

【作者】 毛娜丽

【导师】 赵天燕;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 借鉴国外的发展经验和相关理论,本研究对滑雪产业发展的环境因素进行了系统研究,从产业经济学角度对滑雪产业进行了分析界定。从宏观和微观的层面,通过实地考察及案例分析相结合的方式,从我国的滑雪产业现状出发,分析了滑雪产业结构现状、滑雪产业链中有关滑雪场、滑雪装备及滑雪旅游行业的相关现状。透过这些现状,了解我国目前滑雪产业尚处于幼稚时期,还有很多地方亟待完善。本研究利用PEST因素分析方法,将滑雪产业环境分为政治法律环境、经济人口环境、社会文化环境和自然技术环境四个方面,从此四个方面展开对滑雪产业的环境影响因素研究。研究得知,对我国滑雪产业有利的一面是,我国经济总量在不断增加,人民的生活水平日益提高,越来越多的人有滑雪休闲消费的需求,而且我们有国外先进的经验可以借鉴,可以加快我国滑雪产业的发展,但另一方面,全球变暖不断加剧,气候环境恶劣等因素的影响对这个本处于幼稚期的产业是个不小的打击。本研究目的在于为政府和企业加快建立完备的滑雪产业发展保障体系提供一些理论依据和参考建议,促进我国滑雪产业快速健康的发展,扬长避短,尽快构建中国特色的、科学的、大众的滑雪产业。

【Abstract】 Drawing on the experience and related theory of foreign countries, this study is to analyze the environment factors and define the ski industry in the angle of industry economics. From macroscopical and microscopical aspect, through on the spot investigation and case analysis, starting from China ski industry’s present situation, to analyze the present situation about the ski industry structure, ski resorts, ski equipments and ski touring trade. According to the present situation, we know that the ski industry in China is still on the infancy stage and there are a lot of things to improve. This study use PEST factor analysis way to divide the ski industry environment to four aspects: Political factor, economic factor, sociocultural factor and technological factor. All the study are opened through these four factors. According to the study, for the China ski industry, the good thing is our GDP is going up every year, the people’s living standard are improving every year, more and more people have the demand of ski leisure consumption and also we have a lot of overseas experience to follow. But on the other hand, global warming is worse and worse. This is a very bad thing for the China ski industry which is still on the infancy stage. This study is aiming to speed up the building and improving the safeguard system of the development of ski industry, to give some helpful, nessessary references of decision making, to boost China ski industry develop well and fast, make best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages, to build national, scientific and popular ski industry.

【关键词】 滑雪产业现状环境因素建议
【Key words】 ski industrypresent situationenvironmentsuggestion
  • 【分类号】G863.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】318

