

Study on the Religious Culture of Frescoes Painted in the Grottoes of Qiuci

【作者】 张俊

【导师】 沙宗平;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 马克思主义民族理论与政策, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 龟兹古国是西域三十六城邦国之一,龟兹石窟以其绚丽多彩的壁画而闻名于世。在龟兹石窟的壁画中可以找寻到古老的龟兹文化。由于龟兹古国位于塔里木盆地北缘,是古丝绸之路的重要商埠,同时也是中央政府在西域统治的政治中心。所以,龟兹古国在本民族文化的基础上吸收了来自东方的印度文化、伊朗文化、中原汉文化和来自西方的希腊文化和罗马文化形成了独具特色的龟兹宗教文化。众所周知,龟兹宗教文化是以佛教文化为主。石窟这样一种艺术形式也是佛教艺术形式的一种。我们可以通过石窟壁画的内容去研究龟兹佛教文化,不仅如此,从历史学的视角出发,我们还能从龟兹石窟壁画中看见龟兹宗教文化的发展史。龟兹地区早期的萨满教、从伊朗地区传来的祆教文化和摩尼教文化、从大秦地区传入的景教文化、从印度地区传入的大乘佛教和小乘佛教文化、从吐蕃地区传入的藏传佛教文化以及从中原汉地传入的道教文化和净土宗、禅宗佛教文化都能从龟兹壁画中体现出来。本文就是试图通过石窟壁画这个载体将龟兹古国的宗教文化各个方面展现出来,不仅限于龟兹佛教文化。本文也不会面面俱到,而是以龟兹佛教文化的发展为主线,动态地研究其他宗教文化对龟兹佛教发展的影响和作用。本文期望通过对于龟兹古国宗教文化历史的探索,得到一些有意义的文化历史殷鉴,可能对于我们今天的民族和宗教历史文化的理论研究与实际工作,提供若干有意义的启迪。本文根据需要拟定四章:第一章为绪论。在绪论中主要涉及这几个部分。龟兹文化的简介;国内外对龟兹石窟壁画研究现状的概述;针对国内外研究现状提出的选题设想;文章研究的理论意义和现实意义;文章的研究视角和方法。第二章为龟兹古国简叙。在本章中主要讲到龟兹古国的人文地理以及龟兹地区的八大石窟的基本情况,为第三章的正文做个过渡。第三章为龟兹石窟壁画之宗教文化。此章为论文的正文部分,主要从以下几个部分分述。龟兹石窟壁画之祆教文化;龟兹石窟壁画之佛教文化;龟兹石窟壁画之道教文化,其中佛教文化是本章的重点。将龟兹的佛教文化细分为小乘佛教文化、大乘佛教文化、摩尼教对龟兹佛教的影响、藏传佛教文化、中原汉地佛教文化。另外,从佛教石窟艺术载体上,又将佛教艺术文化分别从龟兹音乐和乐器、龟兹舞蹈和舞剧等方面进行分述。第四章为文章的结论。在结论部分谈谈龟兹古国石窟壁画之宗教文化内涵、龟兹古国石窟壁画之宗教文化是形成中华民族文化之有机组成部分、龟兹古国的宗教文化的融合对于我们今天如何构建和谐民族关系的启示。

【Abstract】 Qiuci ancient city is one of the 36 Western Regions, whose gorgeous Qiuci caves known for the murals. Qiuci caves in the murals can look for the oldest Qiuci culture. As Qiuci ancient Tarim Basin in the north edge of the ancient Silk Road, an important commercial port, but also the rule of the central government in the Western Regions political center. Therefore, in this ancient city Qiuci culture was on the basis of absorption from the East Indian culture, the Iranian culture, and the Central Plains from the Western Han culture and the Greek culture and Roman culture developed a unique Qiuci religious culture. Known, Qiuci religious culture is mainly Buddhist culture. Such a grotto art forms of Buddhism is a form of art. We can grotto murals Qiuci to study the contents of Buddhist culture, and not only that, from the perspectives of history, we can grotto murals from Qiuci see Qiuci religious and cultural history of the development. Qiuci early in the practice of Shamanism, the region came from the Iranian culture and the Zoroastrianist Manichean culture, from the introduction of Daqin Nestorianism culture, imported from India in the Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhist culture, from the introduction of Tubo Tibetan Buddhism and culture in the Central Plains into the Chinese culture and Taoism in the Pure Land, from the Zen Buddhist culture can be reflected in Qiuci murals. This paper is trying to Cave Paintings of this vector Qiuci the ancient religious and cultural aspects demonstrated, not only Qiuci Buddhist culture. This paper will not exhaustive, but in the development of Buddhist culture Qiuci the main line, the dynamic study of other religions Qiuci Buddhist culture on the development of the influence and role. By the end of the religious and cultural research Qiuci get some meaningful lessons. We carried out the ethnic and religious work to provide some valuable things. Based on the need to develop four chapters:Chapter 1 Introduction. Involved in the introduction of several major part. Qiuci culture profiles; at home and abroad to study the status quo Qiuci Cave Paintings overview of the status quo at home and abroad to study topics vision articles on the theoretical and practical significance; Perspective article, and methods.Chapter 2 Introduction to Qiuci the state. In this chapter mainly talked about the state of the Human Geography Qiuci Qiuci region, as well as the basic situation of the eight caves, for the third chapter of the body become excessive.Chapter 3 Qiuci grotto murals for the religious culture. This chapter for the main body of the paper, mainly from the following points of reference. Qiuci murals in the Zoroastrianist culture; Qiuci murals in the Buddhist culture, Buddhism culture is the focus of this chapter. Qiuci the Buddhist culture, will be subdivided into Hinayana Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism culture, the Central Plains Han Buddhism culture. Furthermore, from the Buddhist grotto art vector, and again the Buddhist culture from Qiuci music and musical instruments, dance and ballet Qiuci in areas such as sub-v..Chapter 4 of the conclusions of the article. In the conclusion of the talk about Qiuci murals in the caves of ancient religious and cultural connotation and Qiuci ancient grotto murals religious culture is a culture of the Chinese nation as well as an integral part of the Qiuci ancient religious and cultural integration for us today how to build a harmonious ethnic relations reference.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

