

Hebei Financial Background Research Service Center Construction

【作者】 刘泽刚

【导师】 杨兆廷;

【作者基本信息】 河北经贸大学 , 金融学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代至今,伴随着全球金融业的发展,各个金融机构的前后台逐渐出现分离的态势,并且其分离出去的金融后台逐渐向亚洲地区转移,金融前后台逐渐分离的趋势以及金融后台外移的事态正在不断影响着国际金融业发展的空间布局和竞争态势。在当前全球金融竞争越来越激烈的背景下,金融机构分离出自身非核心竞争业务,以实现合理“瘦身”轻装上阵。在我国金融后台服务业日渐开放过程中,这种前台与后台分离的业务发展模式的增长发展速度令人瞩目,这项业务可以发挥我国较为廉价的劳动力资源优势,同时低耗能,可持续发展的朝阳产业。同时,采取将前台业务和后台业务分离也使我国金融机构提高了效率,降低了成本,增大了竞争力。本文以交易成本理论,核心竞争力理论、交易费用理论,金融再造理论,产业集群理论等为理论基础,以河北省金融后台服务中心建设为主要研究内容,在深入分析金融后台服务的概念、特点和功能的基础之上,肯定了积极发展金融后台服务对河北省经济发展产生的巨大推动作用。通过对比国内外金融后台服务的发展模式,对优秀的、先进的理论进行借鉴与应用,提出我省建设金融后台服务中心的对策建议。

【Abstract】 Since the90s of the 20th century, the global financial industry has shown a separation of front and back-office services and background services constantly refined division of labor trends, and this trend also presents the transfer of the Asia Pacific region and the relative concentration of the situation, the financial back-office services and outsourcing Expanding, is changing the international financial industry and the competitive situation the space layout.In the current context of the global financial crisis, financial institutions will own separaten on-core competitive business, has achieved reasonable "downsizing "move forward with ease. In the process of gradual opening up of China’s financial services industry in Taiwan before and after the separation of this mode of business development pace of development the sincreased considerably impressive, is a play of labor resources, while non-polluting, sustainable development of the sunrise industry. At the same time, to take the business to Taiwan before and after the separation of China’s financia linstitutions improve efficiency, reduce costs and enhance competitiveness.In this paper, core competence theory, transaction cost theory as the theoretical basis, the financial background services center in Hebei Province as the main research, in-depth analysis of the concept of financial back-office services, based on features and functions, certainly a positive development of the financial Background service on the enormouse conomic development in Hebei Province to promote the role. By comparing the development of domestic and foreign financial background service mode on the good, learn advanced theory and application, proposed building the province’s financial background services center suggestions.


