

Design and Research on the Tomato Turning Vine Machine

【作者】 徐为民

【导师】 曹杰;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 新疆是中国加工番茄生产的主产区,是番茄产业实施全程机械化的示范区。为实现现有番茄机械化采收田间作业,降低劳动强度,提高生产效率。论文对番茄翻秧机理进行研究,设计番茄翻秧机,以解决目前番茄机械化采收存在的主要问题。论文密切结合新疆番茄的种植模式及生长状况,研究番茄翻秧机的核心工作部件——分秧器、拨秧器的结构和工作原理,分析翻秧的工艺过程。研究翻秧机理,确定各部件的结构尺寸、工作参数及其影响其工作过程的主要因素,分析机构的运动和力,用计算机仿真的方法优化机构的结构参数。得出了对今后进行物理样机研制和产品开发有价值的结构、参数和分析方法。本文主要研究内容包括:(1)对番茄翻秧机机理和虚拟样机技术理论进行深入研究,在此基础上利用Pro/E三维实体设计软件完成番茄翻秧机各零件建模,并进行机构的虚拟装配,形成番茄翻秧机的虚拟装配模型。并对结构展开了力学分析。(2)设计了分秧器结构,分析了翻秧的工作原理。分析了分秧器前倾角和分开角的大小对挑秧、推秧能力的影响。分析了拨秧滚子在工作中的运动情况,及拨秧滚子配重与安装倾角对拨秧滚子受力的影响。用实验的方法分析了番茄从秧藤上脱落所需力的大小。并对拨秧滚子对番茄的碰撞力进行了理论分析。(3)建立了机架的静力学计算模型,确定静态计算内容:分两种工况进行了静力学计算,分析了各工况下的主梁受力结果。对机架的模态响应展开分析,分析了前六阶固有频率和振型。利用优化设计对机架的机构进行了优化处理。(4)使用Pro/E软件与ADAMS软件的专用接口模块Mech/Pro,成功的解决了Pro/E件软与ADAMS软件之间数据传输问题。把在Pro/E中建立的番茄翻秧机虚拟装配模型文件导入到ADAMS软件中,施加约束、作用力和运动激励。使用ADAMS软件对番茄翻秧机虚拟样机进行动态仿真和运动学、动力学分析,得出拨秧滚子运动轨迹图、受力曲线图、分秧器受力曲线图和番茄秧的运动曲线图,并将结果进行分析,为物理样机的设计提供了详尽的参考数据。

【Abstract】 Xinjiang is China’s processing tomato production in main producing areas is the implementation of the whole tomato industry demonstration zone mechanization. For the mechanization of tomato harvesting of existing field operations and reduce labor intensity and improve production efficiency. Papers on the mechanism’s research of tomato turning vine, design tomato turning vine machine, to solve the mechanization of tomato harvesting is currently the main problems. Paper closely linked to Xinjiang tomato cropping patterns and growth conditions to study the core work components of tomato turning vine machine - the separating vine device and pushing vine device structure and working principle. Analysis of nearside vine process, study the mechanism of nearside vine. Determine the structure of the various components of size, operating parameters and their impact on the course of their work a major factor. Analysis of structure movement and force, use the methods of computer simulation to optimize the structure parameters. Obtain valuable structure, parameters and analytical methods to make physical prototype and develop products in the future. This paper studies include:(1) Tomato turning vine machine of mechanism and virtual prototyping technology of the theory in-depth study, on this basis the use of Pro/E three-dimensional physical design software to complete the prototype of tomato turning machine modeling, and virtual assembly of the constructions to form a tomato turning machine’s virtual prototype model assembly. Moreover,Structure and mechanical analysis carried out.(2) Designed the separating vine device, analyzed the structure of and the working principle. Analysis of Analysis of the size of the separating vine’s front rake and separate angle to make influence of raising vine and pushing vine. The movement condition of pushing vine roller in the work of analysis. And analysis of pushing vine roller’s weight and installation angle to make influence of pushing vine roller by force. With an analysis of the experimental method of rattan on tomato vine off from the force required. In addition, to make the theoretical analysis about pushing vine roller on the tomato’s the impact force.(3) The establishment of a rack of statics model to determine the calculation content of static: there are two conditions for the calculation of statics, an analysis of the conditions of the main beam results by force. Make an analysis to the rack of the modal analysis. Make an analysis to the previous six-and-order natural frequency and vibration mode. Optimization of the rack’s construction makes use of design of optimization.(4) Used the Pro/E software and ADAMS software’s specific interface module Mech/Pro, success to solve the question Pro/E and ADAMS software soft pieces of data transmission. The virtual assembly model of the tomato turning machine which establishes in Pro/E inducts to the ADAMS software, exerts the restraint, the force and the movement incentive. Soft pieces of the use of ADAMS on the tomato turning machine virtual prototype machine for dynamic simulation and kinematics, dynamics analysis. Get pushing vine roller trajectory figure, the force curve, the separating vine device’s force curve and the movement curves figures, analysis of the results of figures. They provide a detailed for reference the design of the physical prototype.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】S225.92;S233.74
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】59
  • 攻读期成果

