

PTN Technology and Its Application in Yunfu Mobile Construction

【作者】 黄文辉

【导师】 忻向军;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 进入信息时代的21世纪,信息量爆炸式产生,人们对信息获取的要求越来越高、种类越来越多、方式越来越便捷,从以往单纯的语言服务需求到现在的语言和数据并重甚至侧重数据业务的需求,其中数据业务需求包括高速上网、视频、IP电话(VoIP)等业务,这些都是IP数据业务。另外随着我国3G网络的建设和全业务运营的来临,高速数据及多媒体应用比例进一步提高,使基于IP的数据业务成为城域网传送的主体,移动通信传输网络宽带化将是必然的发展方向,3G基站的承载也将由传统的E1接口向FE接口演进,特别是随着3G基站数量的规模发展增加,以太网数据承载给MSTP网络带来了极大压力,运营商基于SDH/MSTP的承载技术难于满足3G网络的发展承载需求,因此,业务的IP化即分组化是一个不可阻挡的趋势和选择,随着业务的IP化驱动网络向全IP化发展,分组传输网(PTN)将逐渐取代传统的SDH/MSTP网络成为下一代传输网的主流IP承载技术是电信运营商的必然选择。本文主要对PTN的技术原理、关键技术、组网结构、应用模式、组网方案及网络规划等进行了研究分析;还研究了PTN设备的主要功能及性能指标。通过分析云浮移动PTN网络架构、网络规划,研究了PTN建设和应用原则,提出了组网方案,并在PTN建设中进行了实施。最后分析了PTN商用中存在的问题,提出了解决方法。这些对于今后PTN的大规模建设和应用具有十分重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Into the information age of the 21 st century, explosive, people to produce information of gaining information demand is higher and higher, more and more kinds, more and more convenient way, from the previous simple language service demand to the present language and data pay equal attention to the needs of the business on even data, including data business requirements including high-speed Internet access, video, IP telephone (VoIP) and other business, these are IP data services. Also with China’s 3 G network construction and all the business operation, the advent of the high speed data and multimedia application proportion, further improve the data based on IP man become the subject of transfer business, mobile broadband, transmission network will be inevitable development direction,3 G base station the bearing will also from the traditional E1 interface to a FE interface evolution, especially as the 3 G base station number of scale development, increase, Ethernet data load MSTP network to bring enormous pressure, operators based on SDH/MSTP bearing technology is difficult to meet the 3 G network development needs, and so, bearing the business of the group is the IP an unstoppable trend and choice, as the business of the drive to the IP network development, the IP packet transmission network (PTN) will gradually replace traditional SDH network into the next generation of transmission network/MSTP the mainstream IP bearing technology is the inevitable choice of telecom operators.This paper focuses on the technology PTN principle, key technology, network structure, application mode, network scheme and the network planning were analyzed; Also studied PTN equipment the main function and performance indicators. Through the analysis of the mobile network structure, yunfu PTN network planning, construction and application PTN principle, puts forward the network schemes, and in the implementation of construction PTN. At last, the paper analyzes the_problems existing in PTN commercial, and put forward the solution. These for future large-scale construction of PTN and application has the very vital significance.

【Key words】 PTNMSTPPacket Transport NetworkMPLS-TP
  • 【分类号】TN929.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】92

