

An Analysis on Productive Service Trade Promote China’s International Competitiveness of Manufacturing

【作者】 谭辉

【导师】 焦知岳;

【作者基本信息】 河北经贸大学 , 国际贸易学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪80年代以后,随着国际分工的进一步深化,世界经济逐步向服务经济转型,这是一次从技术到产业组织、经营管理、商业模式、运行体制、发展方式的全方位变革,它代表着经济发展的战略方向和总体趋势。世界经济的转型使服务的可贸易性大幅度增强,服务贸易流量占世界贸易总额的比重日益提高。随着生产组织方式的变革和专业分工细化的趋势,服务的内容中间化;加之市场化水平的不断提高,服务的发展呈现外部化。外部化的服务逐渐从制造业生产部门中分离,形成了独立的产业。即提供市场化中间服务的生产性服务。目前,生产性服务已成为“产业的中间人”,是产品差异化和增值的主要来源,也是服务业中增长最快的领域,其产业增加值占整个服务业的比重达70%以上。生产性服务的可贸易性促进了生产要素在国际间的充分流动,并向生产部门传递了技术资本、人力资本和知识资本,也传递了比较优势,深化了产业分工、促进了产业融合,从而降低了生产成本和运营风险、提高了劳动生产率。可见,拥有高新技术含量和高知识含量的生产性服务推动了制造产业的升级,生产性服务贸易的发展增强了制造业的国际竞争优势,对制造业竞争力的提升有着极其重要的作用。本文界定了生产性服务的概念,阐述了生产性服务贸易的发展。在此基础上,首先分析了我国生产性服务贸易现状与制造业竞争力的发展水平及二者的密切联系。随后分别从理论与实证的角度,说明生产性服务贸易影响我国制造业国际竞争力的提升。在理论分析中,以技术和资本两个对制造业竞争力起核心作用的因素为基础,阐述生产性服务贸易促进制造业竞争力发展的作用机理与途径。在实证分析中,通过建立模型,考察生产性服务各行业对制造业竞争力的作用;并对模型结果进行分析,得出结论:生产性服务贸易的增长从总体上促进了制造业竞争力的提升,其中保险、金融、咨询服务贸易对制造业竞争力提升作用显著。但由于新兴生产性服务领域仍发展缓慢,使得我国生产性服务贸易结构仍需完善、竞争力亟待提升。最后就促进我国生产性服务贸易的发展提出了相应的对策建议。

【Abstract】 After the 1980s, with the further deepening of international division of labor, the world economy gradually transfer to a service economy. This is a comprehensive reform that from technology to industrial organization, management, business model, operation system, and the pattern of development, it represents the strategic direction of economic development and overall trends. Trade of service can be significantly enhanced, the amount of service trade share the proportion of total world trade has increased continuously. With the gradual refinement of specialization, continuously improvement of marketization, development of service exteriorization, all these are mainly reflected in productive service. At present, the productive service has become "industry of middlemen", become the major sources of product differentiation and product value-added, is also the fastest growing areas of service, the proportion of entire service industry accounts for more than 70%. Productive service not only transfers of technical capital, human capital and knowledge capital, but also conveys the comparative advantage to manufacture department. It can deepen the industrial division, promote industrial integration, so as to reduce transaction costs and operating risks and improve production efficiency. So the productive service with high-tech and high knowledge has promoted the updating of manufacturing industry, and the development of productive service trade has the extremely vital role in the promotion of manufacturing competitiveness.The paper is on the basis of defined the concept of productive service, firstly analyzes the developing situation of productive service trade and manufacturing competitiveness and close contact between them. Then exposit the productive service trade impact on Chinese manufacturing competitiveness from the theoretical and empirical perspective. In the theoretical analysis, there are two factors, technology and capital, which play a central role in manufacturing competitiveness. Through the two factors, the paper describes the mechanisms and approaches that productive service trade is how to promote the development of manufacturing competitiveness. In the positive analysis, through building model and analysis of model results, comes to the conclusion that growth of productive service trade is in general promote the development of manufacturing competitiveness. Especially the effect of insurance, finance and consulting service trade on the manufacturing competitiveness are remarkable. But as the newly realm of productive service developed slowly, so the development of productive service trade structure in China still needs to improve, and competitiveness calls for promote immediately. At last in paper, put forward some proposals and countermeasures for the promotion of productive trade in services.

  • 【分类号】F719;F752.68;F424;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】399
  • 攻读期成果

