

Research on the Social Responsibility of Chinese Professional Football League Matches

【作者】 韦梅

【导师】 陈锡尧;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育赛事运作, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年职业体育赛事的社会责任问题越来越受到人们重视,然而与此同时,我国职业足球联赛却不断出现假赌黑、球场暴力、服用违禁药物、环境污染、贪污贿赂等丑闻,未能较好地履行其社会责任。因此如何让我国职业足球联赛更好地履行其社会责任,提升其形象,从而对社会产生积极的影响力,是一个亟需解决的问题。基于此,本研究以我国职业足球联赛履行社会责任的现状为研究对象,采用文献资料法、调查问卷法、数理统计法等研究方法,通过对我国职业足球联赛社会责任的概念、构成要素、责任主客体,以及当前履行现状等问题的研究为我国职业足球联赛今后的长远发展提供相关的建议和对策。本研究主要得出以下结论:第一,我国职业足球联赛的社会责任的责任主体并非某一单一个人或集体,而是其利益相关者。第二,我国职业足球联赛社会责任的责任客体是指受到其影响的人和社区,包括社会个体、社区环境、社区习俗等。第三,当前我国职业足球联赛在民众中受欢迎的程度并不高,履行社会责任的现状也不容乐观,大多数民众以及专家学者对此表现出了强烈的担忧。第四,我国职业足球联赛在履行社会责任过程中存在很多问题,主要表现为:“国企足球”现象严重,已成为引发道德问题的一个重要因素;法律责任的履行情况不容乐观,主要是由于当前有关联赛的法律不完善,对于足协的职责权限界定模糊,导致足协权力过大;联赛收入较低,且呈持续下降趋势,导致不能较好地履行其经济责任;联赛的财政支出过高,这也是联赛不能很好地履行其经济责任的重要原因之一;开展的慈善活动数目不多,且影响力不够。针对以上问题,本研究也给出了对策建议:第一,建立道德惩罚机制,使违背道德的行为能被及时发现并受到应有的惩罚,使职业足球联赛真正履行其道德责任。第二,建立体育产权制度,形成投资主体多元化的格局,从根本上打破“国企足球”的格局。第三,进一步完善法律,从法律法规上明确中国足球协会的法律地位和管理权限,真正履行职业足球联赛的法律责任。第四,规范政府行为,完善管理体制。第五,提高训练水平,为观众献上精彩,具有较强观赏性的比赛,从而提高联赛的收入。第六,控制联赛运营成本,保证联赛的财政健康,真正履行其经济责任。第七,增加慈善活动数目,并加大宣传力度。

【Abstract】 In recent years, people pay more attention to the professional sports event′s social responsibility. However, at the same time, Chinese professional football league matches kept in the various scandals, and fail to implement its social responsibility. So its necessary to study this area.This research discuses the concept, constitute elements and current situation of Chinese professional football league matches′s social responsibility, and we will give some related suggestion and countermeasures. This article′s research methods include documentary date, investigational method and the statistics law.The study concluded that:First, Chinese professional football league matches′s social responsibility is influenced by its stakeholders, not a singe individual or group.Second, the object of Chinese professional football league matches′s social responsibility is the people and communities affected by it, including the social individual, community environment, community customs etc.Third, a lot of people do not like Chinese professional football league matches, and the status of social responsibility can not be optimistic. Most of people and scholars worry about it.Fourth, there are many problems in the process that Chinese professional football league matches implement the social responsibility: the phenomenon of“state-owned football”is serious, resulting in frequent outbreak of ethical issues; imperfect law, the Chinese football association right is too large, resulting in abiding by the law; it is currently suffering financial embarrassments; small number of charitable activities undertaken ,and the influence is not enough.To solve the above problems, this study also gives some suggestions:First, the punishment measures should be enhanced so that unethical behavior can be detected and adequately punished.Second, build the sports property rights system and form the pattern of investment diversification.Third, further improve the legal, and provisions Chinese Football Association′s legal status and management authority.Fourth, standardize government behavior and improve the management system.Fifth, in order to provide audiences with a wonderful game, and enhance the league′s revenues, Chinese professional football league matches should enhance level of training.Sixth, control operating costs, and ensure the financial health of the league matches to fulfill its economic responsibility.Seventh, increase the number of charitable activities, and strengthen efforts to publicize.

  • 【分类号】G843
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】157

