

Study of the Cultural Meaning and the Aesthetic Characteristics in Tang and Song’s Plum Poetry

【作者】 郭前

【导师】 张惠民;

【作者基本信息】 汕头大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 “梅花词”作为一个主题学,与社会历史的发展变迁有着极为密切的关系。在重现唐宋词中梅花形象的过程中,需要结合当时社会环境和人文风物之变换,体贴古人心境揣摩词中情绪。从屈原“香草美人”之喻的风气伊始,咏物之作多有寓托。文人多以此为契点,投注自我之情感意绪。唐五代、北宋时期、宋末元初三个阶段下所呈现出的“梅文化"就因时代背景之不同、文人们的各自经历的不同而表现出不同的情感内涵和风格特色。唐五代词体发端伊始,作为遣兴娱宾的工具,描写梅花的词作也无例外的沾染当时影响最大的花间词派的习气,以表述男女爱情、离人伤怀幽思为主要内容,此时作为词中意象的梅花多为点缀或是引发主人公情感的楔子,题材仍然局限于传统的风月艳情和闺阁情怀,篇幅狭小,多是抒情小令;北宋文人地位逐渐提高,在物质生活水平提高之后他们有条件也有意识要求提高精神层面,梅花在他们的词作中集中反映出当时文人的精神面貌,即优雅、高洁。从梅花身上他们也发掘出文人内心本质的期望品格,这与他们修身治国即便失意也超然的人格追求不谋而合,梅花形象深入文人内心;“靖康之难"后,二帝北狩、神州沉陆,民族关系的巨变极大地激发了国人的爱国意识,爱国主义由此成为文学创作的主题,或感伤逶迤或沉郁顿挫的梅花词取代之前灵秀雅洁的抒情小令,此刻梅花多了几分憔悴和坚定,而少了几分悠闲与雅致;南宋到宋末,半壁江山飘摇不定,如姜夔这一类的大多数文人虽仍对国家怀忠贞不渝之志,但在国家和个人前途明灭不定之中,他们的梅花词在表达爱国忧国之情的同时带有浓厚的凄清寒瘦之韵味;南宋彻底灭亡,取而代之的是元代蒙古族的统治,广大的汉民族面对的是历史上首次出现的由少数民族独建正朔的事实,故相对于持续了三百多年的赵宋王朝来讲,便是真正的亡国。此时的词坛虽也不乏如文天祥这样的抗元死节之人,但更多的却是像周密、王沂孙、张炎这样的有心报国无力回天、敢怒而不敢言的宋遗民知识分子,他们多是借咏物之作曲折婉转地寄托自身的亡国之痛和身世之戚,词旨隐晦,风格凄婉。

【Abstract】 As a subject, plum blossom poem has a very close relationship with the historical development and social change. In the image reproduction process of Plum Blossom in Tang and Song, requires a combination of the social environment and cultural scenery of the transformation in order to figure out thoughtful words and try emotional mood of the ancients. From Qu Yuan’s"Vanilla Beauty"which is the beginning of the culture metaphor, There is allegory in them. Many scholars point on this lease of their emotional meaning. Plum culture Showed different characteristics of the emotional content and style with the change of historical background and Cultured people’s own experiences in Tang and Five Dynasties, North Song Dynasty, the end of Song but the bebining of Yuan Dynasty. At the beginning of poem in Tang and Five Dynasties, as the tool to amuse the guest, Plum words for describing exceptions and no contamination was the most influential faction in the habit of Huajian, the main content is to express the love between men and women, sad ponder from people. At this point the word in the image as much as embellishment, orcaused by plum emotional wedge hero,Temptress Moon is still confined to the traditional theme of eroticand boudoir mood, the size is small, mostly lyrical Xiaoling. Increasing role in the Northern Song, In the material standard of living after they have qualified for greaterspiritual awareness, Plum for their words reflected in the concentration of the mental outlook of the literati, That is elegant, noble. From Plum they discover expectations of the nature ofliterary character of the heart, which is Slim frustrated with their country even if the transcendent also fits the personality to pursue, it is in the image of heart. After the JingKang Difficult, the two Emperors hunt north, and Miss the Divine, the changes of the Ethnic relations greatly aroused people’s sense of patriotism, then patriotism became the subject of literature, and the winding or the Contemplative or sentimental words replaced the previous plum lyrical of scenery elegant Xiaoling. Plum now was more haggard and firm than laid-back and elegant. At the end of South Song Dynasty, the whole country was uncertain, most scholars such as Jiang Kui was still faithful to the nation. Their Plum words expressed their patriotic feelings and worrying for the country’s sorrow at the same time with a strong flavor of the meaning of cold thin.When the Yuan Dynasty instead of South Song Dynasty, compared to the three hundred years’Zhao Song Dynasty,the Han nationality is firstly facing the Dynasty of ethnic. This is the real subjugation. At this time,there were some people died for their country such as Wen Tianxiang, but there were more people powerless to serve the country and voiced out their discontent such as Zhou Mi, Wang Yisun, ZhangYan, they mostly expressed their pain of subjugation and sad of experience through works which was vague and plaintive.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 汕头大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.23
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】454

