

Research on Establishment of Emergency Ability Evaluation Index System about Incident Events in Campus Public Security

【作者】 齐艳春

【导师】 陈伟珂;

【作者基本信息】 天津理工大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着高等教育快速发展,在校大学生人数不断攀升,影响高校安全的不稳定因素增多,发生在高校的涉及学生安全的事件不断增长,特别是突发事件的发生,给高校办学治校能力提出严峻的考验,对高校公共安全管理工作提出了新的要求。近几年来,许多学者在积极开展校园安全的创建活动,目前国内外对校园公共安全进行的研究,主要针对暴力防范和流行病学等方面进行,涉及的研究层面不广,大多是研究单因素,不足以从宏观上统揽校园公共安全的全貌,更没有一套比较完善的对校园突发事件应急能力评价的指标,对于如何评价校园安全,如何预防校园公共安全突发事件没有一个系统的科学的评价方法。本文对校园公共安全突发事件进行研究,在此基础上,结合中国的国情,通过广泛征求有关专家学者的意见,构建了多层次的校园突发事件应急能力评价指标体系,主要包括管理因素、事故预防、人员素质、持续改进、管理因素、校园周边环境以及消防与应急救援等7个二级指标和23个三级指标,最后通过在某高校进行实证验证,并选用模糊综合评价法进行评价以保证评价结果的合理性。证明校园公共安全突发事件应急能力评价指标是有效、可靠的。本文借鉴国内对于校园安全的标准,并结合我国的实际情况,设立一套科学、合理、系统的校园突发事件应急能力评价指标体系,有利于人们对校园安全认识的深化,提高校园安全管理的科学化、制度化和规范化程度,使对校园安全的监测、考核、评比更加定量化、经常化,对推动校园安全,具有十分积极的意义。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of higher education, college students toll continues to rise, influence factors of campus safety of instability increased. Incidents occurred in college have grown continuously. There are severe tests for higher education administration ability.Recently,school safety in some cities of China has been promoted. However,study of injury is just from one or two kinds or study is form epidemiology and violence,there is no systemic and scientific evaluation method of safe school.Based on the analysis of school injury occurred in recent years,including swarm and jostlement accident,dangerous building accident,school fire accident,athletics injury and so on. The author develops a multilayer evaluating indicator system for China school safety through Delphi expert questionnaire. 7 second-grade indicators and 23 third-grade indicators are selected for evaluation system. He takes advantage of DELPHI expert questionnaire and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation in obtaining weight and quantifying value of each index with intent to ensure the rationality of the evaluation result. Since Safe school is a comprehensive system consisting of lots of indicators which are difficult to measure,he makes use of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation in formulating a fuzzy model of Safe School synthetic evaluation. Case study is carried out by means of practical application of the method in some schools,which indicates the evaluation system is a practical and reliable one.This paper develops a multilayer evaluating indicator system for China school safety based on the criteria and indicators of safe school developed by WHO Collaborating Center on school safety promotion and connected with the conditions of China school. It is not only good for people to prevent school injury,but also good for all schools to contrast with each other. It is necessary for school safety and all these are significant in preventing such school injury and reducing the number of casualty. So the evaluating indicator system is active for preventing school accidents and people can insure school more safe.


