

Boxing 75kg of Women Athletes and the Main Characteristics of Rivals

【作者】 刘彩彩

【导师】 王德新;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究通过专家访谈法、文献资料法、视频采集与分析法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法,以第六届世界女子锦标赛的75公斤级的优秀运动员为研究对象,对75公斤级我国的优秀女子拳击运动员与国外的优秀运动员在开局打法、得点技术、防守技术、失点情况、反击技术方面进行横向研究。进而针对现阶段国内外女子拳击技战术的现状进行分析,从而为我国女子大级别运动员备战2012年伦敦奥运会提供一定的策略与建议。研究结果表明:李金子的技战术综合特征:总体上讲是一种远距离打法,善于从远距离发起进攻,以直拳和摆拳为进攻技术,其假动作,直攻,先攻后防的能力比较强,善于发现对手的薄弱环节,运用滑步和冲刺步,进行进攻,进攻速度快,清晰有效,击打准确。但李金子其薄弱环节表现在与组合拳打法特征运动员和近距离打法特征运动员比赛时,较容易被对手近身,一旦失去距离优势,将无法正常发挥技战术水平。斯潘塞的技战术综合特征:总体上讲是一种组合拳打法,以进攻为主,防守为辅,采用推进式移动在中距离以连贯的组合拳攻击对手,连续性强、击打点多、攻击范围广、轻重拳分明。但其薄弱环节往往由于进攻猛烈,持续时间长,体力耗能较大,一旦进攻失败,容易让对手反击得点。科瓦奇的技战术综合特征:总体来讲是一种反击打法,以试探性的进攻为辅,以反击为主的一种经验型的打法。但其薄弱环节一旦反击落空,瞬间手臂的防守姿势过低,暴露出一定的破绽,反过来又给对手的反击提供了机会。根据李金子的具体情况和对手的技战术特征分析,所以在以后的训练中应加强李金子的强处,补足弱处,并针对其对手的薄弱环节进行一定的针对性练习第一,首先李金子比较擅长的拳法为直拳和组合拳,得点率最高,但其摆拳的得点率也较高,可以加强摆拳的训练,针对斯潘赛和科瓦奇在远距离的防守比较薄弱,可多使用远距离的进攻第二,斯潘塞的防守多为抱头防守,虽然抱头防守比较严密,但斯潘塞多善用进攻,而且持续时间长,可针对其进攻特点,李金子可多用于在远距离闪躲和格挡,适当采取时机进行反击,反击要快进快退。科瓦奇的防守多为贴靠战术,而且比较擅长后撤步,善于反击,李金子在其与其交锋时,应该多采用远距离得进攻,和闪躲格挡。第三,斯潘塞和科瓦奇的反击多为组合拳,而且在中近距离比较多,斯潘塞反击部位多为头部,科瓦奇反击部位多为腹部,针对其反击的特点,李金子应加强中近距离的防守能力。

【Abstract】 In this study, expert interviews, literature, video capture and analysis, mathematical statistics and logical analysis, to the Sixth World Women’s Championship, 75 kg of top athletes for the study, the 75 kg class of the outstanding Women’s boxing athletes and elite athletes from abroad play in the opening may point technology, defense technology, loss of points situation, counter-lateral aspects of technology. Then aims at this stage, women’s boxing skills and tactics at home and abroad to analyze the situation, so as to large level of female athletes prepare for London 2012 to provide some strategies and suggestions.The results show that: Li Jinzi comprehensive technical and tactical characteristics: Generally speaking, a long-range game, good attack from a distance to Zhiquan and swing in for the attack technology, its fake, direct attack, first strike capacity relatively strong defense , to find the opponent’s weaknesses, the use of sliding and the sprint-step, to attack, attack fast, clear and effective, hitting accurate. However, the performance of Li Jinzi the weak link characteristics with the combination punch method characteristics of athletes and athletes play close games, the more likely opponents close, once lost from the advantages of technical and tactical play will not work properly.Spencer’s comprehensive technical and tactical characteristics: Generally speaking, law is a combination of punches to the main offensive, defensive secondary, the use of mobile in the middle distance to promote a coherent combination of boxing against his rival, the continuity of strong, hitting points more, attack a wide range of light punch clear. But its weaknesses are often the violent attack, long duration, greater physical energy, once the attack failed, too easy for opponents counter point.Kovac comprehensive technical and tactical characteristics: Generally speaking, a counter play to the offensive, supplemented by exploratory, to counter an experience-based type of play. Once the weak link, but fall back, defensive posture moment arm is too low, exposing some flaws, in turn, gave the opponents an opportunity to counterattack. According to Li Jinzi specific circumstances and characteristics of the opponent’s tactics, so in the future training should be strengthened Li Jinzi a strength, make up the weakness, and weakness against its opponents to practice a certain pertinenceFirst, the first Li Jinzi good at boxing as Zhiquan and the combination of boxing, was the highest point, but the point swing in the rate was high, the training can enhance the swing in for Spencer and Kovac in the distance defense is relatively weak, long-distance attacks can be more use ofSecond, Spencer’s defense mostly Baotou defense, although your head tighter defense, but Spencer and more use of attack, and of long duration, can be characterized for its offensive, Li Jinzi dodge at long range can be used for and parry, the appropriate time to take back, back to fast forward and rewind. Kovac, mostly posted by the defensive tactics, and relatively good retreat step, good counter-attack, Li Jinzi in its confrontation with, they should have to use more long-range attacks, and dodge parry.Third, Spencer, and Kovac’s back and more as the combination of boxing, and more in close range, Spencer, head of counter-parts mostly, Kovacs counter parts, mostly the abdomen, back for its characteristics Li Jinzi should be strengthened in the close defense capabilities.

  • 【分类号】G886
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】140

