

【作者】 史晓虹

【导师】 郭晓宏;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 当前我国生产安全形势严峻,重特大事故多发,究其背后的原因,在事故发生前都有过事故先兆或存在事故隐患。根据海因里希1:29:300法则,企业要想控制“1”的发生,必须防止生产中“300”的出现,即控制生产中的未遂事件。本文针对当前生产安全未遂事件说法不一、定义混乱的局面,首先对未遂事件进行了定义,明确了未遂事件的范围、特征及分类方法;并以相关管理理论为依据,阐述未遂事件管理的重要性及可行性;对在调研、访谈、文献查阅和讨论等过程中获得的信息加以整理,分析我国企业未遂事件管理现状、存在的主要困难和问题,并结合中石油、中石化等国有大型企业、部分高危行业和外资企业未遂事件竹理的做法及经验,对解决这些困难和问题提出建议。此外,本研究还结合企业实际研究制定一套企业生产安全未遂事件管理办法,希望能对企业开展此项管理活动提供参考。生产安全未遂事件的管理包括三个方面内容。即收集未遂事件的信息;从人的不安全行为、物的不安全状态、环境因素和管理缺陷入手分析未遂事件的出现原因;进而制定和采取相应的防范措施。在未遂事件的收集过程中,.要建立畅通的信息沟通系统,及时反馈,并实行激励机制、免责报告制度等方式促进员工及时、准确、全面的上报未遂事件,在未遂事件的处理过程中要按照事故处理过程来对待。最后将有代表性的未遂事件拿到车间、全厂甚至整个集团共享,使全体员工了解控制未遂事件的发生与企业实现安全生产的重要关联性,不断提高预防未遂事件发生的知识和实际能力。

【Abstract】 At present the situation of our nation’s work safety is very grim, the serious and major accident is so high. After investigation found that it has hidden dangers or accident aura before the accident. According to the Heinrich Rule 1:29:300, If we want to control "1" happen, we must prevent the "300" appearance, Namely, we must control near miss.In view of the current situation of mess defined about the near miss, At first we define the near miss, specify the scope, characteristic and classification method; According to the relevant management theory, expound the importance of the near miss management and the feasibility. We get the information in the processes of investigation, interview and literature review and discussion, and arrange, analyze our country enterprise management status, the main difficulties and problem of the near miss, Also combined with safety management experience of the China Petrochemical Corporation, Sinopec and other large state-owned enterprises and partial high-risk industries and foreign-capital enterprises and proposes the suggestion. Besides, according to enterprise’s status, this research draft a set of enterprise work safety management measures, attempted to provide the reference for enterprise management activities.The management of work safety near miss including three aspects. At First we need to collect the near miss informations, analyse the cause of the event from the insecure elements of human beings and the insecure status of objects and environmental factors and management deficiency, and take effective measures. During the period of collection, we must build the unimpeded information communication system and feedback timely, and implement incentive mechanism and the disclaimer report to promote the employees to report the near miss timely and accurately. Also we need to treat the near miss just like the accident. At last we take the representative events to share in the workshop, plant or even whole group, to make all the employees understand the importance of safety, and avoid such events.

【关键词】 生产安全未遂事件海因里希法则激励共享
【Key words】 Work SafetyNear Missthe Heinrich RuleInspireShare

