

【作者】 赵璐璐

【导师】 张建平; 郎丽华;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 国际贸易学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 中国与东盟大多数国家的对外贸易在过去十几年来年高速增长,两个经济体的双边贸易也同时高速发展。纺织服装产业在这两个经济体中都扮演了举足轻重的作用,对促进经济增长和就业发挥着重要作用。但是值得关注的是,中国与东盟十国同为发展中国家,在纺织服装产业当中具有相似优势,而且重要的出口市场也同为欧美日等发达国家,这就导致这两个经济体在纺织品服装的出口贸易上存在着激烈竞争。反观双边贸易的发展,虽然近年来纺织品服装贸易规模不断递增,但是贸易规模始终与两个经济体在此产业的经济地位不符,同时各种贸易摩擦也时有发生,所以双边在纺织服装产业的贸易互补性是否得到充分发掘始终是一个值得思考的问题。本文希望通过理论分析法与实证分析法相结合的手段主要解决对比分析中国与东盟在纺织服装产业出口产品结构以及竞争力;分析中国以及东盟具有互补性的前景和具体产品;根据以上数据分析中国和东盟在纺织服装行业双边贸易合作中存在的问题;针对以上问题,为加强双方产业合作、实施中国东盟自由贸易区提出政策建议。

【Abstract】 The foreign trade of China and ASEAN countries in the past ten years grows rapidly, also the development of bilateral trade in both textile and garment industries between these two economies grow fast in the last decade. But the concern also becomes greater and greater in these years. On the one hand, China and ASEAN countries are both developing countries, and they share similar advantages in both textile and garment industries. Moreover, their major export markets of textile product and garment product are both developed countries such as the United States, Europe Union and Japan.As a result, the competition of textile industry and garment industry between these two economies are becoming fiercer and fiercer in recent years. On the other hand, although the development of bilateral trade between China and ASEAN countries in these industries increase a lot in recent years, the scale of it does not match with the economic status of both economies, not to mention the high frequency of trade friction events between China and ASEAN countries.As a result, whether the complementary ability of bilateral trade in textile industry and garment industry is fully explored has always been a question which worth considering. This paper aims to use the combination of theoretical analysis and empirical analysis to work out the comparative competitiveness of textile industry and garment industry between both sides. In addition to this, this paper also needs to analyze the prospect of bilateral trade in these industries, and also we expect that we can work out a list of the specific products which have complementary trend between China and ASEAN countries.Based on the data analysis of China and ASEAN in textile industry and apparel Industry, we can find some problems still existing in bilateral trade cooperation between China and ASEAN countries. To solve these problems and strengthen bilateral industrial cooperation, the paper needs to give policy recommendations in the end.

  • 【分类号】F752.7;F426.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】658

