

Spatial Visualization of Potential for Regional Economic Development Based on ArcObjects

【作者】 王雷

【导师】 周清;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 土地资源利用与信息技术, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 区域经济的存在和发展依托其所在的地理空间,对区域经济空间的研究可以参考地理空间和物理空间的某些方法来进行。而将区域经济、物理空间和地理空间结合起来的最重要理论就是经济空间场理论。本文以经济空间场理论为基础,探讨区域经济发展潜力的空间特性,并尝试对其形成的区域经济发展潜力场效应进行模拟分析和可视化。区域经济空间结构的演变有明显的空间特性,运用ArcGIS工具来分析区域经济状况一方面可以存储和管理包含有空间信息的经济数据;另一方面可以借助图形思维分析和模拟区域经济空间结构的演变;此外还可以基于ArcGIS的开发平台,使用通用编程语言对区域经济进行更高级的时空模拟分析。本文选择ArcGIS内嵌的开发环境VBA对区域发展潜力空间场效应进行了模拟。经济空间场理论表明:经济空间场具有连续性,作为场源的点要素对周围媒体具有集聚和辐射的特性。本文应用ArcObjects提供的大量可编程组件定制区域发展潜力工具栏,实现了以下功能:1.将空间单元的经济属性数据赋予地图上相应区域的行政中心点;2.选择合适的空间内插方法来研究区域经济属性的空间演变结构;3.由于多个经济要素场可以在同一空间交合、叠加,不同的叠加方式将形成不同效果经济发展场,所以本文根据多元线性回归分析中得到的区域经济发展潜力与各经济要素的数量关系模型,对各经济要素场加权叠加,得到区域经济发展潜力场效应图,实现对区域经济发展潜力的空间可视化。为了验证区域经济发展潜力空间可视化模型的实用性,本文选择安仁县作为实证对象。通过研究2008年安仁县各乡镇经济要素场叠加形成的经济发展潜力场,来分析由它们组成的区域经济空间结构,从而从整体上把握安仁县区域经济发展潜力状况的空间布局,对具有积极影响的经济要素进行有针对性的吸收和引进,促进安仁县域经济要素有效配置、产业结构调整升级和经济的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Since the existence and development of regional economy is based on the geographic space in which they are located. From this view, there provides a new thought for the study of the layout of regional economic space, that the research on regional economic space can refer some methods in geographic space and physical space. The most important theory which combine regional economy, physical space and geographic space is economic space field theory. The paper, based on the economic space field theory, is going to explore the spatial characteristics of potential for regional economic development and do simulation analysis for the formed field effect.Because the evolution of spatial structure of regional economy has a significant spatial characteristics, geography technology can be used for the research of regional economy. Using ArcGIS tools to analyze the regional economy, on the one hand you can store and manage spatial economic data better; on the other hand, you can analyze and simulate the evolution for spatial structure of regional economy through the graphical thinking. In particular, based on the development platform of ArcGIS, using a general programming language can comply more advanced simulation of time and space for regional economy. The paper choose VBA developing environment ebedded in ArcGIS desktop edition to simulate the spatial field effect formed by the potential for regional economic development.Field theory of economic space consider point elements as the field source has concentration and radiation characteristic on the surrounding media and economic space field has salient continuity. The paper customed toolbar of regional development potential model by using a large number of programmable ArcObjects components. It realize the function as following:firstly, the economic property data of the space unit is given to the corresponding region on the map of administration center; secondly, select appropriate spatial interpolation method to study the evolution of the spatial structure for the regional economic properties;third, as a number of economic factors field can exist in the same space, and different way to superposition produce different result, so according to the economic factors model between regional development potential and economic factors, which is the result of multiple linear regression analysis, superposing economic factor fields will get field-effect diagram of regional development potential and realize the spatial visualization of the potential for regional economic development.AnRen county is chosen as the empirical subject in order to verify the practicality of the spatial visualization model of potential for regional economic development. By studying the development potential field of AnRen county in 2008 formed by superposition of economic factor field to analyze the spatial structure of regional economy. It helps to grasp the overall space layout of regional development potential in AnRen county and help to introduce economic elements which have positive impact on regional development, promote the reasonable allocation of economic resources, adjust industrial structure and maintain sustainable economic development.


