

Research and Implementation of the China Unicom Number Portability Solution

【作者】 王首媛

【导师】 孙松林;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 号码可携带指的是电信用户在转换他们的网络运营商、地点或者服务类型后,仍保留所拥有的电话号码。作为一种促进电信市场公平竞争的技术和政策手段,号码携带不仅提高了用户的选择能力,而且有利于运营商通过提高服务水平、创新服务产品来争取客户。我国的电信网络正处于3G发展的起步期,实现号码可携带,将有助于促进移动通信用户的迅速流动,扩大3G客户群,加快运营商在3G投资成本的回收,从而推动我国的3G发展。本文作者主要研究与分析了中国联通号码携带方案的原理,并且参与到号码携带方案实施过程中的核心网局数据的修改以及测试工作。文章首先简要的介绍目前国内电信网络的发展现状,由此引出号码携带系统的研究价值与社会意义;接着阐述了号码携带的基本概念与分类,并重点介绍了移动号码携带系统;然后对国际上移动号码携带主流的技术方案(基于交换机的解决方案、基于智能网的解决方案和基于信令中继的号码携带解决方案)的原理进行了分析与研究,并总结了这三种传统的移动号码携带方案的优缺点:最后文章深入研究了中国联通号码携带的总体实施方案,针对总体架构中的主要功能单元以及接口和协议进行分析,重点研究号码携带方案的实现原理以及语音呼叫、短信及彩信流程,并介绍了号码携带方案的实现工作以及测试中遇到的问题与经验。

【Abstract】 Number portability refers to the ability of telephone users to retain their telephone number when they change their chosen network operator and service provider, their location, or their service. As a kind of promote telecommunications fair market competition technology and policies, Number Portability Not only improves users’selection ability, But also helps telecom operators improving service quality and innovative services for customers. China’s telecoms industry is in the beginning period of 3G development, Number portability will help promote mobile users of rapid flow, expand 3G customer base, accelerate operators in 3G investment cost recovery in China, so as to promote the development of 3GThe author research and analyzes the principle of Number portability and Participate in implementation of Number portability (Core network parameters data changes and some test works).The paper at first brief introduces the current domestic telecommunication network development situation, presented on the value and social significance of Number portability; Then introduces the basic concepts and classification of Number portability, as well as the introduction of the mobile Number portability system; Then analysis and research on international mobile number portability system solutions(based on Switch, based on CAMEL, based on SRF), and summarizes advantages and disadvantages of the three traditional mobile number portability system solutions; Finally the paper deeply studied China Unicom number portability system solutions(the overall structure, the main function of unit and Interface protocols), analysis and research the principle and the process of voice calls, text messaging and MMS, and describes the implementation of number portability solutions working experience and the problems encountered in testing.

  • 【分类号】TN929.5;F626
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】46

