

The Expression of Visual Information in Motion Graphic Design

【作者】 唐春燕

【导师】 陈碧如;

【作者基本信息】 汕头大学 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在这样一个现代化、资讯化的社会,信息的生产与消费多种多样,其中以视觉形象呈现信息的巨大浪潮向人们汹涌袭来,这些不可抵挡的潮涌迫使人们不得不加强自身的视觉感知技巧和信息认知能力。动态图形设计作为其中的一股浪花,其动感十足的视觉表现力与强有力的信息呈现能力让众多欣赏者过目不忘,津津乐道。因此,本文试图从信息入手,以视觉作为信息传递的窗口来界定文章的角度、方向;以视觉理论的部分知识为基础;在设计思维的统领下,研究和探讨动态图形设计的特点、优势及其未来发展。另外,“动态图形设计”是英文“Motion Graphic”的中文直译,要追究“动态图形设计”的固定译法与准确定义是尤为困难的,因为它若隐若现的存在于数字媒体专业发展之中,大多数人关注在技术层面的探讨,特别是其制作技术。借助本文,笔者希望能够帮助更多的视觉创造工作者突破对动态图形设计技术认知的壁垒,使更多的同道中人进入一个崭新的动态图形设计研究的世界。文章以梳理视觉信息在其多元嬗变的过程中所展露的艺术表现、科学探索和商业试验为开头。此间,动态在时间、空间的信息传达上得到了充分的发挥,也扩展了观者的视觉审美认知能力和加深了对信息认知的层面。动态图形设计特性的探讨始于它的由来,海报设计催生了电影片头设计,之后便逐渐被应用于各领域之中。信息以视觉化的方式呈现,动态整合使其表现并使之成为具有吸引力的信息流,其功能也转化为具有一定逻辑性的视觉信息,更是转化为具有感染力的整体形象和情感体验。视觉信号的接受刺激观者的眼睛,并引起视觉注意力,动态整合时空并感知由形象、文字和场景融合而成的整体形象,由此建立的视觉焦点和节奏把握充分让观者接受到其传递出来的认知信息和情感信息。技术,动态图形设计实现的重要手段,从拍摄、制作到播放的三个阶段出发,让观者获得较为完整的技术流程知识。在视觉信息在“美”的设计之下,动态图形设计绽放其绚烂夺目的光彩。动态叙事、技术之美和其整体形象体现出来的形式美感突出表现了其独特的审美优势;经过设计师的处理,在动态图形设计中所呈现的信息是可以快速传递的、简化并引人注意的视觉信息,信息最终被整合并集中的体现在观者的欣赏体会之中。正是这样,才能培养人们的视觉素养,以达到具有良好效益且多样多层次的视觉文化。最后,从视觉活动的变化展望其发展趋势,依靠其正确、积极健康的价值取向才能铺平动态图形设计的发展之路。

【Abstract】 In this modern and information-oriented society, there are various kinds of production andconsumption of information, especially in the visual way. Its impact is so powerful that peoplefeel urgent to improve their visual perception and cognitive abilities of information. Amongthem, the motion graphic design enjoys high reputation by its vivid visual expression andadvanced information technologies.Therefore, this article starts with the role of visual information that is considered to be a wayof information delivery. Then working as the foundation, the visual theory helps to study anddiscuss the characteristics, advantages and future development of motion graphic design. Inaddition, though the motion graphic design can be simply translated into Chinese as“动态图形设计”, it is quite difficult to get its accurate translation and its exact definition. Because it’s notthat visible in the digital media development. Besides most people are more concerned about itstechnology, especially the sequential composition. This essay is written to help more designersto break through their conventional thoughts and get into a new world of motion graphicsdesign.In the beginning of this essay, the importance of visual information has been drawn by itsartistic expression, scientific exploration and commercial test in the course of the evolution. Inthis course, the role of visual information in time and space has been fully played, at the sametime it extends the viewers’visual aesthetics of information and enhances their cognitive abilities.The exploration of graphic design characteristics begins from its birth, while the design of movietitles emerges from the poster design, before they have been gradually used in various fields.With the help of InformationIntegration, visual information is presented in a more dynamic wayand its function transfers into the direct visual information with certain logic and also integralimage and emotional experience with impression. Visual signals stimulate the viewers’eyes toaccept and cause their visual attention, while motion design integrates space and time as well assenses the overall image combined by pictures, words and scenes, thereby establishing the visualfocus and rhythm to fully help the viewers to receive the cognitive information and emotionalinformation. Technology makes it possible to implete the dynamic graphic design. The threestages of production, that is, shooting, producing and playing, allow the viewers to know more about the technical process. Guiding by the concept of "beautiful" design, the dynamic graphicdesign bloom its dazzling brilliance. Dynamic narrative, the beauty of technology and its overallbeauty of the image are reflected in the form of the outstanding advantages of its uniqueaesthetics. Through the designer’s processing, graphic design in the dynamic information ispresented and meanwhile it can be quickly passed and easily simplified so as to interest theviewers and eventually integrate into the viewers’feelings. Only by this way can people cultivatetheir visual literacy and achieve effective and various visual culture. Finally, from the prospectof the development of visual information, the motion graphic design can enjoy a bright future bythe correct, positive and healthy values.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 汕头大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

