

【作者】 王银江

【导师】 李婧;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 国民经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 对粮食价格上涨以及随之带来的我国粮食安全的担忧,是中国政府、民众、学者甚至国际社会共同关注的问题。本文从保障我国粮食安全需求的视野,着重关注中国农民种粮积极性的提高。本文首先分析了我国控制粮价上涨、保障粮食安全的严峻形势,强调农民因为种粮比较收益的低下而弃耕、兼业,粮食种植人员后继乏人是我国保障粮食安全的重要隐忧,是人多地少的我国发展农业生产急需解决的问题。为此,本文就我国农民种粮积极性不高的原因进行了分析,主要观点包括:农民种粮收益低,劳动强度大,粮食种植风险大,是农民种粮积极性不高的最根本原因;农业补贴没有完全达到预期目的;农业技术培训不到位;农业生产资料大幅度涨价,种粮成本增加;种植经济作物对种粮的冲击等。本文对我国如何提高农民种粮积极性提出几点建议:发挥粮食政策激励机制作用,让农民通过种粮获得不低于外出打工或种植经济作物的收益;坚持城乡统筹和城乡互动战略,用工业的理念来谋划现代农业发展;转变传统观念,将农业作为一种需要大量投资、能够创造大量就业机会、关系到社会是否会动荡的重要产业;借鉴日本农业协会的形式,推动我国农村农业经营模式变革。

【Abstract】 The exploration of the guarantee of food’s security in China:From the perspective of improving the enthusiasm of farmers’graining.The worry about the improving of food’s price and the food’s security is a common concern of Chinese government and people, scholars and even the international society. This article focuses on the enhancement of initiative of farming from the demand of guaranteeing our country’s food security perspective.This paper first analyzes the severe situation about the control of food prices improving and the guarantee of food’s security in China, emphasizing farmers abandoned and find some part-time due to the low income of grain, and subsequent lack of food plant personnel are important for food security in China worries, and also are urgent problems of development of agricultural production in China which has more people with less ground.So, this essay analyses the causes of un-enthusiasm of farming. Main points include low profits, high labor intensity, plant risk, these all are the essential causes; agricultural subsidies did not fully achieve the desired; agricultural technology training is not in place; sharp price increases of agricultural production; Increase in grain costs; cash crops on the impact of food and so on.Finally, on how to improve our enthusiasm for growing grain farmers to make a few suggestions:playing an incentive role in food policy; let farmers obtain the benefit no less than going out to work or growing cash crops; Adhere to the strategies of co-ordination and interaction between urban and rural; to plan with the concept of industrial development of modern agriculture; changing concepts, treating agriculture as an important industry which need to invest heavily,can create many job opportunities and related to the social whether upheaval; promoting the transformation of business model of rural agriculture with learning the form of Japanese Agricultural Association.


