

The Modern Literature Research of TCM Syndrome and Treatment Regular Rule on Chloasma

【作者】 胡瑞娟

【导师】 唐志坤;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医外科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:通过搜集整理近10年治疗黄褐斑的中医文献,系统分析研究现代中医医家对黄褐斑病因病机的认识、辨证分型、用药规律等,以寻求黄褐斑治疗的新思路。方法:论文运用中医文献学和统计学相结合的研究方法,对近10年治疗黄褐斑中医文献中辨证分型、用药规律、年龄等搜集整理,建立数据库,采用频数分析为主要分析方法,结合中医药理论对统计结果进行分析,以总结出黄褐斑分型、用药规律、治疗方药等。结果:在临床分型中:阴虚血瘀者最多,其次为肝郁、脾虚等;黄褐斑治疗最常用中药:当归;最常用药类为活血药和滋阴养血药;发病年龄多在31岁~40岁。结论:阴虚血瘀也是当代女性黄褐斑发病的主要病机,滋阴活血法是治疗当代女性黄褐斑的重要治法,更切合当代社会环境下女性生理病理特点,扩展并丰富了临床治疗黄褐斑的思路。

【Abstract】 Objective: Through collecting and collating the 10 years treatment of TCM literature about Chloasma, we analysis and sum up Chloasma’s etiology, pathogenesis, syndrome differentiations, regularities in using medicine etc. in order to find a new way to treat Chloasma. Methods: By means of combining TCM Literature study and modern statistics, we sum up the 10 years TCM literature about Chloasma’s etiology, pathogenesis, syndrome differentiations, regularities in using medicine, age etc. to make up a data center. We use frequencies combining the theory of Chinese medicine to summarize the Chloasma’s etiology, pathogenesis, syndrome differentiations, age, and regularities in using medicine etc. Results: During the syndrome differentiations, yin deficiency and blood stasis syndrome is the most popular; and then is liver depression and spleen deficiency syndrome. The most popular herb to treat Chloasma is Angelica. The most popular kind of medicine to treat Chloasma is the herb of promoting blood flow, and then is nourishing Yin and blood. The common age of causing Chloasma is from 31 to 40. Conclusion: Nourishing Yin and Promoting Blood Flow methods to treat Chloasma are the most popular syndrome, and much fitter to female physiology and pathology characteristics under the contemporary. They expand and enrich clinical methods to treat Chloasma.

  • 【分类号】R275.9
  • 【下载频次】349

