

Elementary School Physical Education in Training Students’ Cooperation Spirit of Research into the Subject in Shanghai

【作者】 王景文

【导师】 舒盛芳;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 合作精神成为现代人必备的一种极为重要的素质。合作精神不仅是社会发展的需要,也是当今小学生个体成长发展过程中不可缺少的一种重要品质。小学阶段是合作精神培养的重要时期,是塑造个性,培养情操的最佳时期,小学阶段的学生性格还没有完全定型,具有较强的可塑性,抓住塑造学生性格的黄金时间段来培养学生合作精神的意义非同小可。因此,培养学生的合作精神已成为教育工作者必须正视与重视的一大课题。本文通过文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法对小学体育课学生合作精神培养现状进行了调查研究,研究结果如下:⑴上海小学生对合作精神的重要性都是有所认识,同时也非常肯定体育课对合作精神培养的作用。⑵大部分小学生的合作愿望、合作态度、合作意识及合作技巧等方面都表现比较令人满意,但体育教师对学生合作精神的表现与学生的自我感觉有一定差异性。⑶大多数体育教师都比较重视学生合作精神的培养且在教学过程中有意识培养学生合作精神。⑷体育教师都会把培养学生的合作精神纳入其教学目标,但是设定的合作教学目标跟小学生的实际情况不大相符,且在教学过程中,体育教师很少对学生所达到的教学目标情况进行及时的反馈。⑸大多数体育教师会选择游戏和比赛内的体育项目来培养学生的合作精神,其所达成效果还比较好;但是有些好的、传统的体育项目本身具有很好的培养学生合作精神的本质,但没有被体育教师所选用;且大多数体育教师会选择一些相同的教学内容来培养学生的合作精神。⑹体育教师选择最多的是以比赛活动为主的教学方法来培养学生的合作精神且达成的效果也比较好,尤其是游戏法和比赛法。但体育教师在选择方法上跟所达成的效果上并不成正比,有些教学方法对培养学生的合作精神的效果很好,但是采用此教学方法的教师并不多。⑺体育教师认为最能促进学生合作精神的分组形式分别是兴趣分组、能力分组、友伴分组。⑻大多数体育教师会把合作精神作为体育成绩的考核指标,评价合作精神的好坏主要是看合作意识;一半的体育教师还是能做到评价方式多样化。⑼体育教师认为影响体育课培养学生的合作精神,主要有主观和客观两方面。其中,学生们认为影响合作精神培养的最大因素是受“健康第一”思想的影响。⑽上海小学生认为体育课对他们合作精神的促进也有较大的促进,大多数的学生认为通过体育课的学习他们的合作精神得到了较大程度的提高,且提高最明显的体现在合作意识方面。

【Abstract】 Cooperation spirit become a necessary an extremely important qualities. Cooperation spirit is not only the demand of social development, is now arguably the developing process of individual growth pupils a kind of indispensable quality. Primary stage is an important period of cooperation spirit education, is shaping personality, cultivate sentiment of the optimal period, primary school students character is still not fully finalize the design, have strong plasticity, grab a prime time cultivates students’ character to develop students’ cooperation spirit meaning very seriously. Therefore, the training of the students’ co-operative spirit education workers must face has become a big problem with attention.This article through the literature material method, expert interview, questionnaire and mathematical statistics for elementary school physical education students’ cooperation spirit training on the investigation of present, the results of the study are as follows: (1) the Shanghai cooperation spirit of primary school students to understand the importance of, is also very sure of cooperation spirit training of physical function and effect.(2) the most elementary school students desire cooperation, cooperative attitude, cooperation consciousness and cooperation skills appear more satisfying all physical education teachers to students, but with the spirit of cooperation performance of students feel a certain difference.(3) most sports teachers are more concerned the cultivation of students’ cooperation spirit next consciousness training students and the spirit of cooperation.(4) the PE teacher training of the students’ co-operative spirit into its teaching goal, but the cooperation with teaching goals set the actual situation of pupils not conform to, and in the process of teaching, sports teachers rarely reach to the student teaching aim .(5) Most sports teachers will choose [in games and contests the sports to cultivate students’ cooperation spirit, and its effect is relatively good; (6) The physical education teachers in selection method with an effect is not proportional to some teaching method in the training of the students’ co-operative spirit effect is very good, but the teachers to use this teaching method is not much. (7) PE teachers think the most can promote students’ cooperation spirit is interested in the group forms are in group, ability grouping, friend groups. (8)Most sports teachers will put stuff as sports scores spirit of cooperation, the evaluation index of evaluation cooperation spirit bad basically be to see cooperation consciousness. (9) PE teachers think affect physical training of the students’ co-operative spirit, basically have the subjective and objective two aspects. (10) Shanghai pupils think of their cooperation spirit of PE had great promote promote, most students think through physical education learning their cooperation spirit were greatly degree rise, and improving the most obvious reflected in cooperation consciousness.

  • 【分类号】G623.8
  • 【下载频次】329

