

Research of Construction of Individual Morality in the Period of Social Transformation

【作者】 周宇

【导师】 陈运雄;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放三十年以来,中国社会经历了巨大的转型,在经济、政治、社会、思想文化等领域发生了翻天覆地的变化。巨大变化必然会引发道德领域的剧烈震荡,个人品德建设正是基于社会变迁过程中人们的道德现状和社会主义道德建设的需要而提出的新课题。个人品德建设的提出完善了我国公民道德建设体系,为社会主义道德理论体系增添了新内容,有利于提高整个社会的道德水平。个人品德建设是在新的时代背景下,通过制度规范、教育引导等手段对全体社会成员的个人品德进行有目的有计划的建设,不断完善公民道德素质,以提高全民族的思想道德素质,建设社会主义和谐文化的社会实践活动。个人品德建设要满足时代要求,要承接中国传统美德,要与社会主义市场经济相适应,以社会主义核心价值体系引领。社会转型就是社会结构和经济体制由一种类型转向另外一种类型。社会转型时期个人品德失范主要表现在工业化进程中个人品德发展滞后、全球化进程中个人品德取向多元、市场化进程中个人品德失范等方面。究其原因,既有外部因素诸如市场经济的影响、大众传媒不恰当的导向、网络的负面效应、社会品德教育设施落后、学校品德教育匮乏、家庭品德教育失当、法制建设滞后等方面的影响,又有个体社会责任感缺失、个体品德认同感弱化等内部因素的影响。而社会转型时期加强个人品德建设既包括辩证对待市场经济、利用传媒力量扬善抑恶、净化网络环境、强化社会道德教育、加强立法工作等外部层面的策略,也包括弘扬自我品德意识、养成良好的品德行为习惯、强化自我品德实践等内部层面的策略。

【Abstract】 Report of the Seventeenth Party Congress pointed out:to promote patriotism, collectivism and socialist ideology in order to enhance awareness of integrity, focus and strengthen social morality, professional ethics and family virtues and individual morality, ethics play an exemplary role models. This is the first time the CPC Central Committee’s document clearly strengthen the individual morality. Individual morality and moral construction in China is an important area, we should grasp to mention the party’s congressThe strengthening of individual morality out of a good time, the individual morality into the socialist ideological and ethical areas, to absorb the experience, sum up the lessons have been, as mentioned the effectiveness of individual character education efforts.Based on the social transformation of misconduct during the performance of individual moral conduct in-depth analysis of anomie caused by the deep personal and moral reasons, and put forward concrete strategies. Cultural diversity to bring diverse values, in a sense, resulting in the original social ethics, a consensus gradually lose value, modern and lost our way in terms of values, there has been confusion. Anomie caused by personal qualities are many reasons, both external factors and internal factors, which include the outsourcing of social reasons, educational reasons and legal reasons; internal factors include the weakening of their own moral sense of identity and social responsibility Loss and other factors. Therefore, it is necessary in the social transition, the social character building, self-character-building, school character-building areas and building areas such as community character as a breakthrough, and continuously strengthen the implementation of individual morality. Meanwhile, we should make full use of media power, character-building legislation in the New Times, and through the establishment of a network of three-body system and guarantee the personal qualities of the effective implementation of construction projects. Therefore, to enhance individual morality is a solid basis for morality, for the promotion of comprehensive development of the individual has a positive role in promoting and help promote a harmonious society.


