

An Research on the Leagal Principals of Government Supervision in Informal Financing

【作者】 刘晶

【导师】 李有星;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 民间融资在我国当前的经济发展过程中起着不可或缺的作用,但随着参与主体与融资规模的不断扩大,民间融资为社会经济活动带来的金融风险也成为了不可忽视的问题。虽然近年来法学与经济学研究均对民间融资给予了高度的关注,但目前针对民间融资而进行的研究还主要集中于其存在原因、社会影响及合法性分析的角度,在民间融资规制方面,针对民间融资过程中存在的大量问题,从法律层面进行的研究也只是对现存的法律与监管制度的缺失问题进行罗列与分析,所提出的应对措施基本上是框架性的,对政府监管的法律原理和具体实施建议则并不是很多。因此,本文将通过以下四章内容,从法理角度对政府规制民间融资活动作出探讨:第一章根据民间融资活动自身存在的交易程序不规范、利率过高、纠纷频发等扰乱社会秩序、影响国家宏观调控与金融秩序的缺陷,以及我国目前在民间融资监管方面在法律规范、监管主体、监管措施、法律责任等方面的缺失,阐述了对民间融资进行监管的必要性。第二章通过对当前学界民间融资监管主体的选择模式进行对比分析,确立了以地方政府为监管主体的民间融资监管模式,并从政府职能、金融监管权的法律属性、民间融资的特征以及我国当前的金融监管体制等角度分析了选择政府作为民间融资监管主体的合理性。第三章从政府监管民间融资的目标出发,通过对金融抑制、金融自由与金融深化等监管理念的选择,以及政府监管与法律规范、市场调控和行业自律的关系分析,确定了政府监管民间融资过程中应遵循的原则。第四章在遵循前文所确定的监管原则的前提下,将政府对民间融资的监管确定在了通过民间融资组织融资与民间直接借贷的范围之内,并进一步提出了针对这两种民间融资方式应采取的监管方式。

【Abstract】 Informal financing plays an indispensable role in promoting economic development. But in pace with the broaden of participants and financing scale, it brings a great number of financial risks in economic activities. In the past a few years, both jurisprudential and economic study paid highly attention to informal financing,but the studies are concentrated on the reason why it exists, the infection it brings and the validity of it. On account of the large numbers of problems in the evolution of informal financing, the jurisprudential research production are mostly about enumeration the deficiencies in supervisory system, and framework countermeasures. The borcard of government supervision and material implementation method are insufficient. Therefore this thesis will discuss the government supervision on informal financing from the angle of juridical logic in the hereinafter four chapters:In the first chapter, it analyzes the existing problems in informal financing activities and the deficiencies in current supervisory system, in order to expatiate the necessity of supervision on informal financing.In the second chapter, it the contrasts the existing theoretics about supervisor chosen, arrive at a conclusion that the government should be designated as the supervisor of informal financing. Through the analysis on government functions, the characteristics of informal financing, and our current financial supervision system, could enduce the rationality concerning the government supervision in informal financing.In the third chapter, it involves the target that government supervision should set for, what kind of the supervising idea among financial repression, financial freedom, and financial deepening should be chosen, and the supervising principals should be followed.In the fourth chapter, according to the supervising principals that be ascertained in the preceding chapter, government supervision should be lied in informal financing through informal financing organization and direct debit and credit. The supervision measure to this two patterns are also given.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】D922.28;D922.1
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】605

