

【作者】 赵磊

【导师】 梁茂新;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁中医药大学 , 方剂学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:通过对近20年现代中医治疗经前期综合征(Premenstrual syndrome,PMS)文献中辨证及用药规律的分析,结合由“《普济方》数据库管理系统”检索所得,关于古代治疗经前期综合征相关病症的用药情况,揭示PMS辨证和用药规律,从而获得用于II期临床前研究的干预经前期综合征的中药小复方,并通过药效学动物实验验证其疗效。由此建立PMS中药小复方筛选的思路和方法。材料与方法:1.中国知网、重庆维普、CBM期刊数据库检索近20年中医临床治疗PMS的文献,归纳统计辨证及用药情况。2.“《普济方》数据库管理系统”检索PMS相关病症古代用药情况,并进行统计分析。3.采用小鼠热板法,醋酸扭体法观察该方镇痛作用:给药前,测量正常痛阈值,取两次平均值作为给药前痛阈值。选取痛阈值大于5s小于30s小鼠留用。将实验小鼠随机分6组,每组10只。各组连续给药5d。末次给药30min后以同样方法测定药后30、60、90、120min痛阈,进行组间比较;取雌性小鼠,分组、给药同上。末次给药30min后,各组小鼠腹腔注射0.6%醋酸溶液0.2ml/只,5min后观察记录15min内扭体次数,并计算扭体抑制率。4.采用自主活动,戊巴比妥钠阈下协同作用法观察镇静作用:取雌性小鼠随机分为6组,每组10只。连续给药7d,末次给药30min后将小鼠放入自主活动箱内,适应5min后测定10min内的活动次数;雌性小鼠分组,给药同上。末次给药30min后各组小鼠腹腔注射30mg/kg戊巴比妥钠,观察并记录15min内翻正反射消失达1min以上的动物只数。5.同时通过注射苯甲酸雌二醇造成高雌激素型类PMS动物模型,考察其对外源性高雌激素水平的调节作用:依阴道涂片确定动情周期。将处于动情后期大鼠分为7组。造模方法:每日上午皮下注射苯甲酸雌二醇注射液造模,0.05ml/次,连续5d,同时下午按相应剂量给予蒸馏水或药物,末次给药24h后麻醉,腹主动脉取血,酶联免疫法检测血清E2含量。结果:1.经前期综合征的中医辨证权威文献之间,权威文献与学术界之间,普遍存在病名不一致、同病不同证等诸多差异,亟待重新辨证规范。2.古今治疗经前期综合征及其相关疾病以活血调经、补益气血、理气类药物为主。3.月前舒煎可提高小鼠热板痛阈,减少扭体次数。4.月前舒煎可减少小鼠自主活动次数,增加阈下戊巴比妥钠睡眠动物数。5.月前舒煎可降低高雌激素型类PMS大鼠血清雌二醇含量。结论:1.PMS以肝郁脾虚证占主导地位。2.月前舒煎具有镇痛、镇静、降低高雌激素型类PMS大鼠血清雌二醇含量的作用,可望用于临床,对经前期综合征产生较好的调节作用。3.文献研究→选择适应病证→数据库检索,结合临床确定供试小复方→实验研究证实,这一路径是一种便捷、实用的小复方筛选方法。

【Abstract】 Purpose:Realve the rule of PMS syndrome differentiation and medicine usage, through analyzing the last 20 years clinical documents about PMS treatment, and the reasults searched by Puji Fang data base management system. Consequently, make a prescription focusing on PMS treatment, which is empirical studied and confirmed. Establish a kind of thought and method in screening a smal effective TCM prescription on PMS regulation.Material and method:1. Inductive statistics the syndrome differentiation and medicine usage, through searching the last 20 years TCM clinical documents on CNKI, CQWP, CBM periodical data base.2. Statistical analysis the reasult about ancient medicine usage, searchend from Puji Fang data base management system.3. Apply the methods of hot plat and reduce streching to observe analgestic effect4. Apply the test of spontaneous movement and joint action with subthreshold dose of pentobarbital sodium to observe the sedation5. Establish hight ESG section of PMS animal models through injecting estradiol benzoate to investigate the ESG regulating effect.Result:1. There are many major differences or contradiction of PMS syndrome differentiation in authority standards, academic circles, and between authority and academic circles.2. The medicine usage in ancient and modern years concentrates on the ones with effect of menstrual regulation, qi regulation and tonification.3. YQS can raise the pain threshold on hot plat and reduce streching times4. YQS can inhibit spontaneous movement, and increase spleep mice numbers;5. YQS can lower rats’serum E2 content. Conclusion:1. PMS is characterized by liver-qi stagnation and spleen deficiency.2. YQS has the effect of analgesia, mitigation, and lower the E2 contained in serum, which is hopefully applied on clinical usage to relieve PMS.3. The screening thought: document research→identification of indication→state base combined with clinical treatment→empirical study and confirm, is convenient and pragmatic.


