

The Motion Control of Profile Milling Flying Saw

【作者】 苏指南

【导师】 张玉华;

【作者基本信息】 天津理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 数控仿形铣切飞锯机的研制和开发,使得原来传统的焊管切割技术得到了极大的改变。其中运动控制技术是数控飞锯机的关键技术,决定了飞锯机切管的效率、精度和质量等。目前国内能同时实现对不同形状焊管的在线切割的数控飞锯机不多,并且很多飞锯机在对焊管切割时定尺精度不高,无法实现对于大口径、高强度焊管的在线锯切。因此对于飞锯机控制系统以及运动方式的研究极为重要。本文介绍的仿形铣切飞锯机的控制系统以TRIO-MC206运动控制器为核心,工业PC机为系统支撑单元,软件上以Windows系统为平台,采用应用软件MotionPerfect2来实现对飞锯机运动轨迹的编程控制以及其他一些辅助控制程序。通过TRIO-PC ActiveX控件来实现TRIO运动控制器和上位机之间的通讯,该控制系统性能稳定,主机与TRIO控制器响应速度快,能够实现对于大口径圆、方矩形管的在线定尺切割并能对切割误差进行补偿,提高了切割精度。本文通过分析仿形铣切飞锯机的工作原理,来拟定对于圆、方矩形焊管的切割方案以及对于运动程序的设计;首先分析仿形铣切飞锯机的拖动系统即飞锯车在不同运动阶段的速度、加速度以及位移的多种运动曲线,选择最优的运动轨迹,并且根据控制系统中出现的实际问题,对速度采集的滞后、非线性速比以及由于震动所引起的焊管测量长度误差的消除等多个问题进行研究;其次通过VC++来模拟分析飞锯车采用不同运动曲线的运动效果,同时采用PRO/E来模拟分析切割不同形状焊管的过程中锯片的运动状态;最后通过TRIO的软件编程实现对于飞锯机的运动控制。

【Abstract】 The research and development of the CNC Flying Saw, making the original conventional technology of cutting pipe has greatly changed. The motion control technology which is the key technology of CNC flying saw, deciding the flying saw’s cutting efficiency, accuracy and quality and so on. At present, there are few CNC Flying Saw can achieve the technology of continuous cutting on moving pipes with various shapes ,and a lot of cutting length accuracy is not high, what’s more, they can not achieve the technology of cutting on moving pipes which are large-diameter, high strength. Therefore, the research of the Flying Saw’s control system and the way of movement is extremely important.This article introduced the control system of the Profile Milling Flying Saw based on the motion controller TRIO-MC206, use the industrial PC as the system’s supporting unit, use the Windows system as the software platform, use the application software MotionPerfect2 to achieve the programming control of the Flying Saw’s trajectory and other auxiliary control procedures. By the TRIO-PC ActiveX to achieve the communication between the TRIO motion controller and the host computer. This control system is very stable, and the response between the TRIO controller and the host computer is very fast. It can achieve the technolo -gy of cutting the moving pipes which are large-diameter or rectangular into specified length and can compensate the cutting error, improving the cutting accuracy.In this article, by analyzing the working principle of the Profile Milling Flying Saw, we can to prepare the cutting program of the round or rectangular pipe and to design the motion control program. First analysis the profile milling flying saw’s drag system that is flying saw car’s variety motion curve, including it’s speed, acceleration and displacement at different stages, choose the best motion trajectory. And according to the practical problems in the control system, to research the speed of delay, non-linear ratio and to elimination the error of the length measurement which caused by the vibration. Followed by using VC + + to simulate and analysis the motion effect produced by the Flying Saw car’s different motion curves, at the same time using PRO / E to simulate and analysis the saw’s motion state when cutting different shapes pipe. Finally, achieve the Flying Saw’s motion control by the TRIO software program.


