

【作者】 梅霓清

【导师】 王幼奇;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁中医药大学 , 中医内科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 头痛是临床神经内科常见症状之一,病因病机复杂。导师王幼奇教授多年从事中医神经内科病症研究,认为感受外邪,传变入里或肝脾肾功能失调,气血阴阳失衡,均可导致经络瘀滞,发为头痛。而六经辨证是以六经为分类纲目,概括脏腑、经络、气血津液的生理功能和病理变化,并依据正气的强弱、病因的属性、病势的缓急等因素,将外感病病程演变进程中所呈现的多种证候进行分析、综合、归纳,从而辨明病变部位、证候特点、涉及脏腑、趋寒趋热、正邪消长从而指导立法处方。它既是辨证的纲领,又是施治的准则。王教授认为经络连接脏腑,沟通内外,是为六经辨证的生理基础。而气血阴阳以脏腑为根基,以经脉为通路,又与六气息息相关。因此以伤寒六经辨证理论体系为基本框架,参考古今众多医家治疗头痛的理论与临床经验,将目前一些头痛证型按六经体系归入各经当中,并自拟头痛煎以活血祛风,通络止痛,体现治病以求本,调和阴阳的治疗思想。本文从概述、历史沿革、六经辨证分型、导师治疗特色、讨论五个部分论述头痛,通过病因病机、治疗原则、头痛煎的组方及方义、分经论治以及临床体会阐述了王幼奇教授多年来治疗头痛的临床经验。

【Abstract】 Headache is one of the common symptom in neurology. etiology and pathogenesis is complicated. Master’s tutor Wang Youqing who works on neurology of Chinese Traditional Medicine years holds that being invaded by exogenous pathogen or dysfunction of liver, spleen and kidney or unbalance of qi, blood, yin and yang will lead to stagnation of channels and collaterals, which can cause headache.Professor Wang thinks that channels system is the foundation of differentiation of six channels , which connect Zang-fu and communicate inside and outside. Qi, blood, yin and yang is based on Zang-fu, passes through channels and collaterals and is related to six kinds of essence. So based on typhoid system of differentiation of syndromes of the six meridians, referred on the theory and clinical experience about headache of ancient and modern doctors, the differentiation of six channels in headache merges all kinds of headache at present, which directs clinic treatment. Toutong Jian was produced by Professor Wang, which function is invigoration of blood circulation, dispelling wind-evil, dredging collaterals and relieving pain.

【关键词】 头痛六经辨证头痛煎
【Key words】 headachethe differentiation of six channelsToutong Jian

