

Studies on Different Cultivation and Yieldperformance of Double Cropping Rice in Cold Waterlogged Paddy Fields

【作者】 曾燕

【导师】 邹应斌;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 2009年和2010年在长沙、宁乡、益阳、桃源、衡阳和永兴5点进行了品种筛选和不同栽培方式的比较试验,其中宁乡、桃源和永兴为冷浸田。试验结果表明:1.(1)2009年不同品种在宁乡、桃源、永兴3点产量表现基本一致。早稻以陆两优996和陵两优211表现较好,平均产量分别达到5.68t/hm2和5.28t/hm2;晚稻以钱优1号、天优华占和丰源优299表现较好,产量分别达到5.08t/hm2、4.94t/hm2和4.81t/hm2。(2)2010年不同品种在宁乡、益阳、桃源、衡阳4点表现也基本一致。施肥处理的产量高于无肥。早稻以陆两优996和株两优819表现较好,4点平均产量达5.03t/hm2和4.85 t/hm2;晚稻以丰源优299和天优华占产量较高,4点平均产量达6.08 t/hm2和5.98 t/hm2。(2)综合2年的试验结果可得,陆两优996、丰源优299和天优华占这几个品种在冷浸田条件下表现较好。2.(1)2009年不同栽培方式产量在宁乡、桃源、永兴3点表现不一致。其中桃源点早晚稻皆以翻耕移栽和免耕抛栽产量较高;而永兴点早稻免耕抛栽培产量最高,晚稻以垄厢移栽产量最高;宁乡点早晚稻则以翻耕移栽产量最高。2010年4种栽培方式在2点2季中表现不完全一致。长沙早晚稻和桃源早稻,都以翻耕处理最高但未达到显著水平,而桃源晚稻以垄畦最高无显著差异。(2)栽培方式的比较在地点间产量表现差异极显著,叶面积指数、干物质的积累及土壤温度桃源点也明显低于长沙。(3)结合冷浸田的障碍因子可从几下方面着手提高其产量:第一、选择适宜冷浸田条件栽培的品种;第二、施足基肥和追肥特别是增施磷肥;第三、调整播插期。第四、采用垄作或者翻耕栽培。

【Abstract】 The comparison experiments with different varieties and cultivation methods were conducted in Changsha、Ningxiang、Yiyang、Taoyuan、Hengyang and Yongxing in 2009 and 2010, especially Ningxiang、Taoyuan and Yongxing are low yield paddy fields.The results showed that:1.(1)The yield performance among cultivars was similar in Ningxiang、Taoyuan and Yongxing in 2009. LLY996 and LLY211 in early season rice showed higher yield, of which averaged as 5.68 t/hm2 and 5.28 t/hm2 in three locations; QY-1,TYHZ and FYY299 in late season rice showed higher yield, of which averaged as 5.08 t/hm2,4.94 t/hm2 and 4.81 t/hm2 in three locations.The yield performance among cultivars was also similar in Ningxiang、Yiyang、Taoyuan and Hengyang in 2010.The yield of the treatment with fertilization was hihger. LLY996 and ZLY819 in early season rice showed higher yield, of which averaged as 5.03 t/hm2 and 4.58 t/hm2; FYY299 and TYHZ in late season rice showed higher yield, of which averaged as 6.08 t/hm2 and 5.98 t/hm2 in four locations.(2)The results of 2 years indicate that, LLY996、FYY299 and TYHZ performance better in low yield paddy fields.2.(1) The yield performance among different cultivation methods was different in three locations. In Taoyuan site, the treatments of tillage and no-tillage showed higher yield in both early season and late seasons. In Yongxing site, the highest yield was founded by using no-tillage treatment in early season but by using ridge in bed treatment in late season. In Ningxiang site, tillage cultivation treatment showed the highest yield in both early season and late one.The yield performance among four cultivation methods was the same in Changsha and Taoyuan in 2010,tillage was the best but no remarkably difference. LLY819 and FYY299 was better in early and late rice.(2)The comparison among 4 cultivation patterns between 2 location is extremely significant differences in yield performance, leaf area index, dry matter accumulation and soil temperature in taoyuan also obviously lower than Changsha.(3)According to the existent problems in cold waterlogged paddy fields, there are several ways to increase production:first select the suitable varieties;second use sufficient base manure and top application; third Adjustment period of broadcast inserted;four ridge tillage or tillage cultivation.

【关键词】 冷浸田产量水稻栽培方式
【Key words】 cold waterlogged paddy fieldyieldricecultivation

