

【作者】 张莹

【导师】 孟安琪;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁中医药大学 , 中医妇科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 闭经是妇科常见的疑难病症之一。近年,青春期继发性闭经的患者越来越多,引起各学者的重视。西医多采用激素治疗的方法,疗效尚可,但副作用较大,且停药后复发率高,患者需长期服药,给生活带来不便。中医治疗本病尤重恢复自身的功能,以达到治疗的目的,无副作用,从根本上治疗闭经,有独特的优势。导师孟安琪教授在临床工作二十余年,精研经典,溯本求源。导师认为,青春期继发性闭经的患者发病原因主要责之于肾,肾为先天,肾为天癸之源,肾中精气充盛,天癸泌至,故任脉通,冲脉盛,则月经按时来潮,若肾气不充必然引起冲任二脉生理功能失调或气血衰少,就会出现月经不调,甚至闭经;女子属阴,以血为本,血少不能成经,血滞则经不行,而导致闭经。因此,在治疗时尊师尤其重视补肾和调血的重要性,以补肾调血论治青春期继发性闭经,方法为以补肾为基础,以四物汤养血调经,佐证加减,通经后根据月经的周期再以补肾、调养气血的中药按照各时期的生理组成中药人工周期方剂治疗闭经,使机体达到阴阳平衡、气血充沛、脏腑功能协调,从而调节全身正常的生理功能,逐渐恢复月经的按期来潮,取得较好的疗效。女性的青春期正处于人体生长发育的重要阶段,是一生中极为不稳定的过程,若此病治疗不及时给患者的身心健康带来危害,为防止其发生应尽早治疗。

【Abstract】 The menopause is one of gynecology department common difficult illness. Recent years, the puberty secondary stopped menstruating the patient were getting more and more, brings to various scholars’ attention. The doctor practicing western medicine uses the hormone treatment the method, the curative effect still permissible, but the side effect is big, and after stopping the medicine, the recurrence rate is high, the patient must take medicine for a long time, brings inconveniently to the life. The Chinese medicine treats this sickness to set a high value restores own function, achieves the treatment the goal, does not have the side effect, fundamentally treats stops menstruating, has the unique superiority. Teacher Professor Meng An Qi in clinical works 20 remaining years of life, researches in thorough detail the classics, traces this asks the source. Teacher believed that the puberty secondary stops menstruating patient aetiological agent main responsibility in kidney, kidney for congenital, kidney source of for the menses, in kidney essence sufficient abundant, the menses secrete to, therefore, no matter what the arteries pass, flushes the arteries to be abundant, then menstruation on time incoming tide, if the kidney were mad that is not sufficient causes inevitably flushes any two arteries physiology function being out of balance or is mad the dysemia to be few, will present the abnormal menstruation, will stop menstruating; The female is cloudy, take the blood as the book, the blood few cannot become passes through, the blood stagnates, then after is not good, but causes the menopause. Therefore, when treatment respects authority takes seriously to invigorate the kidney and to adjust blood’s importance especially, invigorates the kidney adjusts the blood to discuss governs the puberty secondary to stop menstruating, the method for take invigorates the kidney as the foundation, regulates menstruation by four Tang Yangxue, the evidence adds and subtracts, passes after invigorates the kidney according to the menstruation cycle, the recuperation vitality traditional Chinese medicine to treat again according to various times physiological composition traditional Chinese medicine artificial cycle Fang Ji stops menstruating, enables organism to achieve the masculine and feminine elements to be balanced, the vitality is abundant, the internal organs function is coordinated, thus adjusts the whole body normal physiology function, restores the menstruation gradually on time incoming tide, obtains the good curative effect. Feminine puberty is being in the human body growth the crucial stage, is in the life extremely the unstable process, if this sickness treatment brings the harm not promptly for patient’s physical and moral integrity, to prevent it to occur should treat as soon as possible.

【关键词】 青春期继发性闭经孟安琪治疗
【Key words】 Puberty secondary menopauseMeng An QiTreatment

