

A Study on Rational Proportion of Hybrid Modified Water Resistant Mortar

【作者】 种霖霖

【导师】 李庚英; 熊光晶;

【作者基本信息】 汕头大学 , 结构工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 针对传统历史建筑修复砂浆抗渗性差、不耐酸碱、耐久性差的问题,本文采用矿物掺和料(粉煤灰、矿粉、硅灰)和有机聚合物防水剂克汰对普通水泥砂浆进行合理的复合改性,提高砂浆的抗渗性能和耐酸腐蚀性能,从而达到延长其使用寿命的目的。本文通过大量的试验研究,系统的探讨了矿物掺合料、克汰掺量对抹灰防水砂浆和砌筑防水砂浆的物理性能(流动度、体积密度)、力学性能(抗压强度、抗折强度、自然收缩)和耐久性(吸水率、软化系数、干湿循环、耐酸腐蚀性)的影响;并在此基础上,通过SEM-EDS、红外分析及孔结构分析等微观材料分析方法研究比较各种砂浆内部结构的差异,分析成因,探讨聚合物克汰对砂浆的改性机理,综合评价克汰对砂浆各性能的改性效果确定其合理掺量。经试验优化的抹灰(砌筑)耐水砂浆的配合比为:(水泥+粉煤灰+矿粉+硅灰):砂:水:FDN-5:消泡剂:克汰=(0.7+0.15+0.1+0.05):2:0.34(0.32):0.01:0.002:7L/m3。与普通砂浆相比,复合改性耐水砂浆的力学性能、抗酸腐蚀性及耐久性能均有较大的改善;其中抹灰(砌筑)耐水砂浆的抗渗性比普通砂浆提高了48.2%(39.03%)。

【Abstract】 In order to overcome the disadvantages of traditional historical building repair mortar, an experimental study into hybrid modified water resistant mortar was carried out by incorporating mineral admixture(fly ash, blast furnace slag, silica fume) and a polymer water repellent (Caltite). The impermeability and the acid resistance were expected to be improved significantly. Therefore, the life of mortar would be extended very much.In this thesis, compared with the portland-cement mortar, the influences of mineral admixture and Caltite on the physical properties (fluidity, bulkdensity), the mechanical properties(compress strength, flexural strength, shrinkage ratio) and the durability(water absorption, softening coefficient, wet-dry cycle, acid resistance)of the modified mortar were investigated. Together with the macro research, the micro structure of the different mortars were observed and analysed with FTIR, SEM and MIP in order to explain the modified mechanism of Caltite. A synthetical assessment was performed based on the macro and micro property tests.The test results show that optimum mix ratio of plasterer (masonry)waterproof mortar mix ratio is: (cement + fly ash + blast furnace slag + silica fume) : sand : water : FDN-5: defoamer : caltite = (0.75+0.15+0.1+0.05) : 2 : 0.34(0.32) : 0.01 : 0.002 : 7L/m3. Compared with traditional mortar, the hybrid modified mortar has much better mechanical properties, sulfuric resistance and durability. The impermeability cofficient of the modified plasterer (masonry) mortar is 48.2% (39.03%) higher than that of the control mortar.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 汕头大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

