

Study on Tactical and Technical Features of Chinese and Foreign Elite Female Boxing 51kg-class Athletes

【作者】 朱云

【导师】 王德新;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着女子拳击被列入2012年伦敦奥运会的正式比赛项目,许多国家和地区都加大了对女子拳击的关注度和投入,女子拳击实力突飞猛进,金牌争夺也十分激烈。在新设立的三个奥运级别中,中国女子拳击在51公斤级颇具竞争金牌的实力,但不占绝对优势,需要在训练理论以及技战术运用上进行完善与突破。因而对国外优秀女子拳击运动员的技战术特征进行研究,有助于促进我国女子拳击的可持续发展。本研究运用文献资料法、录像分析法、数据采集方法等研究方法,以2010年第六届世界女子拳击锦标赛51KG级前三名优秀运动员共19场比赛为研究对象,对中外优秀女子拳击运动员比赛中技、战术运用情况进行统计分析,以探讨其技、战术打法特征,帮助我国女子拳击队教练员及运动员在备战2012年伦敦奥运会期间有针对性的安排和指导训练提供科学参考和理论依据。通过研究,得出了主要结论如下:1、中外优秀女子拳击运动员技战术综合特征中外优秀女子拳击运动员技战术开始趋向全面,比赛中较多的选择在中距离利用滑步或冲刺步移动技术,结合单拳后手直拳或组合拳向对手发起强有力的进攻,在进攻战术的选择上也都以直攻战术为主,往往给对手造成出其不意的感觉。防守多以闪躲防守和移动防守为主,并结合滑步和后撤步,迅速的避开对手的攻击,同时善于运用单拳后手直拳和两拳组合拳法在中距离向对手发起反击。通过分析发现,后手直拳是中外优秀女子拳击运动员比赛中最常用,也是最有效地得点拳。2、任灿灿技战术特征小结任灿灿在比赛中善于在中近距离以滑步为主,冲刺步为辅,并运用组合拳向对手发起连续性的攻击;防守多以移动性的防守避开对手的攻击,脚步灵活、反应速度快,防守的成功率高;反击多以单拳摆拳和组合拳为主,但摆拳的运用盲目性较大。比赛中失点主要由于在移动防守时抱架不严,警惕性下降而被对手的连续攻击击中。3、尼古拉·亚当斯技战术特征小结尼古拉·亚当斯比赛中进攻意识很强,多采用滑步的方式,在中远距离使用后手直拳和组合拳向对手发起进攻,攻击强度大,击打目标明确,且能较好的控制进攻节奏。在整个比赛中,脚步灵活、体力充沛,不固定性的抱架,增加了对手防守的难度。防守多以移动性的步法防守和向后闪躲防守为主,后撤步为主要的移动技术,防守效果明显,同时反击意识也较强,在移动或闪躲防守时,会突然对对手发起连续性的组合拳反击。但在比赛中,若连续的强有力的进攻一旦被对手躲闪掉,造成击打落空,其进攻信心和节奏就会被打乱,甚至出现搂抱、压人等犯规动作,从而会暴露出一定的破绽,会给对手制造一定反击的机会。4、塔提娅娜·科布技战术特征小结科布在比赛中主要作战方式是运用组合拳向对手发起攻击,属于猛攻猛打型的运动员,其上身灵活,不易被对手击中,比赛中总是孜孜不倦的寻找最佳进攻和反击的时机,具有很好的忍耐性。善于在中距离与对手交手,一旦发现破绽,便会以重拳击中对手,击打部位主要集中在头部,击打效果明显;以滑步移动为主,以身体闪躲为辅,防守严密,以闪躲防守和移动防守为主,以格挡防守为辅,反应快、防守能力强;起动与攻防转换速度快、突然性强,击打准确。其薄弱环节主要表现在:比赛中如遇到远距离打法且个高的对手时,一旦失去距离优势时,其凶猛的进攻和反击便会出现漏洞,易在此时给对手制造反击的机会。5、哈恩·麦克艾伦技战术特征小结哈恩·麦克艾伦是一名典型的防守型运动员,比赛中移动较少,多采用滑步围攻的方式将对手逼到拳台的角落,在较为舒适的中近距离使用后手直拳或是前摆后直的两拳组合技术攻击对手,拳法进攻路线变化较多,出拳硬朗,击打准确度高;在整个比赛中,以抱头防守为主,以贴靠防守为辅,防守抱架严密,防守意识和防守能力强,让对手无懈可击;沉着、冷静,具有很好的忍耐性,在严密的防守中不断寻找反击机会,一旦发现破绽便会瞬间出拳,击打效果明显。其薄弱环节主要表现为:由于其进攻和反击技术比较单调,脚步移动也相对较少,当遇到远距离且打法凶猛的运动员时,紧密的防守也会被对手击破。

【Abstract】 As Women’s boxing was included with the 2012 London Olympic Games, many countries and regions have increased attention on women’s boxing and investment, rapid strength of women’s boxing, the competition of gold medal is very intense.In the newly established 3 levels of the Olympics, the Chinese women’s boxing competition in the 51 kg class gold medal considerable strength, but not dominant, still need training theory and techniques and tactics for improvement and breakthrough.Thus to research technical and tactical characteristics of foreign elite boxers can help to promote the sustainable development of women’s boxing.The research included of use of literature, video analysis, data collection methods, etc, to 2010 World 6th Women’s Boxing Championship 3 51KG-level foreign elite female boxers as the research object of the game in the statistical techniques and tactics analysis to explore the technical, tactical play feature, to help our coaches and athletes in women’s boxing team preparing for the London Olympics in 2012, targeted training arrangements and to provide scientific guidance to the reference and theoretical basis.Through research, the main conclusions obtained are as follows:1、Elite Women Boxers Tactical and technical featuresElite Female Boxers have begin a comprehensive technical and tacticaltendency,sliding step or sprint mobile technology was commonly used in the middle range , combined with behind single-punch or combination blows launched a strong attack to the opponents, the offensive tactics also mainly choose straight attack, often caused surprise to the opponents.Mobile defense and dodge is mainly used and combined sliding and evacuation steps, to quickly avoid the opponent’s attack, and meanwhile they are good at using the behind single-punch and combination of both hands to attack the opponents in middle range.behind single-punch is the most commonly used and most effected means to get points among the elite women boxers.2、Cancan Ren Technical Competence SummaryShe’s good at using combination blows to launch a sreial attack with mainly sliding and secondary sprint step.In the defense,she mainly used mobile defense to avoid from opponents’ attack ,good footwork and quick reacion leads a high success rate of defense; backattack are mainly single swing and combination blows,but the swing often used with bad choice.Main loss of competition points was caused by relax protect in the mobile defense and vigilance decline thus hit by opponent’s serial attack.3、Nicholas Adams, Technical Competence SummaryNicholas Adams has a strong sense of attack in the competition,mainly used behind cross and combination punches to attack the opponent through the sliding in the long-range,attack was intense, hit the target clearly, and can control offensive rhythm well.Throughout the game, the pace of flexible, energetic, does not hold fixed, increasing the difficulty of the opponent defense.Defense are mainly the moblie step defense and move-back dodge defense and step away is the main move technique, defense effect is obvious, meanwhile had a strong sense of counter-attack,it will initiate a row of combination punches back to the opponent in defensive move or dodge.But in the race, if the continuous strong attack to opponents is lost, resulting in frustration hit,her offensive confidence and rhythm will be disrupted, or even hold ,pressure on oppenent and other foul play, which will expose some flaws, will give opponents the opportunity to create some counter-attack.4、The Summary of Technical Competence of Tatyana KobKob ’s major combat mode in the game is the use of combination punches to the opponents, stormed the pursuit type of athlete is, the upper body flexibility, not easy to hit by her opponent, she is always tirelessly searching for the best time to attack and counterattack, have good patience.She is good at compete with their rivals in the distance, once found flaws, it will hit the opponent with fist, hit parts mainly concentrated in the head, hit effect is obvious; the sliding move mainly to the body dodge, giving the defense held, to dodge defense and mobile defense is the main defense means, and block defense secondary, she got quick, strong defense; start with the offense and defense conversion speed, a sudden and strong, hitting accurate.The weak side in the main problems: the game play and in case of long-distance high-rivals, once lost from the edge, its ferocious attacks and counterattacks will be loopholes, easy to manufacture at this point to the opponent the opportunity to fight back.5、Hanne Maekinen Technical Competence SummaryHahn Mike Allen is a typical defensive players, the game moves less, more besieged by sliding the ring into just the way the opponent’s corner at close range in the more comfortable in the use of behind cross or Swinging fists straight after the combination of technical to attacks opponent, she got varied offensive line, punching tough, hitting accurate; the entire race, the main defense is behind-head , stick by the defensive secondary, defensive holding frame tight,there is strong defensive awareness and defensive ability, so that opponent is impeccable; calm, cool, with good patience, in the tight defensive back constantly looking for opportunities, once found flaws will be an instant punch, hit effect is obvious.Its weaknesses mainly as follows: Because of its rather monotonous attacks and counter-technology, the pace of movement is relatively small, when faced with fierce long-distance athletes, and the defense will also be break .

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