

Impacts of Taijiquan Training on the Static Balance Ability of the Aged and Elderly People

【作者】 庞丹丹

【导师】 刘静;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 民族传统体育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着年龄的增长,中老年人的各项生理机能渐变衰退,平衡能力的下降更为明显。中老年人平衡能力的下降,直接影响到身体重心的控制能力,进而给独立生活带来一定的困难,严重的可能引起跌倒及诱发其他疾病。研究证实,科学合理的体育锻炼对中老年人平衡能力有着积极的作用,能够提高维持平衡的能力。本研究通过测试6个月太极拳锻炼者、不参加体育锻炼者和有三年以上运动经历的陈式太极拳、杨式太极拳、快走运动者的静态平衡能力,纵向对比6个月锻炼与不参加运动的中老年人平衡能力的差异,横向对比太极拳与快走、陈式与杨式太极拳锻炼的中老年女性平衡能力的差异,研究太极拳运动对中老年人静态平衡能力的影响及机制。为中老年人选择改善平衡能力的运动项目提供科学的指导,为制定中老年人太极拳运动处方提供理论依据,进一步深化和丰富太极拳理论知识。本研究运用了文献资料法、实验法和数理统计法。实验采用法国Medicpteurs公司制造研发的WIN—POD平衡仪,对155名中老年人进行了测试,实验组45人(太极拳锻炼者,男性21人,女性24人),对照组40人(非运动者,男性18人,女性22人),陈式太极拳组28人(女性),杨式太极拳22人(女性)和快走运动20人(女性)。选用了重心动摇轨迹长(length)、包络面积(area)、重心动摇速度(avg.Q.speed)、X轴摆动速度(x speed)、Y轴摆动速度(y speed)、X轴偏移(x dev)和Y轴偏移(y dev)七项平衡能力的指标。测试分别于实验前和实验6个月后进行。结果显示:(1)6个月太极拳锻炼后,实验组在各种姿势状态下、各指标均小于实验前。重心动摇轨迹长、重心动摇速度和Y轴摆动速度在双足姿势下呈显著性差异(P<0.05),单足姿势下呈非常显著性差异(P<0.01);包络面积在闭眼状态下呈显著性差异(P<0.05),单足睁眼姿势状态下呈非常显著性差异(P<0.01);X轴摆动速度在单足闭眼姿势状态下呈显著性差异(P<0.05),单足睁眼姿势状态下呈非常显著性差异(P<0.01);X轴偏移在单足闭眼姿势状态下呈显著性差异(P<0.05),睁眼状态下呈非常显著性差异(P<0.01);Y轴偏移仅在单足闭眼姿势状态下呈非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。与对照组相比,双足姿势下均无显著性差异;单足姿势下,除去睁眼状态时X轴偏移呈显著性差异(P<0.05),其他指标均呈非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。(2)陈式、杨式与快走运动组平衡能力测试各指标在各种姿势状态下均小于空白组。陈式组除了单足闭眼姿势状态下X轴偏移略大于快走组,其他各指标在各姿势状态下均小于快走组;杨式组与快走组各指标值大小情况相当;陈式组在双足姿势下Y轴偏移和单足闭眼姿势状态下Y轴摆动速度、X轴偏移略大于杨式组,其他各指标在各姿势状态下均小于杨式组。陈式组与快走组相比,在单足睁眼姿势状态下,中心动摇轨迹长、重心动摇速度和X轴摆动速度上呈显著性差异(P<0.05)。陈式组与杨式组相比,双足睁眼姿势状态下,重心动摇速度呈显著性差异(P<0.05);单足睁眼姿势状态下,包络面积和X轴摆动速度呈显著性差异(P<0.05)、重心动摇轨迹长和重心动摇速度呈非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。研究得出以下主要结论:1、6个月太极拳练习提高了中老年人静态平衡能力,说明系统规律的太极拳锻炼对中老年人静态平衡能力有较好的改善作用,主要表现在单脚站立平衡能力和左右方向平衡控制能力有较明显地改善。2、陈式太极拳改善中老年女性静态平衡能力的效果优于快走运动,说明不同形式的运动对中老年女性平衡能力的影响具有差异性,主要表现在前后方向的平衡控制能力有较明显地改善。3、陈式太极拳改善中老年女性静态平衡能力的效果优于杨式太极拳,说明不同类型的太极拳运动对中老年女性静态平衡能力具有不同的影响,陈式太极拳运动更有利于改善中老年女性的静态平衡能力。

【Abstract】 As the growth of the age, physiological functions of the aged and elderly people becomes vestigial, the declining ability of the balance is more obvious. This affects its ability to control body weight directly, and bring certain difficulties to their independent life , serious may cause fall and induce other diseases. Research proves, scientific and reasonable system of physical exercise has positive effects on the aged and elderly people balance ability, improve their ability to maintain the balance. This study through the test on the static balance ability of six months with taijiquan beginners、without activists and with more than 3 years experience on Chen-taijiquan、Yang-taijiquan、fast walking activists , longitudinal contrast on six months with taijiquan beginners and without activists in the balance capacity difference, lateral comparison taijiquan and fast walking movement、Chen style and Yang style in the elderly women balance capacity differences, impacts and mechanism of taijiquan training on the static balance ability of the aged and elderly people For middle and elderly in selecting the appropriate fitness programs and establishing exercise prescription, providing the basis for further enrich taijiquan theoretical knowledge.This paper uses literature, experimental and mathematical statistics.Experimental uses WIN—POD balance meter made by Medicpteurs company of France, tests 155 subjects ,experimental group is 45(men 21 and women 24), control group is 40 (men 18 and women 22), Chen-taijiquan(28,women)、Yang-taijiquan(22, women)、fast walking movement(20,women). Chooses 7 balance capacity indicators that are length、area、avg.Q.speed、x speed、y speed、x dev and y dev. Participants were texted before and after the six months.Results show:(1) after Six months taijiquan exercises, experimental group in various postures, each index were less than experiment before. length,avg.Q.speed and Y speed under the double foot has a significant difference (P<0.05), under a single foot has a very significant difference (P<0.01);area under the close eyes has a significant difference (P<0.05),under a single foot-open eyes has a very significant difference (P<0.01);X speed under a single foot-close eyes has a significant difference (P<0.05), under a single foot-open eyes has a very significant difference (P<0.01);X dev under a single foot-close eyes has a significant difference (P<0.05), under open eyes has a very significant difference (P<0.01);Y dev under a single foot-close eyes has a significant difference (P<0.05).Compared with the control group,under a single foot posture, Except X dev with open eyes has a significant difference (P<0.05),other all has a very significant difference (P<0.01).(2)Chen style、Yang style and fast walking group in various postures, each index were less than blank group.Chen style,except X dev under a single foot–close eyes has slightly bigger than fast walking group, other indicators in every position are less than fast walking group;Yang style and fast walking group have less difference on the size of the index; Chen style,except Y dev under the double foot and Y speed、X dev under a single foot-close eyes has bigger than Yang style, other indicators in every position are less than Yang style. Compared Chen style with fast walking group,under a single foot–open eyes,length、 avg.Q.speed and x speed has a significant difference (P<0.05).Compared Chen style with Yang style,under the double foot-open eyes, avg.Q.speed has a significant difference (P<0.05);under a single foot-open eyes,area and x speed has a significant difference (P<0.05)、length and avg.Q.speed has a very significant difference (P<0.01).main conclusions can be drawn as following:1、6 months taijiquan exercise improves the static balance ability of the aged and elderly people, it is explained that system taijiquan exercise have better improvement actions for aged and elderly people in the static balance ability, mainly displays on balance ability under a single foot standing and left-right direction has a significantly improved.2、Chen-taijiquan on the improvement effects of the aged and elderly women is better than fast walking movement,it is explained that different form exercise has difference influence on the balance improvements for aged and elderly women, mainly displays on balance ability under around direction has a significantly improved.3、Chen-taijiquan on the improvement effects of the aged and elderly women is better than is better than Yang-taijiquan,it is explained that different types of taijiquan for aged and elderly on improving the static balance ability is not the same, Chen-taijiquan is more beneficial to improve the aged and elderly women’s static balance ability.

【关键词】 太极拳中老年人平衡能力
【Key words】 TaijiquanMiddle and ElderlyBalance ability
  • 【分类号】G852.11
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】732

