

Research on the Tendering Procurement Process of the Large Scale Engineering Project

【作者】 宋振华

【导师】 杨飞雪;

【作者基本信息】 天津理工大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的发展,大型工程项目不断增加,尤其是进入“十二五”后这种趋势更加明显。这些大型工程的顺利实现对我国的经济建设和人民生活质量的提高都有重要影响,因此高效的完成大型工程项目应该是我们重点关注的,而作为大型工程实现的基础的招标采购也必然成为了我们研究的重要领域。但是现阶段的招标采购流程中存在一些问题,这对大型工程项目招标采购招标目标的实现是很不利的。基于上述背景,以大型工程项目招标采购流程为主题撰写了本硕士论文,论文的主要内容、方法及结论如下:首先,介绍了招标采购和大型工程项目招标采购不断发展的现状,并对招标的国内外研究现状进行了综述。在结合项目管理理论及大型工程的特点,界定出了大型工程项目招标采购等概念,并对其进行了五阶段划分,即为招标准备阶段、招标文件的编制阶段、发售招标文件与接收投标文件阶段、开评定标阶段和订立合同五个阶段。其次,通过访谈法和文献调查法等提出了大型工程项目招标采购招标采购过程中存在的问题,并把这些问题界定为大型工程项目招标采购流程中应重点加强的关键流程,同时根据相关法规和管理工作的要求界定了各阶段的工作目标。最后,结合项目管理理论,提出大型工程项目招标采购五个阶段流程管理,并结合五大过程组和责任制,对这五个阶段分别从横向的责任人和纵向五大过程组进行流程管理,这样一方面落实了责任主体,另一方面加强对招标采购流程的动态控,即最终形成了横向责任主体自身管理和纵向动态管理的大型工程项目招标采购的招标采购流程。

【Abstract】 With the development of our national economy, bidding and tendering activities are involving a large scope, the projects number is getting even bigger and the relevant social benefit and economy benefit are even obvious. Entering the Twelfth Five Year, there are more and more key construction projects. The completion of all these large projects is very important to the improvement of the living conditions of our people and our national economy construction. Therefore, we should focus on completing all these large projects and the procurement of large projects should be our main research field. Meanwhile, there are certain problems in the current procurement procedures, which are harmful to the realization of the bidding targets. Based on that, this thesis takes the optimization of the procurement procedures as the theme and the main contents, methods and conclusions are as followed:Firstly, the developing conditions of procurement and large project are introduced. The literature reviews in and abroad is made. Combining the characters of project management theory and the large projects, the concept of large project procurement are defined and it is divided into five stages. They are respectively the bidding preparation stage, bidding document compiling stage, bidding stage, judging stage and contract establishing stage.Secondly, through interview and literature review, the problems of large project procurement procedure are identified. These problems are taken as the key procedures that need to be enhanced. Meanwhile, the work target is identified.Finally, based on the combination of the project management theory, the detailed tacks of each stage are proposed. and combining the five procedure groups of project management, the procedures of the five stage are optimized from the aspects of horizontal responding person and the vertical procedure group. In this way, from one aspect, the responding person is set and from another side, the dynamic control of the procurement procedures is enhanced. Therefore, the horizontal responding party self management and vertical dynamic management large project procurement procedure is formed.


