

Studies on the Isolated Culture and Virus Elimination of Gerbera Cultivar "Liangfen"

【作者】 浮双双

【导师】 吕长平;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 观赏园艺, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 非洲菊品种‘靓粉’,花色艳丽、花枝挺拔、切花率高、保鲜期长,具有非常高的观赏价值。非洲菊采用离体培养的方法快速繁殖,不仅能在短时间内大量繁殖优良种苗,而且还避免了分株繁殖和种子繁殖所带来的品种退化问题;在非洲菊生长过程中易受到病毒危害,严重影响到非洲菊切花品质和产量。所以本试验研究的目的是针对‘靓粉’的离体培养与脱毒技术两方面的问题,对保持‘靓粉’的优良种质资源与优良性状的稳定、提高其观赏价值有重要意义。1以无病虫害的‘靓粉’母株为材料,选取花托、茎尖、叶柄为外植体,以MS为基本培养基,附加不同浓度的6-BA. NAA,诱导外植体产生愈伤组织,继而分化出芽;然后以生根培养基进行诱导生根;后将组培苗移栽于不同基质中,筛选最适合的培养基质。2对日光温室的生产植株和以花托为外植体的组培苗分别进行番茄黑环病毒(Tomato black ring virus,TBRV)、烟草脆裂病毒(Tobacco rattle virus, TRV)、黄瓜花叶病毒(Cucumber mosaic virus,CMV)、烟草花叶病毒(Tobacco mosaic virus,TMV)、番茄斑萎病毒(Tomato spotted wilt virus, TSWV) 5种非洲菊易感染病毒进行RT-PCR检测,结果显示两种来源的材料都只携带烟草花叶病毒。3以‘靓粉’组培苗为材料,采用茎尖组织脱毒、茎尖病毒唑(三氮唑核苷)处理脱毒、花托组织病毒唑处理脱毒、热处理脱毒、病毒唑+热处理脱毒5种脱毒处理。采用RT-PCR技术对处理后组培苗进行检测,试验结果显示,用茎尖组织脱毒和茎尖病毒唑(三氮唑核苷)处理脱毒对非洲菊‘靓粉’脱毒达到100%,花托组织病毒唑5mg/L培养基处理后组培苗脱毒率达到85%,而热处理后组培苗表现出不适应性。

【Abstract】 Gerbera Cultivar’Liangfen’is very suitable for viewing and admiring as it has big beautiful color and comely straight stem. And it has high cutting-flower efficiency and long growing time in water. Using the rapid reproduction method of Gerbera culturing not only can reproduce a lot of seed-seedling also can avoid the variety-degeneration problem caused by single-reproduction and seed-reproduction; it could be damaged by viruses easily which seriously affects the quality and yield of cut flow-ers.So the study includes isolated culture and virus-free of Gerbera jiamesonii Bolus. The seeond is Preserving excellent idioplasm resource and stability of fine properties, raising its worth of viewing.At first, the receptacle, stem apex and petiole of the non-infected Gerbera plants grown in greenhouse were selected in the study. The explants were growing on MS basic medium with 6-BAandNAA in different concentration.6-BA and NAA were us-ed to induce the explant to produce calli and differentiate buds. The leaf of test-tube plantlet is selected as the explant to reduce infection rates. When test-tube plantlet ro-oting, they were planted on different substrates to select the most appropriate.Secondly, for Gerbera plants grown in greenhouse and test-tube plantlet form receptacle,5 kinds of viruses were detected. They were TBRV, TRV, TMV, CMV and TSWV. Gerbera Cultivar’Liangfen’infect the 5 kinds of viruses easily. The result illus-trated that only could be detected by TMV.Finally, used heat treatment and medium joining to ribavirin, stem apex and med-ium joining to ribavirin culture, receptacle and medium joining to ribavirin, heat trea-tment culture, and stem apex culture for virus elimination by isolated culture. Among the 5 kin-ds of virus-free, medium joining to ribavirin was used on Gerbera Cultivar ’Liangfen’ for the first time.The date illustrated that stem apex culture had a good effect for virus-free of Gerbera Cultivar’Liangfen’.

【关键词】 非洲菊离体培养脱毒病毒唑
【Key words】 Gerberaisolated culturevirus eliminationribavirin

