文章首先进行了关系营销和中间商的理论研究,进而结合我国关系营销的文化和社会背景研究了我国中间商的关系营销,包括渠道关系营销、顾客关系营销、内部关系营销和外部关系营销,其中详细研究了对中间商至关重要的渠道关系营销和顾客关系营销。对于渠道关系营销,文章创新性地提出中间商渠道关系营销整合模型,充分考虑渠道行为、渠道关系结合方式、渠道关系治理方式对渠道关系质量的影响,以及渠道关系质量对渠道关系长期效益的结果影响,并引入渠道生命周期、交易性专用资产和环境因素作为调节变量来分析影响效果,最后根据模型假设提出渠道关系营销策略;对于顾客关系营销,文章从顾客满意和顾客忠诚两个方面出发研究了维持和发展顾客关系,提出顾客忠诚整合模型,进而提出顾客关系营销策略;对于内、外部关系营销,文章提出了员工、投资者、职能部门的内部关系营销策略和政府、竞争者和其他外部影响者的外部关系营销策略。

【Abstract】 The theory "relationship marketing "comes out of service market and has developed greatly since 1990’s when marketing researches were put into social background. This theory which draws much more attention by scholars and businessmen widely accompanied with the development of marketing theory emphasizes that stable partnerships should be built with the stakeholders so that long-term interests can be brought for corporations themselves and for social to maximum benefits of stakeholders. In China, relationship marketing activities have been facts and the theory will become one of important guidelines in marketing.As a result of integration of the world economy and intensification of competition, the focus of competition in recent years has gradually shifted from previous product, price and service to each process in the industry supplies in order to obtain constant competition advantages. The functions of market channels are becoming more important than ever before. At the same time, middlemen who play an important role in market channel are increasing. However,scholars in our country neglect to do some researches of the theory "relationship marketing" of middlemen,meanwhile the middlemen corporations have some spontaneous and disorderly actions of relationship marketing only on the basis of the superficial understanding and knowledge to relationship marketing. Focusing on the existing conditions, this paper, with the empirical study, does an exploratory research on the theory "relationship marketing" based on the perspective of middlemen. Firstly, this paper starts with an literature review about the theories concerning "relationship marketing" and middlemen, defining related concepts; secondly, combining the research of cultural and social background in our country with the theory, the paper makes a study of middlemen’s relationship marketing in our country, including channel relationship marketing, customer relationship marketing which are essential to middlemen, and outside relationship marketing, inside relationship marketing. For channel relationship marketing, this paper establishes an integrated model with innovation in detail. The model puts channel behaviors, relational bonds, relational governance into consideration, analyzes the influence of these factors on relational quality which is set to be intermediate variable, further the influence happening on the long-term efficiency of channel relationship. The model also introduce three mediatory variables:channel relationship life cycle, trade proprietary assets and environmental factors to discuss their effect.At last of this chapter, this paper proposes the strategy of channel relationship marketing. For customer relationship marketing, the paper analyzes how to maintain and develop relationship with customers from two aspects which are customer satisfaction and loyalty, proposing the strategy of customer relationship marketing.Lastly, the paper presents the strategies of inside relationship marketing, including staff, investors, departments, and of outside relationship marketing including government, competitors and other outside factors.

【关键词】 关系营销中间商营销策略
【Key words】 relationship marketingmiddlemenstrategy
  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【下载频次】232

