

【作者】 刘航

【导师】 申建军;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济体制改革和民主政治建设的发展,传统的城市社区管理模式逐渐不适应现代城市发展和管理的需要。城市社区是国家和社会的接口,是构建社会的基础。长期以来,社区概念在我国一直与“小区”混同。而本文探讨的新型城市社区治理模式——共治,希冀将现行的城市社区管理上的政府单方向的“管治”,也就是自上而下的,政府包办型的管理模式向政府、社会、社区、社团及社区居民共治的模式转变。本文主要包括以下几个方面内容:第一部分:简要介绍了文章的选题背景,研究现状,以及运用的主要理论和研究方法等;第二部分:主要介绍城市社区相关概念及理论,同时在此基础上提出了本文对于城市社区概念的理解;第三部份:对中外城市社区治理的情况及发展进行研究,分析我国城市社区发展的特点及治理的现状;第四部分:对我国及国外若干类型城市社区治理案例分析,通过比较分析对我国城市社区治理进行经验总结分析;第五部分:着重阐述现行城市社区治理模式的弊端,列举我国现行城市社区治理模式存在的主要问题及原因分析;第六部分:通过本文对于新型城市社区治理模式的研究,从理论分析、改革方向、创新点等方面的分析,提出对于新型城市社区建设的目标就是建立一个共治的概念;第七部分:结论。

【Abstract】 As China’s economic reform and the development of democratic politics, the traditional management pattern has not suited to urban community development and management of modern cities need. Urban communities is the interface state and society, is to build the foundation of society. Over the years, the concept of community in China has been working with "community" confused. The paper discusses a new type of urban community governance model-a total of governance, the hope of urban community management of the existing government in one direction on the "governance", that is, from top to bottom, the government arranged based management model to the government, society, community, community organizations and community residents a total paradigm shift in governance.This article includes the following aspects:PartⅠ:Introduction to the article the background, research status, and the use of the main theories and research methods;PartⅡ:focuses on concepts and theories related to urban communities, while presented in this paper based on the understanding of the concept for the urban community;PartⅢ:The urban Chinese and foreign history and development of community governance of the study, analysis of the characteristics of urban community development and management of the status quo;PartⅣ:Some types of cities in China and abroad, community governance case studies, comparative analysis of the governance of urban communities of the lessons learned;PartⅤ:Community Governance focuses on the existing drawbacks of the model, citing China’s current governance model urban community and the reasons for the existence of the main problems;PartⅥ:Through this new urban community governance model for the research, from the theoretical analysis, the direction of reform, innovation and other aspects of analysis, a new urban community building for the goal is to create a common concept of governance;PartⅦ:Conclusion.


