

Studies on Spray Deposition Uniformity and Droplet Deposition and the Control Effect to Rice Planthopper of Two New Types of Spray Lance Spraying on Rice

【作者】 杨丽

【导师】 唐会联; 廖晓兰;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农药学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 水稻病虫害种类多,危害重,给世界粮食生产安全带来严重威胁。因此,抓好水稻病虫害防治已成为我国目前稳定发展粮食生产中一项最具潜力,最为直接,最为有效的重要措施。病虫害的防治方法有农业防治、物理防治、生物防治以及化学防治措施。目前最常用、最经济、最有效、最方便的防治方法仍是以化学防治为主。随着我国“四化两型”社会建设的快速发展,现代农业与新农村建设的加快推进,农村务农劳动力已呈现妇女化和老年化的状况。而面对全球气候异常,农作物病虫害多发、频发、重发趋势日渐明显,显然,以家庭为单位的防治难以实现控害保安、减损增产的目的。近年来,各级农业植保部门转变服务指导方式,积极推进农作物病虫害专业化统防统治发展。但在发展中普遍认为,专业化服务组织受现有施药机械劳动强度高、施药质量差、作业效率低的约束,严重影响其健康快速发展。湖南省植保植检站唐会联研究员创新研发了3WZ-34系列手推便携式机动喷雾机、新型人力牵引喷杆喷枪以及新型远程宽幅喷枪,本研究采用3WZ-34系列手推便携式机动喷雾机分别与新型人力牵引喷杆喷枪和新型远程宽幅喷枪配套使用。测定其雾滴参数,包括雾滴谱、流量、喷幅以及在田间的行走速度。并在水稻田中进行雾滴分布均匀性和沉积量的测定。同时对水稻上的常见虫害——稻飞虱进行了防治效果试验。实验以大流量远程宽幅喷枪和手动喷雾器作对照。结果如下:1、对几种喷雾装置在不同压力下进行雾滴雾化程度的比较,几种喷雾装置的最佳工作压力分别是:新型人力牵引喷杆喷枪(8m)为1MPa、新型远程宽幅喷枪为4MPa、大流量远程宽幅喷枪为3MPa。2、几种喷雾方法的VMD由小到大依次为新型人力牵引喷杆喷枪(47.19μm)<新型远程宽幅喷枪(51.77μm)<大流量远程宽幅喷枪(122.4μm)<手动喷雾器(148.2μm)。新型人力牵引喷杆喷枪与新型远程宽幅喷枪的雾滴体积中径(VMD)明显小于其他两种喷雾方法,且雾滴谱较窄,明显优于改进前的喷枪以及目前在农村广泛使用的手动喷雾器。3、几种喷雾装置在水稻上的雾滴分布均匀性和沉积量测定结果表明:新型人力牵引喷杆喷枪和新型远程宽幅喷枪在作物上、中、下部的雾滴分布较均匀,且雾滴大小均匀性较好,在作物叶片表面的沉积率较高。4、通过对田间稻飞虱的防治试验,调查结果表明几种喷雾装置喷雾后的校正死亡率都达到了90%以上,其中新型远程宽幅喷枪的效果最好,达到了97.2%。

【Abstract】 There are many types of crop disease and pests, serious harm, have caused damages to world agricultural production. Therefore, pest management is the critical parts of agricultural production. The preventing and controlling methods include cultural control, physical control, biological control and chemical control. At present, chemical control is the most common and efficient way. Due to the basic requirement of modern agriculture and the new village construction, a larger explosion of harmful organisms, the existing rural labors tend to be older or poorly educated. The traditional prevention and treatment measure which at the household level rarely suffices pest management.Specialized control is making fundamental reform and innovation to traditional prevention and treatment measure. In recent years, boosted by central government and all levels of government, specialized control has also been a good development and achieved some results successively.In this study, we use 3WZ-34 series push-portable-motor driven sprayer which is the special equipment of specialized control with use of the new manpower spray lance and the new long-distance and wide-size spray lance. Determine the parameters of the droplets, including the spectrum of fog particles, flow, sprinkling breadth and the best travel speed in the field. Also determine spray deposition uniformity and The deposit amount of fogdrops. And determine the control efficacy to rice planthopper. Use the long-distance and wide-size spray lance and hand sprayer as the control. Result:1. Compared spraying performance of sprayers under different ambient pressure, the best ambient pressures were:the new manpower spray lance(8m)was 1MPa、the new long-distance and wide-size spray lance was 4MPa、the long-distance and wide-size spray lance was 3MPa.2. The VMD of several sprayers were:the new manpower spray lance(47.19μm) <the new long-distance and wide-size spray lance (51.77μm)<the long-distance and wide-size spray lance (122.4μm)<hand sprayer (148.2μm). VMDs of the new manpower spray lance and the new long-distance and wide-size spray lance apparently lower than the other three sprayers, and the spectrum of fog particles is quite narrow.3. Determine spray deposition uniformity and the deposit amount of fogdrops. The experimental results demonstrate that fogdrops sprayed by the new manpower spray lance and the new long-distance and wide-size spray lance deposition uniformity was good, and had a higher deposit amount of fogdrops on the surface of the leaves.4. By control experiments to rice planthopper, results showed that the mortality rate of every sprayer accounts for 90%or more, the effect of the new long-distance and wide-size spray lance was the best, up to 97.2%.


