

SDH Network of Private Network and Network Design

【作者】 王菊

【导师】 刘培植;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我们知道当今社会是信息社会,高度发达的信息社会要求通信网能提供多种多样的电信业务,通过通信网传输、交换、处理的信息量将不断增大,这就要求现代化的通信网向数字化、综合化、智能化和个人化方向发展。SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy,同步数字传输体系)是一种将复接、线路传输及交换功能融为一体、并由统一网管系统操作的综合信息传送网络。对于要求高可靠、高质量业务的大型企事业用户,SDH可以提供理想的网络性能和业务可靠性。此时可以直接用SDH系统以点到点或环形拓扑形式与用户相连;可以增加传输带宽,改进网管能力,简化维护工作,降低运行维护成本;SDH的固有灵活性使网络运营者可以更快更有效地提供用户所需长期和短期的业务以及组网需要。目前,带宽需求和技术都已显示有必要把SDH的技术上的巨大优势带进接入网领域,使SDH的功能和接口尽可能靠近用户。本论文分析总结了SDH的概念、产生背景、SDH的传输原理、特点、应用上的优势和局限性。介绍了本人参与中国机械工业集团公司广域网项目建设的需求分析、IP地址规划、路由设计、项目管理等相关工作。在了解了该建设项目的需求后,本着遵循线路可靠性、网络先进性、可扩展性、安全保密性和可实施性原则,对该项目提出了SDH线路解决方案和网络解决方案。本文还从SDH设备、网络结构、用户具体需求等方面论述建设方案在业务运行上应有的功能和性能。给出了建设方案的具体IP地址规划,路由设计的方法以及项目实施中时间和进度计划的制定、风险管理、项目变更、质量管理、项目协调、项目测试和验收等相关工作过程。论文的最后我对此次组网设计和研究工作进行了总结,并提出了下一步研究的设想。

【Abstract】 We know that today’s society is information society, information society requires highly developed communication network to provide a wide range of telecommunications services, through the communication network transmission, switching, processing will continue to increase the amount of information, which requires a modern telecommunications network to digital comprehensive, intelligent and personal direction.SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy, Synchronous Digital Transmission System) is a kind of multiplexing, circuit switching transmission and integration, unified network management system operated by the integrated information transmission network. For the requirements of high reliability, high-quality large-scale enterprises and business users, SDH can provide the ideal network performance and operational reliability. At this point SDH system can be directly used to point to point or ring topology is connected with the user; can increase bandwidth, improve network capacity, simplify maintenance and reduce operation and maintenance costs; SDH inherent flexibility enables network operators can more quickly users need to provide more effective long-term and short-term business and networking needs. Currently, the bandwidth requirements and technology are necessary to show the great advantages of SDH into the technical areas of access network, the SDH functionality and interface as close to the user.This paper analyzes and summarizes the concept of SDH, background, SDH transmission principles, characteristics, applications, advantages and limitations. Introduced himself to participate in China Machinery Industry Corporation WAN project needs analysis, IP address planning, routing design, project management and other related work. In understanding the needs of the construction project, the following line in a reliable, advanced networks, scalability, security, confidentiality and the principle can be implemented, the project put forward solutions and network SDH circuit solution.In addition, from SDH equipment, network structure, user specific needs, we discussed the business-building programs to run on the proper function and performance. Given a specific IP address of the construction program planning, route design method and timing and progress of project implementation, planning, risk management, project change, quality management, project coordination, project related work such as testing and acceptance process.End of the paperⅠstudy the network design and are summarized, and presented the idea of further study.

【关键词】 SDH组网项目管理网络解决方案
【Key words】 SDHnetwork solutionsnetworkproject management
  • 【分类号】TN914.332
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】280

