

【作者】 张浩

【导师】 马峻;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在经济全球化和顾客需求多样化的经营环境下,越来越多的服务企业认识到大规模定制服务是其提升竞争力的“利器良方”,因此服务企业都不同程度的面临着是否实施大规模定制服务策略的战略抉择。然而当前大规模定制服务才刚刚起步,相关研究或是针对其分类、策略、内涵或从某一角度对大规模定制服务的技术进行研究,尚未涉及到服务企业实施大规模定制服务策略的适用性方面。针对一个服务企业,其是否适合实施大规模定制服务策略还没有量化的评价指标体系。因此本文在提出大规模定制服务适用性影响因素模型的基础上构建了大规模定制服务适用性评价指标体系,从而为服务企业实施大规模定制服务策略提供决策依据。首先,本文在回顾国内外大规模定制服务研究现状的基础上说明了当前大规模定制服务的实施条件和适用性评价研究比较缺乏,揭示了进行大规模定制服务适用性评价研究的理论价值和现实意义。接着,在大规模定制服务相关理论的基础上本文分析了大规模定制服务适用性的两个基本问题:什么样的服务适合大规模定制服务、什么样的服务企业适合大规模定制服务,进而分类总结了服务企业实施大规模定制服务的必备能力要素,提出大规模定制服务适用性的影响因素模型并逐个因素剖析,从而为服务企业实施大规模定制的适用性评价奠定了基础。然后,论文重点从服务与市场适用性、组织协调适用性、资源与运营管理适用性、服务能力适用性四方面构建了大规模定制服务适用性评价指标体系,确定了权重及权重优化方法,进而借助模糊综合评价法构建了大规模定制服务适用性评价模型。最后,本文以北京申通快递服务有限公司为例,分析了该公司快递服务的概况,对其实施大规模定制服务的适用程度进行了全面的评价,同时通过MCE软件验证,确保了评价的准确性和便捷性,接着基于该评价结果指出北京申通快递服务有限公司实施大规模定制服务策略的不足之处,并提出相应改进建议。

【Abstract】 As the globalization of markets and diversity of customer needs in modern society, more and more companies recognize that mass customization services emerged as a powerful weapon to enhance their competitiveness. So service companies are faced the choice that whether to implement the mass customization services. But now, the researches of mass customization services mostly emphasize its classification, implications and technology. The applicability of mass customization services has not been studied. So researching the applicability of mass customization services for enterprise’s strategy decision is the main purpose of this paper.Firstly, reviewing the domestic and international papers of the mass customization services points out that the research about its applicability is lack of. And there is both practical and theoretical significance to study the applicability of mass customization services.Secondly, based on the theory of mass customization services we analyze two basic questions——what kind of service and what kind of service company are suitable for mass customization services. We summarize the necessary conditions and abilities to carry out the mass customization services. And then the applicability factor model of mass customization services is provided.Thirdly, analyzed from the applicability of service and market suitability, organize and coordinate, the resources and operations management, the service capability, the applicable assessment index system of mass customization services is established. After determining the weight and weight optimization method, we use fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to establish the applicability of mass customization services evaluation model.Finally, through the investigation of The Beijing Shen Tong Express Limited Company, we evaluate its degree of mass customization services and use MCE software to ensure the accuracy of the evaluation. Based on the results, we find this company’s shortcomings and propose some improvement suggestions.

  • 【分类号】F259.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】244
  • 攻读期成果

